Chapter Three: The Social Self

  • The capacity for self-reflection is necessary

    • Allows people to understand their own motives, emotions, and causes of their behavior

  • The self is heavily influenced by social factors

  • ABCs of the self

    • A: Affect

    • B: Behavior

    • C: Cognition

  • Cocktail Party Effect: The tendency of people to pick a personally relevant stimulus, like a name, out of a complex and noisy environment

    • Shows that the self is a brightly lit object of our attention

The Self-Concept

  • Self-Concept: Sum total of beliefs that people have about themselves

    • Made up of self-schemas

    • Self-schemas: Beliefs about oneself that guide the processing of relevant information

    • Schematic: An attribute you contribute you yourself

    • Aschematic: An attribute you donā€™t contribute to yourself

    • Double Consciousness: People who identify with two cultures may have a double consciousness, in which they hold different self-schemas that fit within each culture

  • Our sense of identity is biologically rooted

    • Synaptic connections in the brain provide the biological base for memory, which makes possible the sense of continuity that is needed for a normal identity

    • Our sense of self emerges in childhood through our social interactions

    • The self can be transformed or completely destroyed by damage to the brain and nervous system

      • Severe head injuries

      • Brain tumors

      • Diseases

      • Exposure to toxic substances

    • Certain areas become more active when participants viewed self-referent words, pictures, and perspectives

  • Nonhuman animals and self-recognition

    • Only great apes (chimps, gorillas, orangutans) seem capable of self-recognition

    • Emerges in young adolescence and is stable across the life span, until old age

    • First clear expression of the concept ā€œmeā€

  • The self as a social concept

    • Looking-glass Self: Other people serve as a mirror in which we see ourselves

      • We come to know ourselves by imagining what significant others think of us and then incorporating these perceptions into our self-concepts

    • The self is relational

      • We draw our sense of who we are from our past and current relationships with the significant others in our lives

      • Our self-concepts match our perceptions of what others think of us

      • People can distinguish between how they perceive themselves and how others see them

      • We can tell when our perceptions of what others think of us are more or less correct

    • Our self-concepts come from

      • Introspection: A looking inward at oneā€™s own thoughts and feelings

        • Gives us self-knowledge

        • Not always accurate in self-knowledge

        • Itā€™s possible to think too much and be too analytical, which confuses our self-knowledge

        • People overestimate the positives

          • Overrate their own skills, etc.

        • Many people have insight into their own biases

          • People who harbor biased self-perceptions accurately describe themselves as biased when prompted

        • Affective Forecasting: People have difficulty projecting forward and predicting how they would feel in response to future emotional events

        • Impact Bias: People overestimate the strength and duration of their emotional reactions

          • People donā€™t fully appreciate the extent to which our psychological coping mechanisms help us to cushion the blow

          • When we introspect about the emotional impact of us of a future event, we become so focused on that single event that we neglect to take into account the effects of other life experiences

      • Self-Perception Theory (Daryl Bem): People can learn about themselves the same way outside observers do - by watching their own behavior

        • People learn about themselves through self-perception only when the situation alone seems insufficient to have caused their behavior

        • Vicarious Self-Perception: You can infer something about yourself by observing the behavior of someone else with whom you completely identify

        • Self-Other Knowledge Asymmetry (SOKA): We know ourselves better than others do when it comes to traits that are internal and hard to observe, but there is no self-other difference when it comes to traits that are external and easy to observe

          • Others may actually know us better than we know ourselves when it comes to observable traits that can be touchy for self-esteem purposes (blind spots)

        • Facial Feedback Hypothesis: Changes in facial expression can trigger corresponding changes in the subjective experience of emotion

          • Facial expressions affect emotion through a process of self-perception

          • Facial movements spark emotion by producing physiological changes in the brain

        • Other expressive behaviors can also provide us with sensory feedback and influence the way we feel

          • Body Posture: Your emotional state is revealed in the way you carry yourself

          • People can lift their spirits by expansion and lower their spirits by contraction

            • Expansion: Stand erect w shoulders raised, chest expanded, and head held high

            • Contraction: Slump over with shoulders drooping and head bowed

        • Overjustification Effect: Reward for an enjoyable activity can undermine interest in that activity

          • Intrinsic motivation is undermined by some types of rewards (ex: money) but not others (ex: praise)

