Warren G Harding
When ________ took the oath to become the 29th president of the US, he promised stability and prosperity via a "return to normalcy.
Harlem Renaissance
The ________ was manifested in theater, art, and music.
In ________, Oklahoma, Black Americans had built up the Greenwood District with commerce and prosperity.
In many states and localities, the Klan dominated politics to such a level that one could not be elected without the support of the ________.
Headquartered in ________, the UNIA published a newspaper, Negro World, and organized elaborate parades in which members, known as Garveyites, dressed in ornate, militaristic regalia and marched down city streets.
Great Migration
The ________ had pulled enormous numbers of Black southerners northward, and, just as cultural limits loosened across the nation, the 1920s represented a period of self- reflection among African Americans, especially those in northern cities.
National politics
________ in the 1920s were dominated by the Republican Party, which held not only the presidency but both houses of Congress as well.
Alain Locke
________ did not coin the term New Negro, but he did much to popularize it.
Members of the ________ and affiliated organizations often carried out acts of lynching and "nightriding- "the physical harassment of bootleggers, union activists, civil rights workers, or any others deemed "immoral "under the cover of night or their hoods and robes.
Two events in 1915 are widely credited with inspiring the rebirth of the Klan
the lynching of Leo Frank and the release of The Birth of a Nation, a popular and groundbreaking film that valorized the Reconstruction Era Klan as a protector of feminine virtue and white racial purity
Teapot Dome scandal
Warren Harding's administration suffered when several officials conspired to lease government land in Wyoming to oil companies in exchange for cash
Nineteenth Amendment
The ________________________ gave women the right to vote
Equal Rights Amendment
The _________________ was introduced and called for the elimination of all legal distinctions on account of sex, but was defeated in Congress
Assembly line
The __________________ advanced production strategies within countless industries
Tulsa Massacre
During the __________________ several hundred Black people were killed during by white rioters incited by a false claim of rape
Great Migration
The ________________________ pulled large numbers of Black southerners to northern states as a result of Jim Crow racism
Harlem Renaissance
A period in the 1920s when African-American achievements in art and music and literature flourished
Universal Negro Improvement Association
The _________________________________________ was the largest Black nationalist organization in the world
Emergency Immigration Act
The ____________________ was passed as a stopgap immigration measure
Ku Klux Klan
The _____________________ was reborn as a white supremacist organization that claimed to protect American values and the American way of life from anyone who did not fit the mold
The lynching of Leo Frank and the release of "The Birth of a Nation"
What two events are credited with the rebirth of the Klan?
_______________ is putting a person to death by mob action without due process of law
________________ was the harassment of any deemed "immoral" under the cover of night