A hardware device that can store data examples:
Magnetic tape
Pen Drive
Hard Drive
Solid state
Coated plastic in a magnetic layer (iron oxide)
Data is written to the tape using a read/write head in a serial sequence and is read in serial order
Batch processing applications like bills
Backup for a large amount of data
Archiving large amounts of data
Don’t damage easily
Huge data capacity
Data transfer rate fast
Data access time is slow
More than one tape is needed to update the master
They are affected by magnetic fields
Platter is made up of glass or aluminium and coated in iron oxide.
An actuator triggers the arm to move the head to read/write data on the platter
Data on the platter is stored in tracks, tracks are grouped on sectors
Store operating system
Store application software
Used in real-time systems like robots
Used in file servers
Fast data transfer rate and fast access time to data
Large memory capacity
Can be easily damaged from incorrect shutdown
Many moving parts can affect reliability
Read/write can be noisy because of the moving parts
CD & DVD are Optical Media that are read/written from Optical Storage Media
Uses a red laser light to burn data onto the surface of the disk
DVD uses dual-layering.
A disc that is “RW” means you can erase and then reuse the rewritable disc by burning data into it again.
A disk that is only R means we can burn data to it only once. For example CD-R, DVD-RW
A disk that has only ROM to it means we cannot write any data onto it. We can only read the data on it. Example: DVD-ROM
Used when recording at home music or films
Stores data for later use
Used to record television program (can be done over and over again)
Used in CCTV system
Used for backup
Cheaper medium than RW
Behaves like ROM
Can be written more than once
Can use different file formats
More useful than R optical drives
Can only be recorded once
Not all devices can read –R
It is expensive
Possible to accidentally override data on the media.
Uses a Blu-ray optical storage device to read/write data to disc that uses a blue laser to burn data to disc.
Stores up to 5 times more data than a normal DVD
Comes with an automatic encryption which helps to prevent data
Data transfer is 36Mbps compare to DVD which is 10Mbps
A dual layer Blu-ray can store up to 50GB (20hrs) of HD movie
Home video consoles
Storing and playing back high definition movies
Used for storage or backup of hard disk drives
Camcorders use it to record and store movies
Very large storage capacity
Very fast data transfer
Greater data access speed than most optical devices
Comes with automatic secure encryption which helps prevent privacy and copyright infringement
Relatively expensive technology and disc
Encryption problems
Introduction of HD DVD players has reduce the demand for Blu-ray
No magnetic or moving parts, removing latency
•Flash memory or flash drives are most used type of SSD
•NAND is a type of flash memory that reduces erase and write times lower than hard drive, and requires less chip area per cell, which allows for more storage density and lower cost
Data is stored by controlling the movements of electrons within NAND chips. The positive charge on the control gate attracts the electrons from the channel into the floating gate, where they become trapped by the oxide layer that surrounds the floating gate
Data will be used whether or not the flash device has power, making the SSD non-volatile and rewritable
SSD must be used once a year
More reliable
Have much faster speed
Low power consumption
Cooler than HDD
Faster data access rate
Faster data transfer rate
Very compact and portable
Very robust (strong)
Does not require additional software to work on devices
They are not effected by magnetic field
Cannot write protect the files on the drive
Easy to lose
Incorrect removal from a computer can cause a read/write error which can corrupt data on the drive
SD cards – very small with high capacity. Mostly used in portable devices like phones and digital video recorders. Example MicroSD
XD cards - design for digital cameras. Some are just card readers used with MicroSD
CFast cards – used with high ends digital cameras. Does not need battery to access files
Memory cards are used to store smart devices