type of learning that involves stimulus based response connections
Classical Conditioning
Forming an association between two stimuli, resulting in a learned autonomic responses
Unconditioned Stimulus
naturally, automatically triggers an unlearned response or reflex
Neutral Stimulus
produces no particular response
Unconditioned Response
unlearned response, occurs naturally, automatically
Conditioned Stimulus
previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with UCS, triggering a conditioned response
Conditioned Response
a learned reflective response to previously neutral response
Acquisition Period
stage of learning response
Taste Aversion
become sick after eating particular food
Law of Effect
Behaviors followed by satisfying outcomes are more likely to be repeated & those followed by unpleasant outcomes are less likely to be repeated
Operant Conditioning
Change is voluntary (somatic) behavior, learning occurs through rewards and punishments
Undesirable outcome or consequence of behavior
Primary Reinforcer
Occurs naturally, doesn’t require learning in order to work
Secondary Reinforcer
Involves stimuli that become rewarding by being pairs with another reinforcing stimulus
Positive Punishment
Adding something unpleasant to weaken behavior
Negative Punishment
Removing something you like, want to get or continue having after a behavior occurs
Process rewarding consecutively closer and closer approximations to desired behavior
beliefs or attitudes that make connections between events that are related
Skinner Box
holds small animals, containing a bar or key that the animal can press to gain a reward
Spontaneous Recovery
Return of previously extinguished CR following a rest period
CR decreases or disappears when CS is no longer paired with an UCS
Stimulus Discrimination
The ability to differentiate between stimuli that are different enough and have not been paired with UCS
Stimulus Generalization
The tendency to response to a stimulus similar to, but not identical to the CS
Over justification Effect
Being rewarded for doing something actually diminishes intrinsic motivation to perform that action
Variable-ratio Schedule
Response reinforced after unpredictable number or responses
Response is rewarded after unpredictable amount of time has passed
Reinforcement only after specific number of responses
First response is rewarded only after a specified amount of time has elapsed
Cognitive Learning
a change in knowledge attributable to experience
Cognitive Map
a mental representation that allows an organism to acquire, store, and recall a real or spatial environment
Latent Learning
learning something but not showing behavior right away
Social Learning Theory
learning occurs through observation, imitation, and modeling and is influenced by factors such as attention, motivation, attitudes, and emotions
the process through which children learn a large number of behaviors, skills, and ways of thinking and feeling without direct experience
Vicarious Reinforcement
More likely to imitate violence when adult either received no consequences or was rewarded
Vicarious Punishment
children who saw adult punished for aggressive behavior were less likely to repeat behaviors
Learned Helplessness
unable to advance or improve the situation you’re in, you give up
Negative Reinforcement
Removal of something unfavorable after a behavior
Positive Reinforcement
Adding something you like after the behavior
pleasant consequence strengthens and/or enforces the behavior it follows
Schedule of Reinforcement
pattern defining how often a desired response will be reinforced