AP Psychology Unit 12 & 13: Abnormal Psychology

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Ongoing patterns of behavior that interfere with normal day-to-day life are best characterized as

a. deviant

b. antisocial

c. dysfunctional

d. catatonic

e. atypical

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Ongoing patterns of behavior that interfere with normal day-to-day life are best characterized as

a. deviant

b. antisocial

c. dysfunctional

d. catatonic

e. atypical

c. dysfunctional

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Larry has difficulty organizing his daily schedule of work responsibilities. He often makes careless mistakes or fails to complete his work because he is easily distracted. Larry's behavior is most characteristic of

a. illness anxiety disorder

b. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

c. generalized anxiety disorder

d. obsessive-compulsive disorder

e. conversion disorder

b. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

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The conception of psychological disorders are biologically based sickness is known as the

a. psychoanalytic theory

b. humanistic theory

c. medical model

d. biopsychosocial apprach

e. DSM-5

c. medical model

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Dr. McIntosh emphasizes that depression often involves the interactive influences of self-focused rumination, rejection from others, and low serotonin levels. Dr. McIntosh's emphasis best illustrates

a. the medical model

b. the learning perspective

c. linkage analysis

d. a biopsychosocial approach

e. psychoanalytic theory

d. a biopsychosocial approach

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To facilitate diagnostic reliability, the DSM-5 typically bases diagnoses on

a. chemical analyses of blood and urine samples

b. physiological measures of blood pressure, perspiration, and muscle tension

c. observable patterns of behavior

d. brain scans

e. analysis of genetic predispositions

c. observable patterns of behavior

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After Anika learned that her history teacher had suffered an anxiety disorder, she concluded that the teacher's tendency to talk loudly was simply a way of disguising feelings of personal insecurity. This best illustrates the

a. value of the psychoanalytic perspective

b. shortcomings of the medical model

c. unreliability of DSM-5

d. biasing power of diagnostic labels

e. impact of student expectations on teachers' behavior

d. biasing power of diagnostic labels

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When children are told that certain classmates are learning disabled, they may behave in ways that inhibit the success of these students in the classroom. This best illustrates the dangers of

a. delusions

b. the medical model

c. linkage analysis

d. self-fulfilling prophecies

e. the psychoanalytic perspective

d. self-fulfilling prophecies

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Immigrants to the United States from Mexico are __________ likely to develop symptoms of a mental illness than Mexican-Americans born in the United States. Immigrants to the United States from Asia are __________ likely to develop symptoms of a mental illness than Asian-American born in the United States.

a. more; less

b. equally; equally

c. more; more

d. equally; less

e. more; equally

c. more; more

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Anxiety is considered disordered if it is

a. persistent and distressing

b. hard to control

c. genetically influenced

d. a biopsychosocial phenomenon

e. paired with depressive episodes

a. persistent and distressing

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Episodes of intense dread that last for several minutes and are accompanied by shortness of breath, trembling, dizziness, or heart palpitations are most characteristics of a(n)

a. mania

b. panic disorder

c. obsessive-compulsive disorder

d. generalized anxiety disorder

e. dissociative disorder

b. panic disorder

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An incapacitating and highly distressing fear about being embarrassed in the presence of others is most characteristic of

a. panic disorder

b. social anxiety disorder

c. antisocial personality disorder

d. obsessive-compulsive disorder

e. somatic symptom disoorder

b. social anxiety disorder

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Kaylee is so afraid of spiders and insects that she avoids most outdoor activities and even refuses to go to the basement of her own house alone. Kaylee appears to suffer from a(n)

a. obsessive-compulsive disorder

b. histrionic personality disorder

c. bipolar disorder

d. dissociative disorder

e. phobia

e. phobia

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Compulsions are best described as

a. persistent fears

b. repetitive behaviors

c. illusory sensations

d. suicidal thoughts

e. false beliefs

b. repetitive behaviors

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Repeated distressing dreams and intrusive memories of an intensely fearful and life-threatening experience are symptoms most commonly associated with

a. panic disorder

b. agoraphobia

c. generalized anxiety disorder

d. post-traumatic disorder

e. dysthymia

b. agoraphobia

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Most political dissidents who survive dozens of episodes of torture do not later experience PTSD. This best illustrates survivor

a. mania

b. catatonia

c. dissociation

d. resiliency

e. denial

d. resiliency

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As infants become mobile and experience falls, they become increasingly afraid of heights. This best illustrates the impact of __________ on fear.

a. linkage analysis

b. observational learning

c. classical conditioning

d. post-traumatic growth

e. generalized anxiety

c. classical conditioning

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Julius is obsessed with avoiding germs and feels compelled to bathe at least 10 times every day. His therapist suggests that Julius continues his maladaptive bathing because this behavior temporarily reduced his anxiety on many past occasions. The therapist's suggestion most directly reflects a __________ perspective.

