imported from quizlet quiz 4 March
A person of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry
born in Mexico, but European decent
La Reforma
the feudal system that came up with haciendas
opposition to the clergy and the church
Benito Juarez
pre-Diaz & revolution president (19th century)
had problems with foreign debt and countries
group of businessmen, believed the problems of government and the economy could be solved by the proper application of scientific principles, sought foreign investment
communal land grant given to Indians
sprawling farms/ranches owned by 1 family (usually white and old)
rural police force, hiring bandits for police
Indian tribe in Senora, formed part of Obregon's reform
José Limantour
Leader of los cientificos, finance minister
Porfirio Diaz
Came after Juarez in power, intended to keep peace in order, wanted to bring economic development, wanted to end mutinies and civil wars
James Creelman
American journalist, interview Diaz, in the interview Diaz said he wasn't going to run again
Francisco Madero
went against Diaz in an election, was jailed and tried to be head of revolution, became president after Diaz, became dictator, thought that only democracy would help all the problems
Plan of San Luis Potosi
Issued by Madero, called for revolution to begin to overthrow Diaz's rule, first plan issued by revolutionaries
Francisco "Pancho" Villa
Mexican Revolutionary general and one of the most prominent figures of the Mexican Revolution
Emiliano Zapata
Mexican Revolutionary, leading people who wanted their land back
Plan of Ayala
plan issued by Zapata, says we are going to have land distribution by force
Pascual Orozco
began a rebellion with an army of 60,000 men, backed by Terrazas and creole families, tried to overthrow Madero
Victoriano Huerta
was a general under Madero, fought against Felix Diaz, took over after Madero, gagged the press, jailed members of Congress, replaced people with hand-picked cronies
Henry Lane Wilson
Ambassador of the US, believed that his mission was to advance American business interests, thought that Madero bordered communism
Pact of the Embassy
A pact between Felix and Huerta, orchestrated by Wilson, they will stop fighting, Huerta is acting president, Felix Diaz will "win" the election
Decena TrĂĄgica
ten tragic days, 1913, artillery duel between Felix Diaz and Huerto
Venustiano Carranza
First president after revolution, thought he was the "first chief" of the revolution
Plan of Guadalupe
Created by Carranza, overthrow Huerta and a return to Constitution
Alvaro ObregĂłn
The most successful leader of the revolution, became a revolutionary after Madero's death, became president after Carranza, was assassinated towards the beginning of his second term
anti-Huerta, anti-clerical, upheld Constitution of 1857, slogan was land and liberty
Convention of Aguascalientes
Called by Carranza to legitimize his rule, all revolutionary leaders were present, Carranza thought he would control it, delegates loyal to Villa and Zapata took charge and demanded radical land distribution
Battle of Celaya
Bloodiest battle of the revolution, Obregon defeated Villa strategically, Villa loses lots of men
Punitive Expedition
a military search to go after Villa for attacking the US, led by General John Pershing
Convention of Querétaro
Second convention, Carranza wanted to have a constitution like the 1857 one, created a new constitution a more radical one
José Vasconcelos
led Obregon's education changes, thought that school was important for unifying the nation, founded teacher training colleges and other kinds of colleges, launched a program to being literacy and health to primitive Indian villages
both a celebration and assimilation of indigenous in an attempt to forge a national identity, emphasizes the relation between the nation-state side and indigenous minorities
Plutarco Calles
president after Obregon (1924-1934), returned more land than Obregon, didn't like the Catholic church, was president twice
Cristero Rebellion
Mexican Catholics attacking to make Calles stop the Constitution of 1917 because it wounds the sacred rights of the Catholic Church
Constitution of 1917
the constitution of Mexico, created during the convention of Queretaro, was very radical, stopped clerical education, included rights to labor, and land distribution, and no foreign exportation of wealth
Lazaro Cardenas
The leader of a reform, became president after after Calles,
Calles rule, 1924-1934
The period of rule by Diaz, the period before the revolution, also a social class (I believe), the ones who came from Europe
labor organization sponsored and protected by the government, regional confederation of Mexican works, Confederacion Regional Obrera Mexicana
a Mexican party created by Calles, named the national revolutionary party, later turns into the pri or institutional revolutionary party