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Aztec Empire Falls to the Spanish

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Columbian Exchange

the transfer of goods and things between the New and Old World

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Royal Colony

(Jamestown) under the direct authority of the king

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Corporate Colony

(Virginia) operated by a joint stock company

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Proprietary Colony

(PA and Maryland) under the authority of individuals granted charters by the king

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John Winthrop

City on a Hill, governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony and Puritan Leader

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Roger Williams

Religiously Tolerate founder of Rhode Island

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Anne Hutchinson

Feminist, Read the bible when it was considered unlawful for women. Moved to Rhode Island with Roger Williams and for religious toleration.

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Columbian Exchange Crops

Corn (Maize), Potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, pineapples

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Salutatory Neglect

North American colonies were left largely on their own with little British interference. THE IDEA THAT ESSENTIALLY: “You make money, We make money, we’re good.” Early to mid 18th century (1700s)

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Religious followers of Joseph Smith: wrote the book of mormon instituted that the purpose of the mormon temple rituals was to give people the knowledge they needed to enter God's presence and to become like God. (THINK UTAH) They relocated to utah after Joseph Smith was murdered.

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Henry Clay

Throughout his career, as senator, Speaker of the House, and secretary of state, Clay helped guide a fragile Union through several critical impasses. As senator, he forged the Compromise of 1850 to maintain the Union, but such compromises could not settle the fractious issues that ultimately resulted in Civil War.

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George Whitefield

George Whitefield was probably the most famous religious figure of the eighteenth century. Newspapers called him the 'marvel of the age'. Whitefield was a preacher capable of commanding thousands on two continents through the sheer power of his oratory. INFLUENCED THE FIRST GREAT AWAKENING.

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Johnathan Edwards

Edwards wrote numerous sermons, books, and pamphlets that helped start the religious revival known as the FIRST Great Awakening and according to one historian, “provided pre-revolutionary America with a radical, even democratic, social and political ideology” that influenced the American Revolutionary effort.

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John Dickinson


a Pennsylvania lawyer, penned this series of essays to protest the Townshend Duties, a series of parliamentary taxes on imported luxury goods passed in the wake of the Stamp Act's repeal. First serialized in newspapers, Dickinson's essays circulated widely, and were later published in a single volume.

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Second Great Awakening

a Protestant religious revival during the early 19th century in the United States. The Second Great Awakening, which spread religion through revivals and emotional preaching, sparked a number of reform movements. Involved lower classes and saw everyone as equals.

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First Great Awakening

The beliefs of the New Lights of the First Great Awakening competed with the more conservative religion of the first colonists, who were known as Old Lights.

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What made the Native Americans group so diverse?


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Navigation Acts

acts of Parliament intended to promote the self-sufficiency of the British Empire by restricting colonial trade to England and decreasing dependence on foreign imported goods.

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Free Soil Movement

A political movement that opposed the expansion of slavery. In 1848 the free soilers organized the free soil party which depicted slavery as a threat to republicanism and to Jeffersonian ideal of freeholder society, arguments that won broad support among white farmers.

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Wilmot Proviso

The 1846 proposal by Representitive David Wilmot of PA to ban slavery in territory aquirred from the US-Mexico war.

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Harriet Beecher Stowe

Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) Humanized slavery.

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Opposition to immigration and full citizenship for recent immigrants or to immigrants of a particular ethnic or national background, as expressed, for example, by anti Irish discrimination in the 1850s and Asian exclusion laws between the 1880s and 1940s.

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Know-Nothing Party

An anti immigrant, anti catholic political party formed in 1851 that arose in response to mass immigration in the 1840s especially from Ireland and Germany. In 1854 the party gained control of the state government of Massachusetts and PA.

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Kansas-Nebraska Act

MADE ENGLISHMEN WEALTHY BUT COLONISTS ANGRY A controversial 1854 law that divide Indian territory into kansas and nebraska, repealed the Missouri Compromise, and left the new territories to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Far from clarifying the status of slavery in the territories, the act led to the violent conflict of bleeding kansas.

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Bleeding Kansas

A series of border wars and conflicts started when John Brown and his sons killed 5 pro slave people.

