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Mineral particles
Suspended sediment/particles.
Dissolved substances
Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl, SO4, HCO3.
Microscopic solids & organic matter
Includes pathogenic microorganisms (cholera, typhoid, dysentery).
Industrial contamination
Heavy metals (lead), synthetic chemicals (DDT, PCBs, PFAS), nuclear waste.
Water with >500 ppm dissolved solids
Unsuitable for human consumption.
US EPA regulation
Over 100 organic & inorganic contaminants must be tested 4 times per year.
Point source contamination
Identifiable, localized (e.g., leaking storage tank, landfill).
Non-point source contamination
Diffuse contamination (e.g., pesticides, road salt).
Trace metals
Lead, mercury.
Phosphorus, nitrogen compounds.
Bacteria, viruses.
Organic compounds
Carbon-based pollutants.
Radioactive waste
Uranium, plutonium.
Safely Managed Drinking Water Services (SMDWS)
Criteria for improved water delivery (e.g., tap water, boreholes, protected wells).
4.4 billion people in LMICs
Sub-Saharan Africa SMDWS
Has the lowest rates of SMDWS (<10% of the population in 12 countries).
EPA regulates ~100 contaminants
But many more exist, including ~700 disinfection by-products and ~1,200 chemicals from fracking.
Key Contaminants
Arsenic, linked to skin, bladder, and lung cancers.
EPA MCL for Arsenic
10 µg/L, but no safe level (MCLG = 0 µg/L).
Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
Formed from chlorine interacting with organic matter, linked to bladder cancer and pregnancy complications.
Fracking-Related Substances
~150,000 active wells in the US with toxic, radioactive, endocrine-disrupting, and carcinogenic chemicals.
Highly toxic, affecting the nervous, cardiovascular, kidney, and immune systems.
From fertilizers, manure, wastewater, septic systems; MCL: 10 mg/L.
PFAS ('Forever Chemicals')
Linked to cancer, immune suppression, and hormone disruption; 98% of Americans have detectable PFAS in their blood.
EPA's 2022 advisory level for PFAS
0.004 ng/L (extremely low tolerance).
Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
Highest allowed concentration.
Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG)
No known health risk threshold.
Treatment Technique (TT)
Required process to reduce contaminants.
mg/L = ppm (parts per million).