Name of the boat “attacked” by US destroyers
USS Maddox
What did LBJ pass in response to this incident?
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
What did the Vietcong use to their advantage (through other countries)
Ho Chi Minh Trail
What operation did LBJ carry out?
Operation Rolling Thunder
What other destructive methods did the US use to destroy the jungle?
Agent Orange and napalm
Name of the famous photograph showing the horror of these weapons (children born with deformities)
Napalm Girl
How did LBJ respond to the Draft Dilemma
The Selective Service System
Name of the national aptitude test used for the SSS
Selective Service Qualification test
What did Nixon change the SSS to later on?
Vietnam War draft
Who was the general in charge in Vietnam who regularly made optimistic statements?
William Westmoreland
What event in Vietnam revealed the truth about the situation?
Tet Offensive
Name of the photographer who took a photo of a suspected Vietcong being executed in Saigon
Eddie Adams
What did this create in the US (negative)
credibility gap
What speech did MLK deliver criticizing US’s involvement in Vietnam?
Beyond Vietnam
Who was in charge of the FBI?
J. Edgar Hoover
LBJ extended the bombing to within ___ miles of the Chinese border
What countercultural movement emerged against the US?
Youth International Party (Yippie)
Name three famous figures in the Yippie movement
Hoffman, Leary, Wavy Gravy, and Rubin
Who did the Yippies nominate as their candidate for the 1968 US presidential election?
Pigasus the Immortal
What movement did the kid putting flowers into barrels represent?
Flower Power
Who helped Nixon to make secret contacts with South Vietnam and tell them to delay peace talks?
Anna Chennault
In what year did LBJ announce he would not run for President again?
Who was Nixon’s National Security advisor?
Henry Kissinger
What process does Kissinger suggest to shift the burden of the war to the South Vietnamese?
Who did Nixon appeal to during a TV address?
Silent Majority
Name of the village that was massacred by a platoon of US soldiers in 1969?
Mai Lai Massacre
Name of the operations (e.g. the Mai Lai Massacre)
Search and Destroy
What strategy did Kissinger propose to pressure North Vietnam into peace negotiations?
Madman Theory
What country did Nixon bomb as part of Madman Theory?
What did he call the bombing of Cambodia?
Operation Menu
What brutal regime in Cambodia benefitted from the bombing?
Khmer Rouge
What incident took place during a protests against the bombing of Cambodia?
Kent State University shootings
In which state was this?
How many people were killed?
How many people were wounded?
As a result, there was a nationwide strike including how many participants?
4 million
Name of the whistleblower that leaked classified government documents in 1971?
What were these documents later known as?
Pentagon Papers
Name of the group set up by Nixon to prevent future ‘leaks’
The Plumbers
Name of the notorious break-in of the Democratic Party headquarters
Watergate Scandal
What strategy did Kissinger proposed in 1972 which meant playing off major communist powers to pressure North Vietnam into negotiating?
Triangular Diplomacy
Which two communist powers did Nixon improve relations with?
USSR and China
When did Nixon go to the USSR and begin arms control agreements and trade discussions?
Moscow Summit 1972
Where did the US end their direct involvement in the Vietnam War?
Paris Peace Accords
What did Nixon do after the North Vietnamese suddenly launched a massive offensive on South Vietnam?
Bombed Hanoi and Haiphong Harbour
What campaign did Nixon authorise in 1973?
Christmas Bombing
What phrase did The New York Times use to describe Nixon’s Christmas Bombing?
Stone Age barbarism
Which event marked the end of the war?
Fall of Saigon
For how many years was the US involved in the Vietnam War?
Around how many US soldiers died?
50 000