Lap 2 American History

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Know why the executive cabinet was created

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US History

22 Terms


Know why the executive cabinet was created

Advise president, run departments, enforce laws

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Biggest problem for the Washington Administration

National Debt from the revolutionary war

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Know how federalists responded to the national debt problem

  1. Tariffs and taxes

  2. Store money in Hamilton’s national bank

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Main impacts of Hamilton’s bank plan and growing divisions

Creation of National bank; New capitol in Virginia; Political parties (federalists and democratic republicans)

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Why bill of rights was added to constitution

Antifederalists wanted to define the rights of the people and gaurantee protections; protect people from national government having too much power

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Washington’s response to the Whiskey Rebellion

After negotiations, Washington sent troops to capture the rebellion’s leaders and reestablish order

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purpose of treaty of greenville

end hostilities between natives and US

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Democratic-republican response to alien and sedition acts

Felt targeted by the acts. Kentucky and Virginia resolutions declared the laws unconstitutional in those states; Nullification

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Why was Jefferson’s victory in 1800 seen as a revolution?

1st peaceful change of party in office; set pattern for next 200 years

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two ways Jefferson did and didn’t change federal Gov

did: reduced size of military and reduced taxes

didn’t: maintained structure of federal government and the federalist system, specifically the bank, laws, and agencies

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three arguments for and against Louisiana purchase

For: Bargain price (2 cents/acre), ownership of Louisiana by any European power would be a threat to the safety of the US, buying Louisiana would double the size of the US

Against: would increase National debt, Settlers who go far away would not stay loyal to the US, purchase of foreign territory is not in delegated powers in constitution

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2 diplomatic responses to the interruption of US trade by Britain

‘07 - embargo act: trade embargo on all foreign nations; Jefferson’s attempt to punish Britain, accidentally ruined US economy

‘09 - non intercourse act: prohibiting all shipping and trade between America and French or British-controlled ports

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strict vs loose constitutional interpretation

Strict: congress can only do something if specifically outlined in the constitution

Loose: Congress can do anything as long as the constitution doesn’t say not to do it

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proclamation of neutrality

stay out of foreign affairs as GW warned against foreign entanglement

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Alien and Sedition Acts

the Federalists’ unpopular attempt to limit terrorism and criticism of the government; raised resident requirement and allowed president to deport any alien considered undesireable; set jail time and fines for people trying to hinder the operation of government or express “false, scandalous, or malicious” statements against gov

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Judicial review

supreme court’s ability to overturn laws deemed unconstitutional; established by Marbury v. Madison

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Non-intercourse act

prohibiting all shipping and trade between US and and British and French-controlled ports during Napoleanic Wars

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Treaty of Ghent

treaty that declared an armistice, ending war of 1812; US did not lose territory or make any payments, did not occupy, did not make any government changes

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contrast political/economic ideas and supporters of Jefferson and Hamilton

Constitutional interpretation: Ham- loose, Jeff- strict

Power in govt: Ham- strong central, Jeff- weak central, strong state/local govs

Supporters: Ham- wealthy, merchants, bankers(federalists) Jeff- farmers, planters(democratic-republicans)

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Political/economic causes of war of 1812

Political: frontier issues (British supplying Natives with weapons for conflicts against US)

Economic: trade interference; impressing American ships

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Why war of 1812 was a turning point

collapse of federalist party; confirmed US independence; encouraged growth of US industries to make goods unavalible from England

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Effects of war of 1812

GB will leave US alone

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