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used to measure amount of liquid added to comical flask
how to use a burette
always rinse out burette before use with deionised water
then rinse it with solution its going to contain to was out deionised water
clamp it veritacly
fill it using funel then remove the funnel
read from teh botton of teh meniscus, at eye level, except for KMnO4-, read from top
remove air buble from jet by opening tip quickly
add solutin from burette drop-wise when near end point
gives an absolute precise volume of liquid
how to use pipette
rinse with deionised water
rinse with solution its going to contain
fill it using pipette filter, as solution may be poisonous
empty it into conical flask and touch teh tip against teh side of the flask
dont blow out the drop left at the bottom of pipette as it was already accounted for when it was calibrated
teat pipette
used for adding drops when not worried about volume, i.e adding indicator
how to use conical flask
rinse it with deionised water only
place on white surface
add indicator using teeth pipette, add only a few drops of indicator as too much may change teh result
mix it continousely by stirring
allow time between each drop to allow time for reaction to occur
wash down drops onto side of flask using deionised water
tells us when a recation is complete by changing colour, should change colour at a ph where ph changes arpidly in a reaction
end point
point at which indicator colour changes
methynl orange
indicator colours
methynl orange, red, yellow
litmus, red, blue
phenophthalein, colourless, purple
permanganate (MnO4-)
used in determinig amount of iron in ireon tablets EXP
first lot of Dil. H2SO4 needs to be added to prevent atmospheric oxygen from oxidising Fe2+ to Fe3+
second lot of Dil. H2SO4 needs to be added or brown percipitate is formed of MnO4-
acts as own indicator
end point = solution is permenantly purple
iodine - thiosulphate tittrations
add when solution is straw coloured
goes blue when added
turn colourless at end point
eriochrome black (T) or solochrome black
used in EDTA titrations
buffer solution must be added to ensure ph > 10 so indicator works properly
goes from wine red to blue at end point
standard solution
solution whose concentration is known acurately
primary standard
solution that can be made up directly of pure, stable solid
to be a primary solution a substance must be:
high molecular mass
very soluble
eg of primary standard solution
anhydrous Na2CO2 (soduim carbonate) and amonium iron (II) sulphate (Mohr’s salt)
preparing standard solution
weigh out accurate mass of compund on a closk glass
wash clock glasss into beaker of deionised water
stir well to desolve
rinse strring rod into beaker using deionised water
pour into volumetric flask usinf funnel
rinse beaker into volumetric flask
add deionised water drop-wise to raise the meniscus to teh calibration mark
invert repitadly to mix
secondary standard solution
make a solution tehn standardise it using primary standard
to find the concentration of a solution to find titration
substances that acnt be used for primary standardisation and why
MnO4-, isnt pure
iodine (I2), it sublimes
NaOH or KOH, absorbs moisture and CO2 from atmosphere
substances used to standardise and what they standardise
anhydrous sodium carbonate to standardise HCl
anhydrous amonium iron (II) sulphate to standardise MnO4-
volumetric flask
rinse with deionised water only
read from bottom of meniscus at eye level
add deionised water drop wise when near calibration mark
mix by inverting 10 times to make sure the solution is homogeneous
preparing a titration
correct indicator
only use 3-4 drops of indicator
do 1 rough titration and 2 accurate titres
average the 2 accurate titres
mix contents well by swirling
add from buette drop wise near the end point
titration : find concentration of ethonic acid in vinegar
dilute vinegar, because acid is too concentrated
use NaOH (strong base), ethanoic acid is a weak acid
indicator - phenophthalein, pink in alkaline, colourless in acid
multiply answer of concentration by dilution factor
titration : iodine/ thiosulfate
idoine solution is brown (standard solution)
not very solublein water so Ki- is added to help it dissolve
indicator - startch, goes blue black when iodine is present
add indicator when solution is straw coloured, or else it will complex with teh iodine and ruin teh results
end point is when solution becomes colourless, when no iodine is left
estimate %(w/v) hypochlorite in bleach
CIo in bleach provides free chlorine, chlorine that is available as an oxidising agent
dilute, bleach conc is too strong
add Dil sulphuric acid to ensure reaction goes to completion
add 0.5M KI- (excess0:
forms iodine
helps iodine dissolve in the water
wrinkler method to determine the dissolved oxygen in water
wet bottle to prevent air from sticking to the side of the bottle
fill the stopper underwater to ensure nobubbles
add conc. MnSO4 and alkaline KI (KOH + KI) using droppers under water to prevent reaction with O2 in the air
small amounts of conc solution are used as not to change volume of sample significantly
put stopper back on without trapping air bubbles
invert a number of times
f white percipitate does not become brown it means there is dissolved oxygen in teh water
add conc H2SO4 carefully down teh side of the bottle
brown percipitate dissolves as it forms iodine
standardies using iodine (thiosulphate) solution
hard water
water hat forms scum with soap
meaasured in CaCO3
temporary hardness of water
removed by boiling
caused by Ca(CHO3)2
causes of permanent hardenss of water
MgCl2,CaCl2, MgSO4, CaSO4
determine hardness of water
indicator - eriochrome black
colour change - wine red to blue
buffer solution to keep >10 ph so indicator works
unboiled water = temp. permanent
boiled = permanent only
add buffer solution to conical flask
add indicator - wine red
add EDTA
end point = solution turns blue
Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid
determine the degree of hydration of sodium carbonate
indicator - methynal orange
HCl in burrete
NA2CO3 in flask
end point is when solution goes from orange to pink
weigh out accurate mass of hydrated sodium carbonated crystals
dissolve crystals in deionised water
make up to calibration mark in volumetric flask, invert multiple ties to make solution homogenous
take out some of the solution using pipette into the conical flask