Theology 3: CST Ch. 3 + 5: 11th

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ESSAY: How it applies to the life and dignity of the human person
Every attack on the human person violates the right to life; Abortion directly involves the right to life because Abortion kills a baby before it’s born. This isn’t protecting a mother’s life, but rather harming it and the child’s; human rights are universal and given by God so human’s can’t take them away
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Life & dignity of human person applied to Abortion and Euthanasia
life should be protected from conception to natural death
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Life & dignity of human person applied to sex trafficking and modern-day slavery
dignity of a human person is violated because of right to life and bodily integrity and bc of sexual rights; in this situation women and children are forced into doing things they don’t want to do, which is against their inalienable human rights
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Life & dignity of human person applied to gene editing and cloning embryos
"human cloning is intrinsically evil because it reduces human procreation to a mere manufacturing process, producing new humans in the laboratory to predetermined specification as though they were commodities." -USCCB; Reduces a person to an object to be manipulated
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Life & dignity of human person applied to refugee camps
all refugees have rights to movement, life, etc.
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Life & dignity of human person applied to gun safety
to make sure everyone is safe, the church believes that restrictions on gun safety that make them safer and less accessible
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Life & dignity of human person applied to capital punishment
Not even a murderer loses their personal dignity, Jesus taught nonviolence and forgiveness, ALL people are challenged to look for ways to punish and rehabilitate criminals while protecting society, Forgiveness is the key to freedom
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ESSAY: Religious freedom and why is that a right
Religious freedom is a right because it respects our human dignity; because we were all made in the image and likeness of God, we were given free will and have inherent dignity. To respect this dignity, all humans have basic human rights, including religious rights. The right of religious freedom is essential to this because all humans deserve respect regardless of religion; religious freedom includes freedom of religion (Catholic organizations support all religions) and freedom of worship (allowing all religions to follow their conscience \= respect)
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ESSAY: Disability rights movement
before … ADA rights to communication and accessibility were being denied, as well as right to work ; … IDEA rights to social interaction and right to education; …ADAPT right to movement; relatively recent movement; 1964 Civil Rights act didn’t address disability, ADAPT protest in 2017, Road to Freedom tour 2007 and 2014
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Laws in Missouri
abortion and physician assisted suicide are illegal; capital punishment is legal
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Laws in Illinois
capital punishment and physician assisted suicide are illegal, abortion is legal
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Laws in US
physician assisted suicide is legal in 10 states, with multiple others considering it; abortion is not federally protected since Roe vs. Wade was overturned, it’s up to states now; capital punishment is legal in over 50% of states
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have ideal perfect person (hair color, etc.) and sterilize people who don’t have ideal qualities
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rights and responsibilities as Catholics vs. as citizens
Catholics’ consciences may influence them to vote for immigrants, result in Catholic organizations being against Euthanasia and abotion; Catholics should have right to worship in own churches on own time; ALL citizens should vote, Catholics should vote according to their beliefs
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What is the origin of every attack on human life?
Lack of love
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Right to life
basic necessities such as FOOD AND WATER, everyone has right to means suitable for proper development of life -\> includes security in cases of sickness, inability to work, widowhood, old age, etc.; everyone should be protected when helpless through no fault of their own
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Moral and cultural rights
by natural law everyone has right to receive respect for his person, good reputation, and freedom in searching for truth and freedom of expression; RIGHT TO CULTURE AND BASIC EDUCATION
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Right to worship God
freedom to publicly pray and honor God according to conscience; PRAY OUTSIDE ABORTION CLINIC
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Right to choose freely one's state of life
vocational choice; right to set up a family with equal gender rights, family is essential cell of human society; parents have right to education of children; FREEDOM TO MARRY OR BE SINGLE OR RELIGIOUS LIFE
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Economic rights
able to own private property, work without coercion, NOT COMMUNIST GOV
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The right of meeting and association
has origins in our social nature; humans are social and so they must be allowed to gather; PROTESTS LIKE GEN LIFE
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The right to emigrate and immigrate
freedom of movement; right to move within country and also emigrate when there are just reasons for it; REFUGEE CAMPS
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Political rights
able to contribute to public life; contribute to common good of citizens; VOTE
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How is one’s conscience applied to the law?
