Policy of Barry Goldwater (LBJ’s rival during the 1964 election)
Against federal income tax, social security systems, and LBJ’s Great Society
The idea that each American has a specific role they must fill
Wives: Housekeepers
Husbands: Breadwinners
Children/Teens: Obedient to superiors
Congress of Racial Equality
Opposed Jim Crow Laws
The USSR stationed several missiles in Cuba aimed at the US
US stationed missiles in Turkey aimed at the USSR
Both sides reached a peace compromise to ban nuclear testings
French word meaning ‘relaxation’
Peace agreement between US and USSR (agreement to not fight) and China
Anti-war believers
Often protested against the Vietnam war
Somebody who would avoid drafting for the military
Usually included moving to another country…
LBJ’s domestic policy
Focused on helping the impoverished
Set of economic and welfare measures aimed at changing the way of life
Resolution that allowed the president to make any military decisions without approval of the Congress
Called an unsigned check
Teenagers who refused to follow the US policy of conformity
Often would wear flower crowns, tie dye, etc. to express uniqueness
When registering a vote, (black) citizens would be forced to take a test to prove they could read
Targeted African-American citizens who were denied education for years
A massacre in Vietnam
US soldiers attacked the village of My Lai, killing hundreds of innocent civilians
The incident led to an increase in anti-war protests
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Civil rights organization that fought for social justice and equality for African Americans
Civil Rights group dedicated to violent means of equality
Preached spread of Islam & anti-white messaging
aligned with separationist figures
JFK’s Domestic policy
Desired welfare, civil rights, educational growth & taming of big business(ex: steel corps)
Information about the Vietnam War given to the Times magazine by Daniel Ellsberg
Information found that the US government knew they would lose the Vietnam War, but sent troops anyway
Led to an increase of anti-war protesters
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
No more nuclear missiles may be created for 5 years
US and USSR still set up huge “defensive” missiles
Second renewed version of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Aimed to limit both US and USSR nuclear forces and place restrictions on MIRVs
Was not ratified because of relations in the Middle east specifically the USSR invading Afghanistan
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Led by MLK, was at the forefront of the early Struggle
Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee
Started Voter Education Project
Used nonviolence until late 60’s with MLK’s death
An attack by the VietCong launched on Vietnamese New Year (Tet)
Targeted the major cities of South Vietnam
3 causes of unrest:
Youth’s population
Protest against racism + Vietnam War
“Apparent permanence of prosperity”
Passed by LBJ
Outlawed discriminatory voting practices
e.g. poll tax, literacy tests, intimidation, violence
Intended to help lower the poverty rate in the U.S.
Great Society
Act passed by congress in order to combat the gulf of Tonkin resolution
Checked the president's power over the military
Required permission from congress to deploy troops anywhere and reports on military involvement
The leader of Southern Vietnam during the Vietnam War
JFK later ordered an assassination of Diem
Took over after JFK
Heavy involvement in the Vietnam war
Believed in the domino theory and continuously pushing the vietnamese with more troops
Great society focused on welfare of US people
War on poverty
35th president before assassination
Had many welfare programs and wanted to support the civil rights movement
Called new frontier
Had the international strategy of flexible response
The only black supreme court justice during Allan Bakke’s case
The case: Bakke was denied admittance into medical school (supposedly) because he wasn’t a minority
Claimed that employers and schools are favoring minorities since civil rights
Against Bakke’s claim
Supreme Court justice around 1970
The Warren Court focused on rights of minorities:
Abortion rights for women
Fair trial for criminals
Religion shouldn’t be mandatory in schools for the non-religious/non-Christians