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Dred Scott Decision 1857

Supreme court ruled Missouri Compromise unconstitutional and ruled against slave Dred Scott who claimed he travels with his master into free states and territories that made him free. Also denied the federal government the right to exclude slavery from the territories that declared African American were not citizens and were seen as property.

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West Virginia breaks away 1863

formed their own state unwilling to cut their own throats merely to sustain a most unwarrantable rebellion.

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Habeas Corpus

A legal act forcing government authorizes to justify their arrest and detention of an individual. DURING THE CIVIL WAR Lincoln suspended habeas corpus to stop protests against the draft and other anti union activates.

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Antietam 1862

Sharpsburg Maryland

The day of the battle September 17th remains the bloodiest single day in US military history.

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Emancipation Proclamation January 1st 1863

legally abolished slavery in all states that remained out of the union. Did not immediately free a single slave, it signaled an end to the institution of slavery. Kills slavery where it is strongest.

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Border states

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia

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13th Amendment

abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime.

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4 important things that led to the Civil War

Slavery, Constitutional debates on states vs. federal government, economic differences, political extremism.

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Civil War Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865

The Union won the American Civil War. The war effectively ended in April 1865 when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House in Virginia.

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Seneca falls convention

The first women’s rights convention in the US held in Seneca falls NY in 1848 it resulted in a manifesto extending to women the egalitarian republican ideology of the Declaration of Independence “rewriting” laws to include women.

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Stono Rebellion

A slave uprising in 1739 along the Stono River killing more than twenty colonists but shut down quickly. Shows the impossibly of success.

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The french and indian war 1754

French and British claims in North America came to a head. The result was an international incident that prompted Virginian and British expansionist to demand war. But war in North America was worrisome due to the fact that the colonies were incapable of cooperating in their own defense.

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The Boston Massacre 1770

A group of 90 British troops quarreled with townspeople ad killed five of them. John Adams represented the and proved the british troops not guilty.

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Sons of Liberty

Samuel Adams started this rebellious group a loosely organized, clandestine, sometimes violent, political organization active in the Thirteen American Colonies founded to advance the rights of the colonists and to fight taxation by the British government.

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What was the impacts of the navigation acts?

Smuggling, Dominion of New England, Hinders International Trade.

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Why were the navigation acts put in place?


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Jackson Veto

thought that the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional because it put tax dollars into a private company. When Congress voted to extend the Second Bank's charter in 1832, Jackson vetoed the bill. To explain his decision to the nation, Jackson issued this veto message on July 10, 1832. Jackson vetoed because it only served the wealthy because he was known as the COMMON MAN. Caused reelection--- problem occurs because now that there is no national bank therefore no place to put the money---making PET BANKS.

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What effect did the manifest destiny have on women?

Despite the influence of gendered ideas on social life and even federal policy, the West offered women unprecedented opportunities to do what so many men did: to reinvent themselves. Even the Homestead Act provided for single women to claim land of their own, and thousands of women did just that.

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Who would object to the compromise of 1850?

Free soilers and opponents of slavery refused to accept california

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Shays Rebellion

An uprising in western Massachusetts in opposition to high taxes and stringent economic conditions. SHOWED HOW WEAK THE ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION WERE.

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What do the english gain from the english civil war

Enormous amounts of debt, land (western territories and ohio river valley, florida, and canada)

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Pet Banks

state banks that were selected to receive surplus Federal Treasury funds in 1833. These pet banks were state run banks that were loyal to President Andrew Jackson. The ''pet bank'' nickname came from this relationship.

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Tariff Of Abominations

John Quincy Adams passed this act to protect american industry but southerners didn’t have any industry!!!!! sought to protect northern and western agricultural products from competition with foreign imports; however, the resulting tax on foreign goods would raise the cost of living in the South and would cut into the profits of New England's industrialists. We put a tariff on french stuff and then french put tariffs on american goods like cotton and tobacco.

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John C Calhoun

the constitutional theory that individual states can invalidate federal laws or judicial decisions they deem unconstitutional.

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Making money for the mother country.

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Manifest Destiny

Believed that it was their god given right to conquer west. Gave women new opportunity to gain land.

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Missouri Compromise 1820

36 30 degrees

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Missouri Compromise 1850

Gets rid of earlier compromise and added california as a free state.

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