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what are hydrogen bonds?
weak electrostatic attraction between a slightly positive charged ago and a slightly negative charged atom
what does water consist of?
-2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom covalently bonded
-oxygen has a delta negative charge (stronger affinity)
-h2o is polar
-held by h bonds which helps it sustain life
Properties of water
-density of ice
-high specific heat capacity
-high latent heat of vaporisation
density of ce
-ice is less dense then water,so it floats
-ice insulates the water below from freezing allowing aquatic life to survive
-water dissolves polar molecules by slightly delta negative oxygen molecules becomes attracted to positive ion
high specific heat capacity
-the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of h2o by 1C
-a lot of heat needed to change the temp allowing aquatic life to survive
high specific heat of vaporisation
-Evaporation has a cooling effect:a lot of energy has been lost
-starch—maltose(by amylase)—glucose(by maltase)
types of carbohydrates
-polysaccharides=many sugars(starch in plant cells, glycogen in animal cells+energy storage molecules)
-disaccharides=two sugars
-monosaccharides=one sugar
glucose(energy source )
formula for respiration
what is a monomer and polymer?
monomer=a single repeating unit
polymer=a large molecule made up of monomers
what is a condensation reaction?
reaction in which water is formed/removed and a bond is formed
what is a hydrolysis reaction?
reaction in which a molecule of water is used and a bone is broken
Types of glucose
-Alpha glucose =has the OH group on C1 below
-Beta glucose=has the OH group on C1 above
what type of bond do carbohydrates make?
glycosidic bond
Benedicts Test(for reducing sugars)
-ass benedict’s reagent to sample in a test tube and heat it up
-a red-brown colour if the test is positive
-reducing sugar are able to donate electrons
Benedicts Test(for non-reducing sugars)
-add HCl to sample and heat to hydrolyse sucrose
-add NaHCO3 to neutralise HCl
-add benedict’s reagent and heat
-red-brown colour if the test is positive
-used to make the test quantitative
-mesures absorbance
-place a cuvette with distilled water into the colorimeter and press R to reset the equipment
-place cuvette containing solution into the colorimeter and press T to test
structure of amylose
-in plants
-long chain of alpha glucose
-glycosidic bonds between carbon 1-4
-helical shape
-compact=less space
-hydrogen bonds
-hydroxyl group on c2=less soluble=allowing hydrogen bonds to from to maintain the structure
structure of amylopectin
-in plants
-helical shape
-hydrogen bonds
-glycosidic bonds between carbon 1-4 +branches formed by glycosidic bonds between carbon 1-6
structure of glycogen
-in animals
--glycosidic bonds between carbon 1-4 +branches formed by glycosidic bonds between carbon 1-6
-more branches=more compact=easier to remove monomer units as there are more ends
-more branches=enzymes can easily access and rapidly hydrolyse into glucose for respiration
-insoluble=not affects water potential in cells
-compact=can store a lot of glucose molecules
structure of cellulose
-in plants
-beta glucose joined by condensation reaction
-1-4 glycosidic bonds
-many hydrogen bonds which gives high tensile strength =they can resist pulling forces without breaking