GED Social Studies

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Process of introducing something that is new

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League of Nations

An organization designed to help nations settle disputes peacefully

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The governing of weaker nations or colonies by a more powerful nation

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Significant increase in the number and size of cities

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Process of introducing something that is new

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League of Nations

An organization designed to help nations settle disputes peacefully

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The governing of weaker nations or colonies by a more powerful nation.

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Significant increase in the number and size of cities

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The Great Depression

A severe recession that occurred in the 1930's. Stock market crashed, banks failed, homes and farms were lost.

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FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

Established under Roosevelts New Deal this agency helps to prevent people from losing their money if the banks fail.

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The American Civil War

A battle of the early North & South states from 1861-1865. 8 upper Southern states were "Union" 7 bottom states were Confederate.

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Roaring Twenties

Period of prosperity and growth that preceded the Great Depression.

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Economic information and decision making at an individual level or company level includes individual, household, businesses, industry.

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A rate charged as a fee to borrow money

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A. Louisiana Purchase

  1. In 1803 France sold this territory to the United States. This land was between Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. This was called?

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A. Industrial Revolution

  1. Machines replaced tools used by hand in manufacturing goods. People left farms to work in factories.

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A. Referendum

  1. A power granted to the citizens that allowed them to overturn legislation that was passed by legislature or by voters by gathering signatures.

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A. Annexation

  1. Taking control of another country or territory.

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A. Castes

  1. Categories that determined a persons' occupation and social class.

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A. Abolitionists

  1. People who wanted to end slavery

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A. Monopoly

  1. One company that owns 100% of all the businesses selling the same type of product.

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A. The Watergate Scandal

  1. President Nixon was involved in an immoral and illegal even that led him to resign from office. What was this called?

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A. Entrepreneurship

  1. Human creativity that produces new products or services

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A. Landforms

  1. The movement of tectonic plates shifting cause the formation of new.....?

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A. Fiscal Policy

  1. Taxing and spending policies of a government.

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  1. The total value of a country's production.

GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

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A. Emancipation Proclamation

  1. 1863 Lincoln issued this to free the slaves of the Confederacy.

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A. Market Equilibrium

  1. When demand is equal to supply.

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A. Executive Branch

  1. In this area of American Government, the president acts as commander in chief of armed forces, appoints judges, ambassadors, other officials, and enforces laws.

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A. Tariff

  1. A tax on goods that are imported into the United States.

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A. Poverty Line

  1. The minimum income that a family of four needs to live.

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A. Credit Card Act.

  1. Passed in 2009 limits charges credit card company can require. Limits late fees, inactivity fees and interest rate increases.

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A. The Federal Reserve

  1. The central bank created in 1913 may lower interest rates during a weak economy to encourage people and businesses to take out loans and buy goods.

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A. Subsidy

  1. Government payment to an individual or business to encourage or protect a particular economic activity.

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A. Interest Group

  1. A group of people with common concerns who join together to influence government policy.

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A. Dictatorship

  1. A form of government in which a single person holds all the power over people and country.

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A. Sir Walter Raleigh

  1. Upon the request of Queen Elizabeth of England this man-made attempt to settle colonies on "Roanoke Island" which is now North Carolina.

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A. Lobbyists

  1. People who work to sway public officials towards a particular opinion.

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A. Plateau

  1. A large flat area that is elevated about a surrounding area of land.

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A. Battle of Antietam

  1. 1863 this success gave Lincoln a way to change the course of the Civil War and enabled him to issue the "Emancipation Proclamation."

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A. Inflation

  1. A rise in the prices of goods/products over time.

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A. Concurrent Powers

  1. Powers that may be exercised by both the federal and state governments.

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A. Tundra

  1. Cold, dry, permanently frozen soil called permafrost lies beneath the surface and prevents trees from taking root. Short summer seasons, long winter seasons.

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A. Culture

  1. Custom beliefs and practices of a society or a people.

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A. Tenements

  1. Crowded buildings where many immigrants lived once in the U.S.

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A. Socialism

  1. An economic system in which property and the distribution of income are subject to social and governmental control rather than individual determination of market forces.

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A. Internal Union for Conservation of Nature. They track and seek solutions to the problem of decreasing biodiversity.

  1. What is the IUCN and what do they do?

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A. Representative Democracy

  1. A form of government in which power is held by the people and exercised indirectly through representatives who make decisions.

