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Small and petty
Put in place of authority
Not overly bright, but dogged
Juror Two
Meek and hesitant
Doesn’t have his own opinions on things
Easily swayed
Maintains the opinion of the last person who spoke
Juror Three
Strong, forceful, and extremely opinionated
Bit of a sadist
Humorless and intolerant of opinions besides his own
Forces opinions and wishes onto others
The last one to change vote to not guilty
Juror Four
Man of wealth and position
Good speaker, well presented
Feels superior to other jurors
Only concerned with facts and logic, and thinks the other jurors are crazy
Has glasses
Three always agreeing with him until he changes vote to not guilty
Juror Five
Naive, frightened
Finds it difficult to speak up
Came from the slums
Has witnessed knife fights and knows how to properly hold a knife
Juror Six
Honest, but dull-witted who comes to decisions slowly and carefully
Finds it difficult to create positive opinions
Must listen to and digest to accept opinions by others which appeal to him most
Juror Seven
Loud, flashy, salesman type
Has a musical to get to, so he wants to finish the voting as soon as possible
Quick to show temper and quick to form opinions on things
A bully and a coward
Juror Eight*
Quiet, thoughtful, and gentle
sees all sides of the question to understand the truth
Man of strength tempered with compassion
Seeks justice
The first to vote non guilty
Juror Nine
Mild, gentle old man
Defeated by life, and waiting to die
Relates with the old man who gave a testimony
Juror Ten
Angry, bitter man
Bigot who sees no value on human life besides his own
Juror Eleven
Refugee from Europe
Speaks with accent
Ashamed, humble, almost subservient to people around him
Seeks justice because he has endured injustice
Juror Twelve
Slick, bright advertising man
Thinks of human beings in terms of percentages, graphs and polls
No real understanding of people
Superficial snob, but trying to be a good fellow
First Vote (Act 1)
Raising of hands
11 for guilty
Juror Eight votes not guilty
The Case and Defendant
19 Year old boys stabs father with a knife
Came from the slums
Racial Minority
Claims he was at the movies (no ticket stub though/no proof)
Criminal record— Stole a car, arrested for mugging, stabbed someone in arm (knife fighting)
Sent to reform school at 15 (for stabbing someone)
Beat by his father since he was 5 (father used fists)
The Knife
“One of a kind'“ defendant bought as a present for his friend and lost through a hole in his jacket pocket
Juror Eight has the exact same knife (proves knife is not one of a kind). Got it at a junk shop for $2
No fingerprints on the knife
Old Man’s Testimony
Lives on the second floor underneath the room where the crime happened
12:10 on the night of crime, he heard loud noises from upstairs room (sounds like fight)
heard kid say “I’m gonna kill you”. A second later heard body falling, and ran to the door of his apartment
Looked out door and saw kid running out of the house
called police— found father with a knife in his chest
Took 15 seconds to run from bed to door
Based on the Woman’s testimony, the El Train passed by during the stabbing. The train is very loud— the old man would not have heard the boy yell
Old Man may have lied for attention (according to Nine)
Carried two canes. Needed assistance to walk in courtroom
Woman across the street’s Testimony
Lying in bed and can’t sleep
Wakes up and looks out the window and through the windows of the passing El Train, seeing the kid stab his father
*Woman is of the same racial minority as the defendant
Five car train— saw it through the last two cars
People across the hall’s Testimony
Argument between father and son around 8:00 that night
Heard the father hit boy twice, then saw boy walk out of house angrily
Defendant’s Testimony
Went to the movies (no ticket stub or proof)
Went out of house at 8:00 after being beat by father
Bought switch knife at neighborhood storekeeper as a present for his friend
Knife fell out of hole in his coat pocket
Secret Ballot (Act 1)
Eight proposes a secret ballot
10 guilty - 2 not guilty
Three thinks Five voted not guilty
Juror Nine changed his vote
Recreate the old man walking (Act 2)
Eight asks for diagram of apartment with dimensions
Prove old man could not have walked to door in 15 seconds— Old man needed assistance getting into witness chair
Two times Eight when he recreates. It takes Eight 39 seconds (at a faster pace than the old man could walk in the courtroom) to walk the distance
Eight and Three fight (Act 2)
Three believes the defendant is guilty and wants him to be executed
Eight calls him a sadist
Three tried to attack Eight, held back by two other jurors.
“Let me go! I’ll kill him! I’ll kill him"!” Eight makes a remark and act 2 ends here
Three’s threats disprove his claim of saying you’re gonna kill someone means you’re gonna kill them for reals. Six uses this as proof for not guilty vote of Act 3
About the angle of the stabbing (Three demonstrates stabbing)
Two is questioning how the 5’8’’ kid stabbed the 6’2’’ father at a downward angle
Three demonstrates how this is possible and recommended— Eight stands up to be stabbed, Three crouches to be shorter than Eight. Three stabs downward, hard, with the blade out, making like he going to actually stab Eight. Two says “Look out!” Three reaches short just as Eight is almost stabbed. Three laughs, and other jurors are upset
Eight questions Three on if he has ever stabbed someone— Three is defensive
Five illustrates how to stab
Five has seen knife fights galore— too many of them (the slums)
Use knife underhanded, not overhand. An experienced knife fighter (like the defendant) would use it the correct way, underhand
Smart or Dumb?
Eight questions whether the kid is smart or dumb
Reasonable doubt
Dumb- would automatically stab underhand as he was trained, wait until El Train passes by, allowing someone in the train to maybe see the murder, swept by emotion
Smart- make it look like an amateur, wipe away fingerprints, wait until El Train passes by
All of this is for Eight to prove that there is reasonable doubt
Ten’s Racist Rant
Right after 2nd vote
Thinks they shouldn’t believe the defendant because of his race.
Goes on about “those people” lie, kill for no reason, drink and fight all the time, and they’re no good
As he speaks, several jurors get up and go to the window. Five gets up first, then Nine who is followed by Eleven. Eight gets up and Two and Six follow him. Foreman gets up, followed by Seven and Twelve.
Three remains sitting, and Four goes to Ten to threaten him (I’m gonna split your skull)
Four directs jurors to sit again, but he remains standing