Hershey and Chase
They found out DNA was the genetic material, not protein.
3 Parts of a nucleotide
Nitrogenous base, 5 carbon (Pentose) sugar, and phosphate group.
Deoxyribose sugar, double stranded, thymine, storage of genetic information
Small building block molecules
A long molecule consisting of many similar building blocks.
Anabolic pathways
The synthesis of complex molecules from simple ones.
Catabolic Pathways
The breakdown of complex molecules into simpler molecules.
Is monomer nucleotide or polynucleotide?
Is polymer nucleotide or polynucleotide?
Bond that holds together nucleotides
2 rings, A/G
1 ring, U/C/T
Ribose sugar, uracil, single stranded, accesses genetic information.
2 things that will never touch going opposite ways.
What holds together complementary base pairs in DNA?
Hydrogen Bonds
Discovered ratios of A-T and G-C are equal.
Rosalind Franklin
Took photo 51, which confirmed DNA was double Helixed.
Watson and Crick
Got credit for discovering DNA was double helixed.
Miller-Urey Experiment
An experiment that replicated conditions of prebiotic earth. After some time amino acids formed.
Last Universal Common Ancestor. Supported by universal genetic code and conserved genes across all organisms.
Cell Theory
All living organisms are composed of cells, cells are the basic units of structure and function in living organisms.
4 structures all cells share
Membrane, cytoplasm, DNA, and ribosomes.
Differences between plant and fungal cells
Plants have cell wall made of cellulose while fungal cells have a cell wall made of chitin. Plant cells have cholorplasts, fungal cells don’t. Plant cells have a large central vacuole, fungal cells have multiple small vacuoles.
Similarities between plant and fungal cells
Eukaryotic, have a cell membrane. They both have cytoplasm.
8 Processes of life
Cells, Homeostasis, Adapts, Responds, Reproduces, Grows, Energy, DNA.
Endosymbiotic theory
Idea that Eukaryotes evolved from Prokaryotes by having one bacteria engulf another one. Evidence: Mitochondria and chloroplasts have a double membrane. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own ribosomes.
Atypical Cell examples
Skeletal muscle cells, fungal hyphae. Both have a double nucleus.