Operational definition
________: Defining a scientific concept by stating the specific actions or procedures used to measure it.
Cultural relativity
________: The idea that behavior must be judged relative to the values of the culture in which it occurs.
Gender bias
________ in research: A tendency for females and female- related issues to be underrepresented in research, whether psychological or otherwise.
Self report data
________: Information that is provided by participants about their own thoughts, emotions, or behaviors, typically on a questionnaire or during an interview.
________: Predicted outcome of an experiment, or an educated guess about the relationship between variables.
Natural selection
________: Darwins theory that evolution favors those plants and animals best suited to their living conditions.
________: Unfounded belief system that seems to be based on science.
Uncritical acceptance
________: The tendency to believe claims because they seem true or because it would be nice if they were true.
________: In scientific research, the process of naming and classifying.
________: The deliberate attempt to uncover how a commonsense belief or scientific theory might be false.
Confirmation bias
________: The tendency to remember or notice information that fits ones expectations, while forgetting or ignoring discrepancies.
________: The broader field of biopsychologists and others who study the brain and nervous system, such as biologists and biochemists.
Humanistic psychology
________: Study of people as inherently good and motivated to learn and improve.
________: In psychology, an ability to accurately forecast behavior.
Self fulfilling
________ prophecy: A prediction that prompts people to act in ways that make the prediction come true.
Single blind study
________: Research in which the subjects do not know which treatment they receive.
Critical thinking
________: In psychology, a type of reflection involving the support of beliefs through scientific explanation and observation.
________- blind study: Research in which neither the observer nor the subjects know which subjects received which treatment.
________: School of thought in psychology that emphasizes study of observable actions over study of the mind.
Psychologists goals
________ are description (name and classify behavior through detailed records), understanding (state causes of behavior), prediction (forecast behavior), and control (after conditions that influence behavior)
American Psychological Association
In 1921 she (Washburn) became the second female to serve as President of the ________ (Mary Whiton Calkins was the first)
________: Personal observation of your own thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
________: A mental health professional (usually a medical doctor) trained to practice psychoanalysis.
correlation coefficient
A(n) ________ is computed to gauge the strength of the relationship between those variables.
1904 1990
B.F. Skinner (________): Skinner studied simple behaviors under carefully controlled conditions.
________: Unfounded belief held without evidence or in spite of falsifying evidence.
Meta analysis
________: A statistical technique for combining the results of many studies on the same subject.
biopsychosocial model
The ________ holds that human behavior and mental processes are best understood by combining insights from biology (including biopsychology and evolutionary psychology), psychology (including culture, access to education, and poverty)
________: School of psychology that considers behaviors in terms of active adaptions.
Cognitive psychology
________: The study of information processing, thinking, reasoning, and problem solving.
Researcher ________ (changes in participant behavior brought about by researcher influence)
psychoanalytic approach
The ________ developed by Freud.
Evolutionary psychology
________: Approach that emphasizes inherited, adaptive aspects of behavior and mental processes.
Cognitive unconscious
________: The part of the mind of which we are subjectively unaware and that is not open to introspection.
Random assignment
________: Use of chance to place subjects in experimental and control groups.
________: Descriptive research method in which participants are asked the same questions.
________ effect: Changes in behavior due to participants expectations that a drug (or other treatment) will have some effect.
________: Any physical energy that an organism senses.
Social desirability
________: Deliberate tendency to provide polite, socially acceptable responses.
Neo Freudians
________: Psychologists who accept the broad features of Freuds theory but have revised the theory to include the role of cultural and social factors while still accepting some of its basic concepts.
Self actualization
________: The process of fully developing personal potentials,
________: Freudian approach to psychotherapy emphasizing the exploration of the unconscious using free association, dream interpretation, resistances, and transference to uncover unconscious conflicts.
________: A mental health professional who specializes in helping people with problems that do not involve serious mental disorders.
________ does not equal causation.
________: A medical doctor with additional training the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.
________: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
________: A person highly trained in the methods, factual knowledge, and theories of psychology.
Comprehensive explanation
Theory: ________ of observable events.
