Hablar a viva voz
To speak with a lively voice/outspoken person
Manos a la obra
Everybody lets go to work
Aburrirse como una ostra
To be super bored
Traer a colaciĂłn
To bring to the table/discussion/highlight a point
Contra viento y marea
Against all odds
Amor con hambre no dura… y si dura, no perdura
First things first
¿Cómo están? Vivo/a/s y coleando
How are you? Alive and kicking
Es pan comido
It’s eaten bread - piece of cake
Echar un ojo/ echar un vistazo
Have a quick look
A vuelo de pájaro
Bird’s flight - aka to do something quickly/tell me quickly w/o detail
Más claro no canta un gallo
Nobody sings clearer than a rooster - to make a point super clear
No importar un pepino/un rábano (me importa un pepino rábano) rábano = radish
I don’t care about a cucumber/i care about a radish - don’t give at all (idgaf)
No tener ni pies ni cabeza
Don’t have feet or a head - doesn’t make any sense/nonsense
Meter la pata
To stick your foot in something - to mess up badly
No pegar un ojo
You don’t stick one single eye - I didn’t sleep a wink/ To not sleep at all all night (insomnia)
No tener pelos en la lengua
I don’t have hair in my tongue - too straightforward/blunt, almost mean
Encontrar tu media naranja
To find your soulmate
Ser una mosca muerta
Being sneaky
Morirse de la risa
To die of laughter - laugh out loud/ laugh your head off (LOL)
Morirse del hambre
To die of hunger - to be starving
Hablar hasta por los codos
Someone who speaks through the elbows - someone who talks a lot (ie. Profe Romay)
Tomar el pelo
To pull your hair - to tease someone.
Tirar la casa por la ventana
To tear the house by the window - to overspend/ throw a lavish party
Ser uña y carne
To be a nail flesh - to be super close to someone/ inseparable
Llover sobre mojado
Rain over wet - You're being repetitive
Más loco que una cabra
Crazier than a goat - You are crazy! Nuts!
Ver todo color de rosa
To see everything pink - to be super optimistic
Ser la gota que colma el vaso
to be the final straw that triggers a reaction or decision
Dejar plantado a X
to stand someone up
Echar una mano
throw a hand, help out
Salirse con la suya
to get away with something
Buscarle 5 patas al gato OR Buscarle 3 pies al gato
to overcomplicate things
Hacerse la vista gorda
to turn a blind eye, to overlook and ignore something