a. biological

b. trait

c. learning

d. psychoanalytic

e. humanistic

c. learning

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A rape victim may experience a panic attack when she sees anyone wearing a coat that resembles the one worn by her attacker. This reaction best illustrates the process of

a. observational learning

b. reinforcement

c. stimulus generalization

d. linage analysis

e. generalized anxiety

c. stimulus generalization

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As Jordan watches, his brother recieves an electric shock from touching the frayed toaster cord. Jordan is now intensely afraid of toasters. This best illustrates that fear can be learned through

a. stimulus generalization

b. observational learning

c. linkage analysis

d. reinforcement

e. classical conditioning

b. observational learning

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Although World War II air raids were extremely traumatic for those who experienced them, few of these people developed phobic reactions to overhead planes. This fact is best explained from a __________ perspective.

a. learning

b. psychoanalytic

c. biological

d. humanistic

e. social-cognitive

c. biological

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Some studies suggest that an anxiety gene affects the brain's level of the neurotransmitter

a. dopamine

b. serotonin

c. epinephrine

d. acetylcholine

e. testosterone

b. serotonin

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The prominent feature of mood disorders is the experience of

a. social phobia

b. flat affect

c. emotional extremes

d. paranoia

e. anxiety

c. emotional extremes

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For the last month, Gabrielle has felt lethargic and has been unable to get out of bed in the morning. SShe has withdrawn from friends and family because she feels worthless and unlovable. Gabrielle is most likely suffering from

a. agoraphobia

b. major depressive disorder


d. antisocial personality disorder

e. schizophrenia

b. major depressive disorder

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Feelings of worthlessness are most likely to be associated with

a. mania

b. major depressive disorder

c. panic disorder

d. antisocial personality disorder

e. phobia

b. major depressive disorder

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A disorder in which an individual is overexcited, hyperactive, and wildly optimistic is known as

a. paranoia

b. mania

c. a panic attack

d. illness anxiety disorder

e. schizophrenia

b. mania

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Stressful life events like the loss of a job are most likely increase one's risk of

a. schizophrenia

b. depression

c. antisocial personality disorder

d. social phobia

e. bipolar disorder

b. depression

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By boosting serotonin, antidepressant drugs stimulate the growth of neurons in the

a. cerebellum

b. hippocampus

c. reticular formation

d. sympathetic nervous system

e. medulla

b. hippocampus

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Which perspective has emphasized the impact of learned helplessness on depression?

a. psychoanalytic

b. biological

c. social-cognitive

d. humanistic

e. structuralist

c. social-cognitive

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Inanna suffers from chronic depression. According to the social-cognitive perspective, how is she most likely to respond when told that she performed very poorly on a test she took the previous day?

a. "The teacher in this course is probably one of the poorest teachers I have ever had."

b. "I'm academically incompetent and always will be."

c. "Yesterday was just my unlucky day"

d. "I suspect that none of the students in my class did well on that test"

e. "Hardly any of the teachers in this school are effective classroom teachers"

b. "I'm academically incompetent and always will be."

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Research suggests that women are more vulnerable to depression than men because women are more likely to negative life events with self-rumination. This suggestion best illustrates a __________ perspective.

a. humanistic

b. biological

c. psychoanalytic

d. social-cognitive

e. medical

d. social-cognitive

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To break the vicious cycle of depression, the social-cognitive perspective suggests that people should be encouraged to explain their failures in terms that are both

a. internal and stable

b. external and global

c. internal and global

d. external and temporary

e. external and stable

d. external and temporary

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Groups that are most likely to hurt themselves by NSSI are

a. the elderly

b. new parents

c. people experiencing a midlife crisis

d. infants and toddlers

e. adolescents and young adults

e. adolescent and young adults

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Jabar, a 25-year-old auto mechanic, thinks he is Napoleon. He is further believes he is being imprisoned against his will in the mental hospital where his relatives have brought him for treatment. Jabar is most likely suffering from

a. obsessive-compulsive disorder

b. schizophrenia

c. a panic disorder

d. a dissociative identity disorder

e. conversion disorder

d. a dissociative identity disorder

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The hallucinations experienced by those who suffer from schizophrenia are most likely to involve __________ things that are not there.

a. seeing

b. feeling

c. hearing

d. tasting

e. smelling

c. hearing

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Mr. Hunt believes that he is the president of the United States and that he will soon become the "King of the Universe." Mr. Hunt is most clearly suffering from

a. delusions

b. obsessions

c. hallucinations

d. dissociative identity disorder

e. fugue

a. delusions

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The chances for recovery from schizophrenia are considered to be greatest when the disorder develops

a. rapidly in response to a stressful life situation

b. slowly over a period of years

c. in reaction to abnormalities in brain chemistry

d. during adolescence or early adulthood

e. combination with drug use

a. rapidly in response to a stressful life situation

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Peoplee are more likely to recover from __________ schizophrenia than from __________ schizophrenia.

