Neurophysiology (Chapter 2)

History (Jose Delgado):

  • Radio-controlled bulls → radio frequency to stimulate the brain + control bulls charging at the stimulus

    • Founding early work for TMS

      • What does it mean if a device is controlling your behavior?

Key Vocab:

  • Neurophysiology::study of life processes of neurons

  • Intracellular fluid::inside of our cells have fluid, negative charge usually

  • Extracellular fluid::surrounding cells, positive charge usually

  • Microelectrode::tool used to measure charge of the inside/outside of a neuron

  • Ion::an electrically charged atom or molecule

    • Anion = neg; Cation = pos

  • Cell membrane::a phospholipid bilayer

    • Phosphate groups w/inactive arms naturally align themselves in tight rows - fat soluble things can pass through, otherwise molecules must have a channel to go through (very specific channel)

  • Threshold of excitation::the amount of depolarization required to initiate an action potential

Resting and Action Potential:

  • Resting - what does the cell look like when the neuron is not firing?

    • Intracellular fluid has high levels of

      • Organic anions (A-) - big, lots of molecular weight and potassium ions (K+)

      • Naturally neg because A- is so prevalent

    • Extracellular fluid has higher levels of

      • Chloride (Cl-) ions and sodium (Na+) ions

  • What will cause the inside of the cell to become more positive?

    • Calcium (Ca++) ions predominantly on the outside - has a double charge - every ion that enters the intracellular fluid has double the charge of a sodium ion

  • Depolarization::cell becomes less neg on the inside (closer to 0)

  • Hyperpolarization::cell becomes more neg on the inside (further from 0)

Forces that Guide Molecules:

  • Concentration gradient (diffusion)::from high concentration to low concentration - natural, passive process

  • Voltage gradient (electrostatic forces)::in high positive concentration, they will be drawn to neg charge; in high neg concentration, they will be drawn to pos charge → opposites attract

    • Potassium (K+) wants to leave cell via concentration; stay inside via voltage

    • Chloride (Cl-) wants to enter cell via concentration; stay outside via voltage

    • Sodium (Na+) wants to enter cell via concentration; enter cell via voltage

    • Calcium (Ca++) wants to enter cell via concentration; enter cell via voltage

  • If you need depolarization, big players are calcium and sodium entering

  • If you need hyperpolarization, big players are potassium (leaving) and chloride (entering)

Sodium-Potassium Pump:

  • Actively pulls sodium out of the cells and potassium into the cell to re-establish resting potential

    • Huge metabolic expense for running the brain

  • Occurs b/w every action potential so the neurons can fire again

Ion Channels:

  • Ion channels are on the dendrites/dendritic spines, cell body, every surface that grows

  • Open and close depending on what they’re told to do by NTs, allowing certain molecules in depending on the channel

Membrane Permeability:

  • Ability of the molecules to pass thru the membrane

    • Smaller ions can sneak through

    • Ex: sodium prefers to go thru a channel, but can sneak thru membrane a little bit

  • How much sneaks in depends on the concentration gradient

    • Sodium and calcium have greater potential to get thru the membrane

Equilibrium Potential:

  • The point where the electrostatic pressure pulling ions in one direction is offset by the diffusion force pushing them in the opposite direction (-40mV to -80mV)

    • Chloride and sodium are sitting equilibrium at RP

Action Potential:

  • Toilet analogy

  • Voltage-gated channels only open when the membrane potential is at the threshold of excitation

  • Concentration gradient only gradient working when 0mV (no voltage acting on the sodium)

  • Absolute refractory period::neuron cannot fire again

  • Relative refractory period::neuron can potentially fire again, sodium-potassium pump working super hard

    • Think of double flushing a toilet

    • Think of sodium like a tense hunting bow, potassium drifting and gradually picking up speed

  • Tonic::baseline firing rate; Phasic::burst firing rate, brain codes as important


  • Hearing and touch pathways begin myelinating in the womb - majority occurs after birth

  • Tied to experience - neurons that fire more regularly will be more myelinated

    • Speeds it up from base level to its conduction velocity (150 m/s → 300mph)

  • Unmyelinated axons is like doing the wave at a Cowboys game; myelinated axons is like standing in a circle squeezing palms

    • “Saltatory conduction”

    • At each node of ranvier there are big clusters of Na+ and K+ channels

Neural Integration:

  • EPSP (Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential)::depolarization; Ca++, Na+ will eventually reach threshold of excitation

  • IPSP (Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential)::hyperpolarization; Cl-, K+

  • To consider

    1. Are there enough EPSPs to create an action potential?

    2. IPSPs are very important to balance and modulate the neurons

End of the Axon:

  • Action potential comes down and reaches the terminal ending, which have voltage-gated calcium channels

    • They respond to the change in electrical activity and open

      • Calcium enters due to the concentration gradient and turns on second messengers

        • Messengers will bind to the vesicles on the terminal endings to make them mobilize → go to their docking station to fuse w/the membrane to open → NTs drift away (concentration gradient)


  • EEG::single electrode or complex electrodes; read the electrical charge of potentially millions of neurons; no specificity for cell by cell actions - looking for gross activity of neurons acting together

    • Good for distinguishing phases of sleep and identifying seizure disorders

  • ERP (Evoked Response Potential)::EEGs configured in a new way, give a stimulus and look how neurons respond immediately before or after - measured over time
