ill-structured problem: more than one way of finding a solution + multiply possible solution
example problem: climate change
Well-structured problem: easy to identify problem + only on possible solution
example problem: 2+2=?
establish a god problemm → stimulate
give guidance
give feedback/evaluate
be social and cognitive congruent
Cognitive congruence: ability to “frame his or her contributions in a language that is adapted to the level of the students”
Social congruence: willingness to be involved with students’ life and learning.
a) Intrinsic motivation?
relevant to current existnce
relevance to future careers
increased motivation when students have more control over their learning
b) SDL association with PBL
self-study to during new knowledge acquisition
increases intrinsic motivation
makes knowledge more transferable to real life situation
problems must build on prior knowledge
eliciting discussion( opposing viewpoints)
well structured( problem can only lead to one solution)
stimulating SDL
encouraging knowledge integration and transfer
relevance for future profession
find similarities and consens in literature
diffent levels of depth
identify different perspectives and viewpoints
stimulate critical thinking an discussions
makes the problem more authentic to real life
PBL is still has a very vague definition → difficult to test
having control groups performed worse in an academic setting is unethical
Measurement of learning outcomes an be different to traditional learning outcomes
Small sample sizes: PBL is often implemented in small groups, which can make it difficult to obtain large sample sizes for research studies
Learners can discover for themselves what they need to know
Instruction hinders the development of creative thinking and problem-solving skills
it all depends on the materials used for PBL
more guidance could also mean more time/teaching of instructer → more cost
PBL is more motivating → fewer dropout rates → better money investment
Forward reasoning:
stuffy nose + cough → corona
Backward reasoning
corona ? → stuffy nose ✅+ cough ✅
PBL seems more relevant to the future profession
PBL stimulates critical thinking
more guided approaches are easier on the working memory
PBL is not good for noviences