interest groups
an organization of people that shares a common belief and goal
Super PACS
PACS with unlimited donations
someone who tries to get a legislator to vote for bills that the lobbyists favor
trade associations
organization founded and funded by people in that industry (ex: carpenting)
public interest groups
group that focuses on a niche topic, unlikely to compromise and more likely to recruit people who are new to politics
ways that interest groups can influence public opinions
law makers
how interest groups act as a linkage institution
they indirectly influence the law making process
role of vice president in bill making process
tie breaker
power of the purse
witholding funds from a group in order to influence their actions
how a bill becomes a law
congressional oversight
congress can monitor and review the implementation of policies
legislators supporting each other's bill to secure their passage
tax/revenue bills start in the...
house of representatives
senator waiting pass the bill passing deadline in order to indirectly turn down a bill
voting model where voters are expected to trust their representative to make informed decisions
tax/revenue bills starts..
in the House Of Representatives
there are high incumbency rates in Congress because..
terms are for 6 years and often people want to vote for a candidate that will win
standing committees
permanent groups in Congress that review bills and issues related to specific topics
conference committees
temporary committee created to settle differences in versions of a bill
discharge petition
petition to force bills out of House committee, requires 218 signatures
when a senator asks to be informed before a particular bill is brought to floor, indicates some objection to the bill or nomination
60 votes needed to stop a filibuster
Baker v. Carr
Shaw v. Reno
race can't be used to determine congressional districts but political preferences can
redrawing district lines following reapportionment (rearranging based on census), done by state legislatures
when districts get redrawn to benefit the party in power