a. acute; reactive

b. paranoid; disorganized

c. chronic; acute

d. reactive; process

e. disorganized; paranoid

d. reactive; process

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Schizophrenia is associated with an excess of receptors for

a. norepinephrine

b. dopamine

c. serotonin

d. acetylcholine

e. insulin

b. dopamine

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An abornal shrinkage of cerebral tissue is most likely to be associated with

a. dissociative diorders

b. obsessive-compulsive disorder

c. post-traumatic stress disorder

d. personality disorder

e. schizophrenia

e. schizophrenia

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Evidence suggests that ___________ contribute(s) to schizophrenia

a. the internalization of anger

b. depressed serotonin levels

c. a pessimistic explanatory style

d. conscious role-playing

e. prenatal viral infections

e. prenatal viral infections

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A short attention span is an early warning sign of

a. agoraphobia

b. panic disorder

c. obsessive-compulsive disorder

d. schizophrenia

e. antisocial personality disorder

d. schizophrenia

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Saul frequently feels like he has a lump in his throat that makes it difficult for him to speak or swallow. Medical examinations, however, indicate that there is no apparent physical cause for these symptoms. Saul appears to be suffering from a

a. generalized anxiety disorder

b. dissociative disorder

c. somatic symptom disorder

d. mood disorder

e. anxiety disorder

c. somatic symptom disorder

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Experiencing physical symptoms, such as blindness or paralysis, that make no physiological sense is indicative of

a. schizophrenia

b. conversion disorder

c. dissociative disorder

d. generalized anxiety disorder

e. personality disorder

b. conversion disorder

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Illness anxiety disorder is characterized by

a. a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object or situation

b. disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity

c. offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person

d. the misinterpretation of normal physical symptoms of a disease

e. constant fear of new, strange situations

d. the misinterpretation of normal physical sensations as symptoms of a disease

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Dissociative disorders are most likely to be characterized by

a. disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity

b. offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person

c. a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state of emotion

d. alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism

e. panic attacks caused by new, stressful situations

a. disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity

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William, an airplane pilot, is unable to remember anything of a bombing raid in which his plane was severly damaged and two crew members were killed. Because he himself suffered no physical injuries, psychologists suspect that William probably suffers from a

a. panic disorder

b. dissociative disorder

c. phobia

d. generalized anxiety disorder

e. bipolar disorder

b. dissociative disorder

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Conniee exhibits multiple personalities. Evidence that information learned by her secondary personality influences the moods and behaviors of her primary personality would most clearly rule out the contribution of __________ to her symptoms

a. role-playing

b. sexual trauma

c. dissociation

d. motivational conflict

e. childhood abuse

c. dissociation

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Noah's therapist suggests that Noah developed a dissociative identity disorder in order to misbehave without feeling a strong sense of personal shame. The therapist's suggestion most directly reflects a __________ perspective.

a. humanistic

b. social-cognitive

c. trait

d. psychoanalytic

e. biological

d. psychoanalytic

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About eight months ago, 14-year-old Shelley went on a drastic weight-loss diet that caused her to drop from 110 to 80 pounds. Although she is now dangerously underweight and under-nourished, she continues to think she looks fat. Her frustrated father recently forced her to eat a peanut butter sandwich, but Shelley immediately went to the bathroom and threw it all up. Shelley most clearly suffers from

a. hypometabolism

b. excess PYY

c. an abnormally low set point

d. bulimia nervosa

e. anorexia nervosa

e. anorexia nervosa

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Those who engage in spurts of excessive overeating, followed by remorse--but do not binge, purge, fast, or exercise excessively--are said to have

a. binge-eating disorder

b. anorexia disorder

c. bulimia disorder

d. neophobia

e. set point

a. binge-eating disorder

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Researchers use biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis to understand eating disorders. The social-cultural level of analysis is especially likley to emphasize that eating disorders are influeenced by

a. a natural wariness of unfamiliar foods

b. mass media standards of appearance

c. bouts of depressiion and anxiety

d. the universal idealization of thinness

e. genetic predispositions in different cultures

b. mass media standards of appearance

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Psychological disorders characterized by inflexible, enduring, and socially maladaptive behavior paatterns are called __________ disorders.

a. acute

b. free-floating

c. reactive

d. personality

e. chronic

d. personality

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One cluster of personality disorders marked by dramatic or impulsive behaviors is exemplified by the __________ personality disorder

a. avoidant

b. schizoid

c. catatonic

d. histrionic

e. acute

d. histrionic

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Those with a histrionic personality disorder are most likely to display

a. a lack of guilt feelings

b. delusions of persecution

c. apathy and lack of energy

d. dramatic, attention-getting behaviors

e. delusions and hallucinations

d. dramatic, attention-getting behaviors

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A schizoid personality disorder is most likely to be characterized by

a. a detachment from social relationships

b. shallow, attention-getting emotional displays

c. a sense of self-importance

d. an insatiable desire for attention

e. a fear of social rejection

a. a detachment from social relationships

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An antisocial personality disorder is mostly likely to be characterized by

a. delusions of grandeur

b. a persistent, irrational fear of people

c. episodes of intense autonomic nervous system arousal

d. distruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity

e. a lack of guilt feelings

e. a lack of guilt feelings

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The reduced self-control of murderers is most clearly related to reduced brain activity in their __________ lobes.

a. frontal

b. temporal

c. occipital

d. perietal

e. sensorimotor

a. frontal

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