Science Sun quiz

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Amount of matter in a substance

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Basic mass unit


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Amount of space something occupies

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Basic volume unit

ml liquid, cmÂł solid

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Whats denser, Salt water or fresh water

Salt water, the salt adds mass

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Whats denser, hot or cold water

Cold water, hot molecules expand

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What shape is the sun


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what is the sun made of

gas and plasma

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what holds the sun together

Balance and Thermal pressure (Hydrostatic equilibrium)

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whats a spheriod

Not a perfect sphere, a smooth surface that is elongated at the poles or equator

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whats plasma

Considered a 4th state of matter, It is a gas that has been energized where some electrons break free from but travel with their nucleus, most common state of matter in the universe

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What is a spheriod, a football or basketball

A football is a spheriod, a basketball is round

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why is earth a spheriod

It flatens at the polles and buldges at the equator

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T/F the sun is a huge ball of plasma


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What does the suns energy do to the Helium and Hydrogen atoms

Rips the electrons off helium and hydregon molocules that makes up the sun

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Law of conservation of matter

a fundamental principle of classical physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system.

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Who created the gun barrel experiment

Antoine Lavoisier

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What is E=mc²

E=energy M=mass C²=speed of light squared, matter can be converted into energy and energy can be converted into matter

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Where and when do fussion occur

in the earths core, When the sun reaches 10000000M K

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what is fussion in the sun

4 hydregon atoms fuse to form one helium atom, a electron and a proton

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If helium is less massive then the 4 hydregon, what happens to the mass left over

it is transfered into energy

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why can a photon can take 100-200 years to reach photosphere

all the photons creat essentialy a traffic jam, with all the photons trying to escape they dont have much room to move.

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How long is the sun going to keep fusing Hydregon into helium

another 5 billion years

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study slide 23


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What is the suns diameter

1.4 million KM, this is 110 times earth

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how many earths could the sun hold

about 1 million

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What is the mass of the sun compared to planets in our solar system

745 times greater than all other planets combined and ~300,000 times greater than Earth

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How hot is the sun

6000C at the visable surface and 15M inside the core

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How many elements are in the sun


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How much of each elements are in ethe sun

75% H, 24 percent He, 1% is made up of heavier elements, mainly carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, magnesium, silicon and iron. 

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What are the layers of the sun from inside out

Core, radiative zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, corona

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Discribe the core

where fussion takes place

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discibe the radiative zone

Energy moves in EMR

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Convection zone

Transfer of energy by moving matter. Heat by the radiative zone, gases will rise and fall in convection currents.

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Composed of gasses rising from the convection zone. Visible “surface”. Sometimes called first layer of atmosphere. The energy released peaks in the visible light part of the EM spectrum.   

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above the photosphere (only visible during total solar eclipse) 4,000-50,000 C.  Comprised of jets of outward flowing gas. starts to heat up again

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It is this high magnetic field and the stream of particles moving away from the Sun that MIGHT be the cause of the larger temperature spike.

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What part of the sun rotates faster

The equatorial region of the Sun rotates faster ( 25 days) than the poles ( 33 days).

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Sun spots

trong magnetic fields are produced during rotation.  Where the field is the strongest it can inhibit convection. This will cause the surface to cool (3000 °C) and appear to be darker than the rest of the photosphere.

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What did Galileo discover in the early 1600s

the sun spots rotate with the sun

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What did Galileo prove

The sun rotates around something aswell

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How long is a sunspots cycle

11 years

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Solar prominence

Great clouds of glowing gases, form huge arches that reach high above the Sun’s surface. Each follows curved lines of magnetic force from a region of one magnetic polarity to a region of the opposite magnetic polarity.

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Solar flares

an explosive release of energy that comes from the sun and that is associated with magnetic disturbances on the Sun’s surface

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what impact do solar flares have on earth

They can cause radio, TV, and electrical grid interference on Earth.

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What more violent a solar flare or prominence

a solar flare, they can last from minutes-hours, reach 20M celcius, and release the equivalent of nearly 2 billion megatons of TNT.

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Define Coronal Mass Ejections (CME's)

a part of coronal gas that is thrown into space from the Sun.  Also a danger to electrical grids.

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Whats solar wind

 Electrically charged particles streaming from the corona.  These ions travel at speeds of 250-800 km/sec and travel through the entire solar system.  They escape the Sun’s gravity because of their high temperatures. 

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how much mass does the sun loose from solar wind

The Sun continuously “loses” 1 million tons/sec this way, but is only a total of 0.1 % smaller in mass since it’s formation 4.7 BYA

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What is the magnetosphere

the region of space surrounding Earth where the dominant magnetic field is the magnetic field of Earth.

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What is thought to be the cause of magnetism

Earth’s liquid and solid Fe and Ni rotating cores

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How is the magnetosphere formed

the interaction of the solar wind with Earth’s magnetic field. 

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What are Auroras

Light produced by charged particles from the solar wind and from the magnetosphere that react with and excite the oxygen and nitrogen of Earth’s upper atmosphere

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where do you usually see Auroras

Near earths magnetic poles

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