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What is epidemiology?
Does not emphasize the individual, but instead focuses on patterns of disease that occur among large groups of people
Central role is to explain the social factors and conditions in a society that lead to illness
an instance of a disorder, illness, or injury
Exposure to disorder, illness, or injury
This is looking at the population at risk
Crude Rate
Divide case (numerator) by risk (denominator)
Focuses on the number of cases of an illness at a specified time
Divide the population risk by the number of cases. Then multiply by 1,000, 10,000, or 100,000
 How do Mirowsky & Ross define distress?
 Uncomfortable subjective states of being
What are the 3 states subjective states of being?
Malaise (lethargy, weakness)
Anxiety (fear, worry, irritability)
Depression (sad, lonely, feelings of worthlessness)
When examining the prevalence of mental illness, 80 studies were reviewed by Dohrenwend and Dohrenwend. A consistent relationship was found between mental disorder and social class, location, gender, and education. What are these 5 trends based on class, location, gender, and education?
Gender: women more likely
Location: living in urban or suburban
Higher education
Higher income
Less religious
What is alienation?
 Detachment from social and personal relationships, results in isolation
What are the 5 types of alienation?
powerlessness, self-estrangement, isolation, meaninglessness, and normlessness
External locus of control
learned, generalized expectation that outcomes of situations are determined by forces external to one’s self
Internal locus of control
Learned, generalized expectation that outcomes are contingent on one’s own choices and actions
belief system with consequences for mental well-being
perceptions of unfairness, injustice
Inequity triggers emotions and can also triggers feelings of anxiety and depression
Role conflict
Expectations of two separate roles produce incompatible demands
Role ambiguity
Unsure what the expectation is for a certain role
Role overload
The expectations of multiple roles overwhelm the individual and diminishes resources
What is the strongest, single predictor of good mental health?
Why is Faris and Dunham’s study important?
Earliest study that linked social class and mental health
General findings of Faris and Dunham’s study
Examined schizophrenia and found a higher concentration of this mental illness in the poorer areas in Chicago
Social isolation
Social selection and social causation
Social isolation is an important factor for schizophrenia, although the disorder itself is likely to result in isolation
A person’s social class has definite implications for one’s mental health
How did Hollingshed and Redlich improve upon Faris and Dunham’s study?
The link between mental disorder and social class does depend on the disorder examinedÂ
The lower the social class, the higher the prevalence of schizophrenia
The higher the social class, the higher the prevalence of anxiety
The least amount of any disorder, including anxiety, was found in the highest upper class
According to Srole and Associates, which age group had the best mental health?
According to Srole and Associates which group had the worst mental health?
What are the contributing factors that lead to mental disorder in children and adolescents?
Interaction between genetics/biology and the social or environmentÂ
What are some of the social or environmental factors?
Parental/family relations, peers, neighborhood, schools
Inadequate care from parents, distressed or dysfunctional parents, low income, community factors
Child abuse and maltreatmentÂ
Social media
 Why is middle age the best time for mental health?
After 35
Earnings, job, marriages are stable
Kids are grown
Self-esteem tends to be higher
Why are men over the age of 85 at the highest risk of suicide?
Why are men more likely to be admitted into mental hospitals/institutions?
Less likely to seek help when mental is not as bad
   How do women experience mental illness?
Women are more likely to internalize their distress resulting in anxiety and depression
The research overall supports that women are more vulnerable to mental disorder than men and this is the case no matter the age group
How do men experience mental illness?
Men are more likely to externalize their distress resulting in more substance abuse/use, addictive disorders, and personality disorders
Men are more likely to be admitted into mental hospitals
How does socialization influence gender differences and mental illness?
Differences between males and females also result from socialization differencesÂ
It is these gender roles that may lead to the differences we see in terms of women with internalizing disorders and men with externalizing disorders
Researchers have hypothesized that younger boys endure more stress than girls and suffer from more disorder, but this changes during adolescence
What is the second shift?
