Communication channels through which data can be sent around the computer
Data bus
Carries data between the processor and memory
Address bus
Carries the address of the memory location being read from or written to.
Control bus
Sends control signals from the control unit.
Describe the purpose of the control unit
Contents of the PC are copied to MAR
The read signal is sent across the control bus and the contents of the MAR are sent across the address bus.
The contents of the memory location stored in the MAR are then sent across the data bus and stored in the MDR
The contents of the MDR are then copied to the CIR
The PC is incremented by one.
the contents of the CIR are sent to the control unit
the control unit decodes the instruction
the registers can be changed in different ways during the execution phase, depending on the instruction.
if the instruction is for a memory location to be read from or written to (LDA or STA), then the address stored within the instruction will be loaded into the MAR.
with STA the data stored in the ACC is sent to memory
LDA the data is loaded from memory into the ACC
If the instruction is to carry out a calculation, the contents of the MDR and ACC are sent to the ALU and the result sent back to the ACC.