Honors Biology: Unit 2 Biochemistry Learning Targets

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________ catalyze chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy needed, which speeds up the reactions as well.

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E Can you

________ determine the position of the atoms (i.e.

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D Water

What is an inorganic molecule but is essential to living things? Answer with a single words or term.

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Amino acids

________ linked by peptide bonds (by dehydration synthesis)

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Each ________ has its own unique sequence of amino acids which join to make polypeptides, which then join to make proteins, so the sequence has a direct impact on ________ shape and function.

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What is the smallest unit of an element that still has the chemical properties of that element? Answer with a single words or term.

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Explain why ________ is a good element to make up all organic molecules.

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Organic molecules

________ are complex molecules primarily consisting of carbon atoms bonded with each other or with other elements.

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Nitrogenous base

________ is a hexagon & pentagon joined together, 4 kinds of bases (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine /Uracil), nucleotides contain a phosphate, nitrogenous, and sugar group (either ribose or deoxyribose)

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atomic numbers

The ________ remain unchanged because the number of protons and electrons stay the same for isotopes.

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ratio of atoms

The ________ is 1 Carbon: 2 Hydrogens: 1 Oxygen & there are simple sugars (CH2O) n, sometimes a chain of glucose, galactose, fructose, has CH2OH, hexagon & pentagon shapes.

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carbon atoms

The ________ are double bonded with the oxygen atoms before the chemical reaction in order to create a carbon dioxide molecule.

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C 12 means Molecule A

________ has an atomic mass of 12, while C- 14 means that Molecule B has an atomic mass of 14.

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________ is a good element to make up all organic molecules because it can form up to 4 covalent bonds (it has 4 [valence] electrons in its outer shell; allows for sharing of electrons), bonds easily with other carbons, and has straight or branched chains and rings.

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________ can join other carbon atoms in chains and rings to form large and complex molecules by forming up to 4 covalent bonds; it easily bonds with other carbons and has straight or branched chains and rings.

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Explain how ________ can join to other carbon atoms in chains and rings to form large and complex molecules.

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