through judging if a law is just or unjust; civil disobedience and conscientious objection; MLK
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Meaning of Evangelium Vitae
reiterates the most important right (right to life); addresses attacks on life (abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment)
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What did you learn about people who are differently abled and their right?
every person, no matter if they have a disability or not, should have their rights provided for; differently abled people may need different accommodations than others and they deserve to have these protected under law
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Is there value to suffering?
yes you learn form your suffering and it brings you closer to God
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What is the CST rooted in?
right to life; we’re all created in the image of God
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What do rights and responsibilities have to do with CST?
All go back to human dignity and everyone should have rights a responsibilities that they have and should be able to do because they are human
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ADA 1990
Protects the civil rights of all citizens with disabilities, makes sure everyone has the SAME OPPORTUNITIES, protects physical, intellectual, sensory, and mental health disabilities; ADA provides A WAY
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ADA Titles
not discriminated against in jobs, government places and programs but be accessible including transportation, public places must be accessible if they were built or renovated after 1990, people with disabilities must be able to communicate; communication devices or interpreters need to be provided
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ADAPT Activist Fight 2017
Save affordable care act (Medicaid); Some protestors lay on the ground
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aka American Disabled for Public Transportation; 1983 movement that began by protesting and boycotting inaccessible public transportation; quickly spread across US; wanted BUSES WITH LIFTS, train stations without stairs; Fighting AGAINST POLICIES THAT LOCK people with disabilities AWAY; TRANSPORTATION \= BASIC RIGHT
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Buck vs. Bell 2001
Commonwealth of Virginia formal apology for Eugenics Legislations from 1924-1979; resulted in involuntary sterilization of more than 8000 people with disabilities
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Catholic Principle on end of life
must weigh whether a treatment is simply keeping a body functioning and postponing death vs. assisting in the strengthening of life and restoring health; Care for our lives isn't matter of mere "physicalism" where we focus so much on the body and the physical life that we lose sight of the soul and the spiritual life of the individual
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Catholicism and gov
doesn’t like one specific type of government, but does support democratic values with balance of power, against totalitarian governments; WANTS FREEDOM OF RELIGION, right to practice faith, and VOICE in public square
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Church calls on…
lawmakers to make changes in the criminal justice system so that is can REFORM criminals more effectively, Calls on citizens to deal with ISSUES OF POVERTY and injustice that create environments where HOPELESSNESS leads to crime, Supports gun control and opposes media presentations that GLAMORIZE VIOLENCE, especially to the young and vulnerable
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Church on Gun control
supports Assault weapon ban that makes them safer and less accessible
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Civil Disobedience
the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest; ex. MLK -\> FREELY ACCEPT PUNISHMENT and BE CHEERFUL
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Civil Rights Act 1964
made it a law to discriminate against people bc of race, religion, and later, gender. Disability isn't mentioned
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Conscientious objection
moral right to refuse to follow laws or other social constructs based on moral or religious grounds. An example is choosing not to fight in an unjust war.
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Consistent Ethic of life
seamless garment that respects the life and dignity of EVERY person; Every person deserves mercy and healing (doesn't mean that violent criminals should be let free, but be looked at as humans who need healing); NO EXCEPTIONS
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execution used as deterrent for crime... incentive to stay within the law;
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Ed Roberts
attended university with physical disability and fought for help with funding and a place to live
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Equal in dignity
Inherent dignity universal to everyone; Regardless of race, age, disability, etc.