Case study
________ (clinical method): In- depth analysis of the behavior of one person or a small number of people.
________: Study of sensations and personal experience analyzed as basic elements.
Uncritical acceptance
The tendency to believe claims because they seem true or because it would be nice if they were true
Confirmation bias
The tendency to remember or notice information that fits ones expectations, while forgetting or ignoring discrepancies
Unfounded belief held without evidence or in spite of falsifying evidence
Unfounded belief system that seems to be based on science
An objective approach to answering questions that relies on careful observations and experiments
A person highly trained in the methods, factual knowledge, and theories of psychology
Basic Research
Seek knowledge to understand
Applied Research
Solving immediate problems
Animal Research
Working with animals to relate to humans
Animal model
In research, an animal whose behavior is studied to derive principles that may apply to human behavior
Clinical psychologist
A psychologist who specializes in the treatment of psychological and behavioral disturbances or who does research on such disturbances
Counseling psychologist
A psychologist who specializes in the treatment of milder emotional and behavioral disturbances
A medical doctor with additional training the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders
A mental health professional (usually a medical doctor) trained to practice psychoanalysis
A mental health professional who specializes in helping people with problems that do not involve serious mental disorders
Scientific observation
An empirical investigation structured to answer questions about the world in a systematic and intersubjective fashion (i.e., observations can be reliably confirmed by multiple observers)
Any physical energy that an organism senses
Personal observation of your own thoughts, feelings, and behavior
Study of sensations and personal experience analyzed as basic elements
Wilhem Wundt (1832-1920)
Wundt is credited with making psychology an independent science, separate from philosophy
Imageless thought
An old term describing the inability of introspections to become subjectively aware of some mental processes; an early term describing the cognitive unconscious
Cognitive unconscious
The part of the mind of which we are subjectively unaware and that is not open to introspection
Gestalt psychology
Study of thinking, learning, and perception in whole units, not by analysis into parts
Max Wertheimer (1880-1941)
Wertheimer first proposed the Gestalt viewpoint to help explain perceptual illusions
School of psychology that considers behaviors in terms of active adaptions
Natural selection
Darwins theory that evolution favors those plants and animals best suited to their living conditions
William James (1842-1910)
William James was the son of philosopher Henry James, Sr., and the brother of novelist Henry James
School of thought in psychology that emphasizes study of observable actions over study of the mind
Any muscular action, glandular activity, or other identifiable aspect of behavior
John B. Watson (1878-1958)
Watsons intense interest in observable behavior began with his doctoral studies in biology and neurology
Radical behaviorism
A behaviorist approach that rejects both introspection and any study of mental events, such as thinking, as inappropriate topics for scientific psychology
B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)
Skinner studied simple behaviors under carefully controlled conditions
Dynamic unconscious
In Freudian theory, the parts of the mind that are beyond awareness, especially conflicts, impulses, and desires not directly known to a person
Freudian approach to psychotherapy emphasizing the exploration of the unconscious using free association, dream interpretation, resistances, and transference to uncover unconscious conflicts
Psychologists who accept the broad features of Freuds theory but have revised the theory to include the role of cultural and social factors while still accepting some of its basic concepts
Psychodynamic theory
Any theory of behavior that emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
For over 50 years, Freud probed the unconscious mind
Cognitive psychology
The study of information processing, thinking, reasoning, and problem solving
Operational definition
Defining a scientific concept by stating the specific actions or procedures used to measure it
The idea that all behavior has prior causes that would completely explain ones choices and actions if all such causes were known
Free will
The ability to freely make choices that are not controlled by genetics, learning, or unconscious forces; the idea that human beings are capable of making choices or decisions themselves
Humanistic psychology
Study of people as inherently good and motivated to learn and improve
The process of fully developing personal potentials,
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)
As a founder of humanistic psychology, Maslow was interested in studying people of exceptional mental health
The scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Biopsychosocial model
An approach acknowledging that biological, psychological, and social factors interact to influence human behavior and mental processes
Biological perspective
The attempt to explain behavior in terms of underlying biological principles
Evolutionary psychology
Approach that emphasizes inherited, adaptive aspects of behavior and mental processes
The broader field of biopsychologists and others who study the brain and nervous system, such as biologists and biochemists
Psychological perspective
The traditional view that behavior is shaped by psychological processes occurring at the level of the individual