________ is zero when the acoustic impendences are equal to one another.
Blood flow
________ is the best example of the functional information that an ultrasound can show.
Acoustic impedance
________ is denoted by the letter Z.
Sector transducers
________ have an image shaped like a pie slice.
________ is the square of the pressure.
________ is the maximum pressure intensity and amplitude (kPa)
________ is the frequency (rad /s) or 2pif where f is frequency (Hz)
________ is a mechanical pressure wave.
________ vibrate back- and- forth with a "zero "net movement in ultrasound.
B mode imaging
________ is formed by combining multiple A- mode lines to form a frame.
Doppler mode
________ is a 2- D plot with an overlay.
new interface
The reflecting and refracting at a(n) ________ during ultrasound is due to the acoustic impedance.
________ is between zero and positive 2.
X axis
________ is time and y axis is amplitude.
________ is the wave number or the propagation constant (1 /m)
degree phase shift
A negative value for R indicates a 180 ________ (flip over x- axis); this affects phase shift, but not amplitude or anything else.
material density
Ρ is the average ________ (kg /m^3)
Units of acoustic impedance
________ are kg /m^2* s.
Acoustic wave intensity
________ is used to measure the power in the wave.
Audible waves
________ have a frequency of 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
________ (T) is transmitted pressure over initial presssure.
________ is a longitudinal mechanical wave, which means the wave goes out and comes back along the same line.
________ is the compressibility constant of the material (ms^2 /kg)
Sector transducers
________ allow imaging through a narrow sonographic window in ultrasounds.
True or false, ultrasound imaging is non-ionizing
True or false, ultrasound imaging shows anatomical and functional info
True or false, ultrasounds can handle a big difference in density (i.e
An imaging mode of ultrasound, where the amplitude of returning signal is returned and plotted; measures one line at a time
An imaging mode of ultrasound, where A-line the a line plot of amplitude is shown as brightness over a certain distance
An imaging mode of ultrasound where a plot of A-line, converted to brightness, and then repeated over time; shows motion; the plot is position vs time
An imaging mode of ultrasound; if the object is moving then the returning wave will change, and that change in frequency is measured as velocity; color overlays are used to show velocity of flow and direction
Particle velocity
How fast a particle is moving back and forth, not wave speed
Refresh rate
Numbe of frames drawn per second (1/time of frame)
Ultrasound probe best for large structures that are deep in the tissue
Ultrasound probe best for imaging small structures that works best for structures just beneath the skin
An array ultrasound probe that combines sector and linear formats, best for a broad sonographic window