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Euthanasia in the US
Physician -assisted suicide is the wrong approach to end of life care
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Euthanasia is always…
wrong and we should never euthanize patients or assist them in suicide
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Euthanasia isn’t the same as
extraordinary means of health care or other aggressive medical treatment
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"easy death"; any act or omission which, of itself by intention, cause death in order to eliminate suffering; Voluntary \= chosen for oneself (aka Physician assisted suicide); Involuntary \= another chooses for sick or dying person
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Extraordinary means
means that don’t offer reasonable hope of benefit and may be excessively burdensome to patient or family; person can but isn’t bound to use these means; Exactly what constitutes extraordinary medical care becomes harder and harder to define; Ex. a person may refuse chemo in the last stages of a fight against cancer, Special care should be taken when deciding if feeding tubes are extraordinary, especially is the patient is unresponsive or has a neurological condition
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Famous people response to disability
ARISTOTLE said those with some disabilities CAN’T REASON; HITLER killed those with disabilities bc they were "burden to society and genetically defective"; FDR was very concerned that his disability of POLIO would cause him to be SEEN AS WEAK, so he refused to be seen in public using his WHEELCHAIR
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Freedom of religion
religion is practiced at all times among people within and outside of the community of faith; ex. Church's ministry isn't limited to Catholics
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Freedom of Worship
religious congregations do at a defined time with their own members
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Government and Human Rights
Government exists primary to promote the welfare of individuals; Common good is meet only when the needs of individuals are meet
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History of Abortion in the US
1960s loosening restrictions; Led to Roe vs. Wade in 1973… woman's right to privacy including the right to have an abortion; Jane Doe \= Norma McCorvey… converted to Catholicism and dedicated her life to revising abortion law
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aka Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; 1995 Act that guarantees the rights of all children with disabilities to go to the SAME FREE SCHOOLS and be part of the SAME CLASSROOM as children without disabilities; not right to separate a child bc they have a disability; involved: People First and Roland Johnson
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John XXIII: Pacem in Terris
encyclical written by John XXIII in response to the Vietnam War; 1963; order between people, relations with communities, individuals & authority, and rest of the world; reiterates importance of COMMON GOOD; and BAD PARTS OF ARMS RACE
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Ordinary means
basic care such as food, water, common medical treatments; offer reasonable hope of benefit and not unduly burdensome to patient or family; church says we’re bound to use these means
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Palliative care
keeps patients comfortable and pain-free until death; Church encourages the use of this; aims to relieve suffering at the end of one’s life
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Personalistic Norm
God created you -\> you are your own person; freedom allows us to create out "own self"; We can be responsible with our freedom; ALL SOCIAL ACTIVITY should serve DIGNITY OF HUMAN PERSON -\> WE DESERVE FREEDOM, LOVE, AND RESPECT; all have different needs
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Principle of subsidiarity
the moral principle that large organizations or governments shouldn't interfere with, or take over, responsibilities that can be administered by individuals and local organizations, but rather support them, always with a focus on the common good; Encourages the sharing power and authority at grassroots level; EX learning center not doing work for you but helping you learn it in a better way
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Reasons for punishment
Reform, Retribution, Deterrence
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changes a person
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Refusing extraordinary means of health
is most appropriate when death is clearly imminent and inevitable; A person may refuse treatment which at best provides a precarious and burdensome prolonging of life; maintain ordinary means
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Restorative justice
System of criminal justice that focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community at large; gives chance for reconciliation
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gets payback or revenge, eye for an eye
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Road to Freedom Tour
48 state tour that Chronicles history of ADA; 2007 and 2014
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Secularist state
make church a private matter, reduces freedom of religion into freedom of worship
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Stem Cells
Unspecialized cell that has the potential to become one of the many specific types of cells; CHURCH SUPPORTS THIS RESEARCH except FETAL STEM CELLS
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Church and state are the same; history has shown and continues to show this isn't a good idea
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state in supreme control, get rid of Church
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Why has euthanasia become more popular?
An aging population puts pressure on a costly health care system, some see Euthanasia and assisted suicide as "cost effective"; Rather pass peacefully than going through suffering, don't want to burden on family, want to be remembered as healthy
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