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What is Personality?
An enduring set of internally based characteristics that create uniqueness and consistency in a person’s thoughts and behaviors.
Personality Trait
Internally based characteristics that make up one’s personality; a durable disposition to behave in a particular way in various situations.
Three Distinct Elements of Personality
Uniqueness, Consistency, Explanation of behavior expression.
Uniqueness in Personality
Personality traits specific to each person.
Consistency in Personality
Looking at an individual’s behavior across time in similar situations, revealing patterns.
Psychodynamic Perspective
The view that behavior is the result of inner forces that conflict with one another.
Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
A theory focusing on early childhood experiences, unconscious conflicts, and the influence of sexual and aggressive urges.
Physical symptoms without physical cause
Conversion hysteria
Psychic Energy
Internal forces generated by instinctual drives that are discharged through behavior.
Conscious Mental Events
Things we are aware of.
Preconscious Mental Events
Things we are not currently aware of but can easily recall.
Unconscious Mental Events
Things we are not aware of at all.
Structure of Personality - Iceberg Model
Conscious at the top, pre-conscious in the middle, and unconscious at the bottom.
The Id
The innermost core of personality that exists in the unconscious mind, governed by the Pleasure Principle.
Pleasure Principle
The principle that the Id operates on, seeking immediate gratification.
The Ego
The decision-making component of personality that functions at a conscious level, controlled by the Reality Principle.
Reality Principle
The principle that tests reality to determine when the Id can satisfy its needs.
The Super Ego
The moral aspect of personality that develops last and controls the impulses of the Id.
Stages of Psychosexual Development
Stages where adult personality is shaped based on progression through specific pleasure-sensitive areas.
Arrested development where instincts focus on a particular stage, affecting adult personality.
Neo Freudian Perspectives
Theories following Freud that expanded on his ideas and introduced new concepts.
Jung’s Collective Unconsciousness
A set of shared memories and archetypes inherited from past generations.
Universal thought patterns and behaviors triggered by specific situations.
Adler’s Striving for Superiority
A universal drive to adapt, improve oneself, and overcome feelings of inferiority.
Inferiority Complex
Extreme feelings of inferiority that lead to behavioral consequences.
Horney’s Basic Anxiety
Feelings of anxiety due to lack of love and security in relationships.
Pros of Neo-Freudian Perspective
Increased focus on conscious processes and societal influences on personality.
Cons of Neo-Freudian Perspective
Vague concepts that are difficult to measure and based on biased clinical samples.
The perspective that focuses solely on overt behavior and external environmental influences.
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning
A process of learning where behavior is influenced by its consequences.
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory
Theory emphasizing learning through observation and the cognitive processes involved.
Reciprocal Determinism
The concept that internal mental events, external environments, and overt behavior influence each other.
Observational Learning
Learning that occurs by observing the behavior of others and the consequences of their actions.
Belief in one’s ability to successfully perform a behavior.
Internal vs External Locus of Control
Internal locus suggests control over outcomes, while external locus attributes control to external forces.
Evaluating Behavioral Perspectives
An understanding of how internal and external factors influence personality, integrating insights from various perspectives.
The Person - Situation Controversy
Debate on how much behavior is dictated by the situation compared to learned personal responses.
Mischel’s Consistency Paradox
Observation that individuals do not behave as consistently as predicted due to situational influences.
Basic Hostility
Feelings of anger that arise from insecurity in relationships.
Compensation in Adler's Theory
Efforts to overcome real or imagined inferiorities by developing abilities.
Environmental Impact on Personality
A person's home environment influences their personality development based on birth order.
Defence Mechanisms
Unconscious distortions of reality that the Ego uses to manage conflicts between Id and Super Ego.
Childhood Sexuality in Freud's Theory
An idea that was later rejected, questioning the importance of early experiences.
Conversion Hysteria
Physical symptoms that appear without any physical cause, linked to the unconscious mind.
Mental Events Categories
Conscious, preconscious, and unconscious, representing different levels of awareness.