Women shoulder the burden of household labor and complete more day-today, mundane tasks compared to men
Gove and Tudor (1973) suggested five aspects that could lead to depression and anxiety for men. What are those 5 aspects?
Women who are restricted into one role namely a domestic role limits the sources of gratification for women
The domestic role results in frustration because of its lower skill and lower prestige compared to work outside the home
The domestic role is unstructured and invisible
When a woman is working outside of the home, it is typically in care giving professions or pink collar work that is characterized by low pay and high levels of job dissatisfaction
 What is the double bind?
This is frustration that is felt being in a traditional role and also with a career role
 How does marital status impact mental health outcomes?
Married people have better mental health than the unmarried
 How does marital quality impact mental health outcomes?
Quality matters! Marital conflict and dissatisfaction can lead to stress
What is intersectionality?
how an individual may face multiple types of overlapping discrimination depending on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, physical ability, class or any other characteristic that might place them in a minority class.
How is race related to social class?
There is one stressor that is unique to race = racial discrimination
Moderators = A strong sense of identity and having a lot of pride in that identity can reduce the impact of discrimination
What does the research find regarding mental health differences between Whites and Blacks/African Americans?
The differences that we do see between racial minorities and Whites due to social class
Highlights the important of intersectionality
What one aspect can play a major role when it comes to distress and depression for Blacks/African Americans?
More instances of depression and distress among Blacks because of social class
More distress among blacks in a lower SES
Not the case for other mental disorders
What are the 4 protective factors that help Blacks/African Americans reduce stress?
Sense of masteryÂ
Social support
Religiosity/church networks
 Hispanics do not seem to have higher prevalence of mental disorder. Although a low SES and other social problems impact Hispanics, what is the protect factor that helps Hispanics?
Ties to catholic church
  Research on Native Americans and mental illness. What is the general finding?
Native Americans do tend to have extensive mental health issues and disorder is higher among Native Americans than Whites
Lower quality of life
There are three ways that people become patients or enter the mental health care system. What are these three ways?
By choice (this is the majority of patients)
By force or coercion (this constitutes the smallest group of patients)
Muddling through (this is a vague, catch all category that includes patients that are not actively seeking help, but not resisting it)
Which groups of people were less willing to seek help?
Men and the poor
Which groups of people were more likely to seek help?
 Females, people who are less religious, Jews, those who live in urban or suburban areas, higher education, higher incomes
 What are the five stages that lead to an individual’s decision to seek help (Kadushin’s research)?
The person has to decide that they have a problem and that problem is emotional
The person decides if they should and how much they should reveal their problems to family and friends
The person decides if they can deal with their problem on their own and if that means is effective or does he or she need professional intervention
Next, the person has to decide what type of help they need- what type of professional and/or facility
The person decides which mental health professional they need to see
  There are differences between men and women and their pathways to treatment. What three things are women more likely to do compared to men?
To recognize that they have a problem
To discuss their problem with an seek help from others
To enter treatment voluntarily
According to Goffman, becoming a patient involves a mentally ill career. This shift from non-patient to patient involves agents. Who are those agents?
Next of relation: This is generally a family member. Sometimes it is the family member who contracts authorities or sometimes a family member also serves as a complainant. The patient will feel betrayed by their family member if their family member is a complainant
Complainant: The person who actually starts the patient on their path to treatment
Mediators: The agents and agencies that are involved in the patients pathway to treatment until they become an outpatient or placed in a mental hospital
The police do apprehend those who are acting mentally ill under 5 conditions. What are those 5 conditions?
Suicide attempts
Evidence that a person is disorders
The mentally ill person has committed or threatens to commit violence
The person becomes a public nuisance or they may be harmed
When there is an order to apprehend a mentally ill person through a judge, or through a complaint from a family member, or if the police are notified that a person is a threat by a doctor or therapist
 How does entrance into a mental hospital involve alienation?
Separated from general society, seen as different