________ (Ca++) ions predominantly on the outside- has a double charge- every ion that enters the intracellular fluid has double the charge of a sodium ion.
________ and calcium have greater potential to get thru the membrane.
________ (Evoked Response Potential):: EEGs configured in a new way, give a stimulus and look how neurons respond immediately before or after- measured over time.
________:: an electrically charged atom or molecule.
Unmyelinated axons is like doing the wave at a(n) ________ game; myelinated axons is like standing in a circle squeezing palms.
________ are very important to balance and modulate the neurons.
________:: cell becomes more neg on the inside (further from 0)
________:: single electrode or complex electrodes; read the electrical charge of potentially millions of neurons; no specificity for cell by cell actions- looking for gross activity of neurons acting together.
________:: cell becomes less neg on the inside (closer to 0)
________ (Cl)- wants to enter cell via concentration; stay outside via voltage.
________ (K+) wants to leave cell via concentration; stay inside via voltage.
threshold of excitation
Voltage- gated channels only open when the membrane potential is at the ________.
________:: tool used to measure charge of the inside /outside of a neuron.
Cell membrane
________:: a phospholipid bilayer.
________:: study of life processes of neurons.
Ion channels
________ are on the dendrites /dendritic spines, cell body, every surface that grows.
Intracellular fluid
________:: inside of our cells have fluid, negative charge usually.
________ enters due to the concentration gradient and turns on second messengers.
________ (Na+) wants to enter cell via concentration; enter cell via voltage.
Threshold of excitation
________:: the amount of depolarization required to initiate an action potential.
________ (Ca++) wants to enter cell via concentration; enter cell via voltage.
study of life processes of neurons
Intracellular fluid
inside of our cells have fluid, negative charge usually
Extracellular fluid
surrounding cells, positive charge usually
tool used to measure charge of the inside/outside of a neuron
an electrically charged atom or molecule
Cell membrane
a phospholipid bilayer
Phosphate groups w/inactive arms naturally align themselves in tight rows
fat soluble things can pass through, otherwise molecules must have a channel to go through (very specific channel)
Threshold of excitation
the amount of depolarization required to initiate an action potential
what does the cell look like when the neuron is not firing
Organic anions (A-)
big, lots of molecular weight and potassium ions (K+)
Naturally neg because A
is so prevalent
cell becomes less neg on the inside (closer to 0)
cell becomes more neg on the inside (further from 0)
Voltage gradient (electrostatic forces)
in high positive concentration, they will be drawn to neg charge; in high neg concentration, they will be drawn to pos charge → opposites attract
sodium prefers to go thru a channel, but can sneak thru membrane a little bit
Absolute refractory period
neuron cannot fire again
Relative refractory period
neuron can potentially fire again, sodium-potassium pump working super hard
Hearing and touch pathways begin myelinating in the womb
majority occurs after birth
Tied to experience
neurons that fire more regularly will be more myelinated
EPSP (Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential)
depolarization; Ca++, Na+ will eventually reach threshold of excitation
IPSP (Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential)
hyperpolarization; Cl-, K+