Asch (1955) research into confromnity
Milgram 1963 research into Obedience
It is agreed that neither biology or environment can be the sole factor in a person’s behaviour
Can be used to ‘justify’ violent crimes by reasoning it was pre-determined by genes
Aggression (MAOA)
Skinner’s Rats
Pavlov’s Dogs
Twin Studies
Adoption Studies
Social + Cultural (norms, values + expectations)
Psychological (Environmental, Cognitive + Behavioural)
Biological (Neurochemical, genric, Brain Structure )
Self-Report + Case Studies
Reductionist + Deterministic
Milgram (Obedience)
Asch ( Conformity)
Pavlov (Classical Conditioning)
Skinner (Operant conditioning)
Gain detailed descriptions of behaviour
Helps develop a holistic understanding of the individual
Not generalisable to the wider population
Methods are subjective so replication of behaviour is difficult
Can generalise to the wider population
Methods are objective, measurable, and can be verified
Genralised laws and principles may not apply to an individual
Understanding of the behaviour is often superficial
Institutional Context - Institutions funding research may caus here to be an alternative agenda to the findings
Social Context - Their research could be misenterpreted or used to justify discrimination or opposition to treatments