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The belief that only physical matter exists.
The belief that both material and immaterial substances (mind) exist.
Cogito, ergo sum
A philosophical statement by Descartes which means 'I think, therefore I am,' asserting the certainty of one's existence through the act of thinking.
Thinking being
According to Descartes, a being that confirms its existence through processes of doubt, understanding, affirmation, denial, and thinking.
Wax argument
Descartes' argument illustrating that the mind understands the nature of objects better than the body through the changing properties of wax.
Category mistake
An error that occurs when something is attributed to a category it does not belong to, used by Ryle to argue against dualism.
Holistic reasoning
A perspective that recognizes the interdependence of mind and body, as opposed to strictly separating them.
Subjective experience
Personal experiences that cannot be objectively measured or fully understood by external observation, as emphasized by Nagel.
Watchmaker analogy
Paley’s argument that the complexity of the universe implies the existence of a designer, similar to how a watch's complexity implies a watchmaker.
Moral growth
Swinburne's assertion that growth in moral character is one of the goods that outweighs the existence of evil.
Free will defense
The argument that the existence of evil is justified as it allows for human moral choices, which is a necessary aspect of free will.
Pascal’s wager
The argument that believing in God is the rational choice due to the potential infinite gain of eternal happiness.
Hiddenness of God
The concept that God's lack of clear divine communication poses challenges for belief in God's existence, as discussed by McKim.
Design argument
An argument suggesting that the complexity of the world infers a designer, which Philo raises objections against.
Problem of evil
The philosophical issue questioning how evil can exist in a world governed by a benevolent and omnipotent God.
Desires of the heart
Deeply rooted desires that drive morality and action, used by Stump to explore the problem of evil.
Problem of hell
The moral tension between the inherent worth of human nature and the concept of eternal punishment, as discussed by Adams.
Divine forgiveness
Minas' position that God embodies forgiveness, supported by arguments reflecting human experiences of forgiveness.
Moral truths
Cahn's assertion that moral principles exist independently of divine commands, highlighting that belief in God does not necessarily dictate morality.
Ten Commandments moral basis
Cahn's argument that the Ten Commandments are morally right not because God commands them, but because they align with existing moral truths.