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A. Isolationism

  1. A policy of avoiding involvement in international affairs.

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A. Legislative Branch

  1. In this part of the US government is run by congress which is divided into two houses upper, smaller house. Senate/and lower, larger house house of representatives who write laws, approve government, spending on programs and power to impeach.

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A. Macro-economics

  1. Studies of the behavior of the entire economy as a nation. Example: What is the GDP of the United States or What is the unemployment rate.

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A. Desert

  1. This is an area where there is no rain fall to support grasslands, the driest with less than 25cm of precipitation.

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A. Plain

  1. A large area of that without trees.

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A. Magna Carta

  1. Document signed by King John of England in 1215 that limited the Kings power and guaranteed certain basic rights.

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A. Judicial Branch

  1. This part of the government is run by the "Supreme Court" they interpret laws, is made up of 9 justices, review lower house court decisions.

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A. Latitude

  1. Imaginary lines that run east to west but measure distance from north to south in relation to the equator which is at a latitude of 0 degrees.

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A. Truman Doctrine

  1. Policy of providing aid to countries threatened by Communism created by president Harry S. Truman in 1974.

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A. Joseph Stalin

  1. This man was once the Dictator of the Soviet Union who's goal it was to spread Communism over Europe.

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A. Confederate States

  1. A group of southern states that seceded from the union to permanently unite for common purpose before the Civil War.

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A. Physical Boundaries

  1. Natural features that separate two areas from each other.

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A. Communism

  1. Is a totalitarian system of government in which the STATE plans and controls economy and all goods are shared by the people.

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A. Competition

  1. Businesses work against each other to develop better products for better prices.

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A. Natural Selection

  1. The process by which individuals best adjusted to an environment survive and reproduce, thereby perpetuating traits best suited to the environment.

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A. Law of Demand

  1. As the price of a good rises the demand falls; as the price falls the demand rises.

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A. The U.S. Constitution

  1. The Preamble, The Articles, The Amendments make up this document.

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A. Economic Growth

  1. An increase in an economy's ability to produce goods and services which brings about a rise in standards of living.

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A. Totalitarianism

  1. A Centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over people's lives.

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A." The New Deal"

  1. 1930's a program created by Franklin Roosevelt where government agencies were made to establish economic recovery.

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A. Rule of Law

  1. Principle that every member of society even a ruler must follow the law.

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A. The 13th amendment.

  1. The constitutional amendment that ended slavery in the U.S.

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A. Poll Tax

  1. A tax that had to be paid in order to vote.

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A. Political Boundaries

  1. Lines that separate countries and states.

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A. Independents

  1. This group belongs to no organized political party and can play a major role in deciding which candidate is elected.

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A. Open door policy

  1. Gave equal trading rights in China.

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A. Kennedy

  1. In 1963 Lyndon B. Johnson (Vice Pres.) was sworn into office after this president was assassinated.

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A. Demography

  1. The statistical study of the size, growth, movement and distribution of people.

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A. Lyndon B. Johnson

  1. 1964 this president declared an "Unconditional War on Poverty" also introduced a set of policies known as the "Great Society."

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A. Peninsula

  1. A narrow strip of land surrounded by water on 3 sides.

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A. Richard Nixon

  1. This president adopted a relaxing of tensions- led to the end of the Cold War.

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A. Arab Muslims

  1. This group was displaced from Palestine in 1948.

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A. Dynasty

  1. Family of rulers.

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A. (NATO) National Atlantic Treaty Organization

  1. Organization designed to stop Soviet expansion in Europe.

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A. Urban sprawl

  1. Increased movement of people and businesses into outlying areas around cities.

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A. Marshall Plan

  1. US plan to provide aid to help Europe rebuild after WW2.

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A. Marshall Plan

  1. Used as a way to block Communist expansions this plan provided money to Western Europe to help start a Capitalist economy growing.

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A. Federalists

  1. Advocated of a strong Federal government and supporters of adoption of the US Constitution.

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A. Fiscal Policy

  1. Taxing and spending policies of a government.

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A. Capitalism

  1. An economic system that allows people to own businesses and keep the money businesses earn.

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A. Foreign Aid

  1. Money, goods, and services given to other nations.

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A. Opportunity cost

  1. The Alternative that one gives up when a choice is made.

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A. Longitude lines

  1. Imaginary lines that run north to south but measure distance east to west these lines also called meridians start at the Prime Meridian which marks 0 degrees.

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A. Suffrage

  1. The right to vote is also called what?

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A. Reserve

  1. Money banks retain for future use.

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A. Bicameral

  1. A legislative body composed of two houses.

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