Chapter 1
Modeling Our Orderly World 1A Order In Our World What is Physical Science
God created the universe with order because He is a God of order / 1B
Studying Science Why do we do science
Creation Mandate
the command given in Genesis 1, instructing man to fill the earth and have dominion over it / How do we decide whether or not a particular use of science is right or wrong
Human Prospering A Thriving Creation Glorifying God / Biblical Motivations
How can I grow through this decision
the systematic study of the universe to produce observations interferences, and models
You can convert between any two units of measures as long as you know the conversion factor / Unit Analysis 1. write the value that you already know 2. write the conversion factor which should be a factor NOTE
the old unit does in the denominator 3. cancel your units 4. calculate the answer by multiplying and dividing / How it works Balances and scales o both balances and scales basically weigh things, but use slightly different dimensions o a balance measures mass, while a scale measures height o a balance works like a seesaw, balancing an unknown mass with a known mass o a scale measures force due to gravity (weight) o a scale uses a spring system to determine the amount of force being applied
physical science
the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter as well as changes in matter
creation mandate
the command given in Genesis 1, instructing man to fill the earth and have dominion over it
a system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct
a workable explanation or description of a phenomena
the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
a model that explains a related set of phenomena
a model that describes phenomena under certain conditions * It does not attempt to explain the phenomena
scientific inquiry
an ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world
the basis upon which a model is assessed, taking into account how well it explains or describes a set of observations and how well the model makes predictions
an initial, testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides the scientific investigation
qualitative data
based on words and is obtained by observation
quantitative data
based on numbers and is obtained by measuring measurement
comparison of a measurement to an accepted or expected value
degree of exactness of a measurement
meter (m)
kilogram (kg)
second (s)
electric current
ampere (A)
kelvin (K)
amount of substance
mole (mol)
intensity of light
candela (Cd)
10^9 (1 000 000 000)
Factor: 10^6 ( 1 000 000)
Factor: 10^3 (1 000)
Factor: 10^-1 (0.1) (1/10)
Factor: 10^-2 (0.01) (1/100)
Factor: (10^-3) (0.001) (1/1000)
Factor: 10^-6 (0.000 001) (1/100 000)
Factor: 10^-9 (0.000 000 001) (1/100 000 000)