Dimensional Analysis
________ is a method that uses the idea that any number can be multiplied by one without changing its value.
Scientific notations
________ are used for very large numbers, or really small numbers.
Significant Figures
________: The "figures, "or digits that are important in measurements and calculations.
Exact numbers
________ are numbers that are….
Measured Numbers
Numbers/Amounts that are determined using a measuring tool
(Examples includes
height or weight)
Significant Figures
The "figures", or digits that are important in measurements and calculations
The following image shows that its around 1.2 cm
To begin, there are two types of numbers as far as significant figures are concerned
zeroes, and nonzero digits (1-9)
1,234 has four significant figures
0.00001 has 1 significant figure (the 1)
1.0091 has 5 significant figures (they all count)
1,000 has 1 significant figure (the 1), while 1,000.0 has 5 significant figures (all of them)
12 eggs in a dozen
39923 = 3.9923 x 10^4
0.0052 = 5.2 x 10^-3
Adding/Subtracting with Significant Figures
Round to number with fewest decimal places
Multiplying/Dividing with Significant Figures
Round to number with fewest significant numbers