Rent seeking
Gaining an unearned benefit/concession from the govāt
Ability to pay
Those with more money pay more (income tax)
Benefits received
Those that use it pay (gas tax, tolls)
Progressive taxation
make more money, pay a higher % in taxes
Prog tax example
Income tax
Regressive taxation
Make more money, pay a lower % in taxes
Regressive tax example
Sales tax, Real estate tax
Proportional Taxation
Pay a fixed portion of your income in taxes
Proportional tax example
20% of income in taxes, regardless of income
Lump sum tax
$5,000 income tax for all, regressive
Consumer surplus
Demand - Price (subtract)
Producer surplus
Price - Supply (subtract)
Deadweight Loss
Lost effiency or lost surplus
Tax revenue
Per unit tax * # of units sold
Tax Burden: Inelastic supply, Elastic Demand
Burden on Seller
Tax Burden: Elastic Supply, Inelastic Demand
Burden on buyer
Tax Burden: Elasticities are equal
Equal burden
Tax Burden: Perf. Inelastic Demand or perf elastic supply
100% burden on buyer
Tax Burden: Perf Elastic Demand or perf inelastic suply
100% burden on seller