        • Intrinsic Motivation: People engage in an activity for the sake of their own interest, the challenge, or sheer enjoyment

        • People are more likely to be creative when they are intrinsically motivated in relation to the task

        • Extrinsic Motivation: People engage in an activity as a means to an end / for tangible benefit

      • Other people

        • Social Comparison Theory: When people are uncertain of their abilities or opinions they evaluate themselves through comparisons with similar others

          • The self is malleable according to our need to fit in with those around us

          • People judge themselves in relation to others even when more objective standards really are available

          • People are less influenced by social comparisons when objective information is available

        • Facebook and social comparison

          • Two types of usage

            • Active usage: Ppl post info about themselves and communicate with others

            • Passive usage: People consume info from other people without making direct contact

          • Facebook usage may undermine a personā€™s well-being

            • The link between Facebook usage and self-evaluation depends on whom we compare ourselves to

            • People on facebook tend to portray themselves in overly flattering ways, which increases the likelihood that the social comparisons we make are not personally favorable

        • Two-factor Theory of Emotion: A person experiences the symptoms of physiological arousal and makes a cognitive interpretation that explains the source of the arousal

          • The reactions of the people around us help us interpret our own arousal

          • Some studies corroborated these findings but others didnā€™t

      • Autobiographical Memories: Recollections of the sequences of events that have touched your life

        • Memories shape the self-concept

        • Self-concept shapes our personal memories as well

        • Recency Rule: When people are prompted to recall their own experiences, they typically report more events from the recent past than from the distant past

        • Reminiscence Bump: Older adults tend to retrieve a large number of personal memories from their adolescence and early adult years (busy and formative years in oneā€™s life)

        • People tend to remember transitional firsts

        • Not all experiences leave the same impression

        • Flashbulb Memories: Enduring, detailed, high-resolution recollections

          • Humans are biologically equipped for survival purposes to ā€œprintā€ dramatic events in memory

          • Not necessarily accurate or consistent over time

          • Recollections feel special

        • People tend to distort the past in ways that inflate their own sense of importance and achievement

        • People feel psychologically closer to memories that are positive rather than negative

        • When our self-concept changes, so does our visual perspective on the past

          • Our current self-concept colors how we see our past selves - Lisa Libby and Richard Eibach

        • The process of remembering can be a positive emotional experience

          • Nostalgia: A sentimental longing for the past

      • Our cultures

        • Individualism: Oneā€™s personal goals take priority over group allegiances

          • People strive for personal achievement

        • Collectivism: A person is first and foremost a loyal member of a group

          • People derive satisfaction from the status of a valued group

        • Individualism and collectivism are so deeply ingrained in a culture that they mold our very self-conceptions and identities

        • Independent view of self: The self is an entity that is distinct, autonomous, self-contained, and endowed with unique dispositions

        • Interdependent view of self: The self is part of a larger network that includes oneā€™s family, coworkers, and others with whom one is socially connected

        • Our cultural orientations can color the way people perceive, evaluate, and present themselves in relation to others

        • Our cultural orientations toward conformity or independence may lead us to favor similarity or uniqueness in all things

          • American college students see themselves as less similar to other people than do Asian students

        • Dialecticism: An Eastern system of thought that accepts the coexistence of contradictory characteristics within a single person

        • Social class is another cultural factor that can influence the self-concept


  • Self-Esteem: Our positive and negative evaluations of ourselves

  • Self-esteem is a state of mind that fluctuates up and down in response to success, failure, social relations, and other life experiences

  • People typically view parts of the self differently

  • Self-esteem stays roughly the same from childhood through old age

    • People who are high or low in self-esteem remain in that relative position throughout life

    • Average level of self-esteem in a population varies over the course of a lifetime

The Need for Self-Esteem

  • Sociometer Theory (Mark Leary and Roy Baumeister): People are inherently social animals and the desire for self-esteem is driven by a primitive need to connect with others and gain their approval

    • Sociometer: A mechanism that enables us to detect acceptance and rejection and translate those perceptions into high and low self-esteem

    • Self-esteem serves as a rough indicator of how weā€™re doing in the eyes of others

    • Terror Management Theory (Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon, Thomas Pyszczynski): Humans are biologically programmed for life and self-preservation, so they cope with the fear of their own death by constructing worldviews that help to preserve their self-esteem

Are There Gender and Race Differences?

  • Men have higher self esteem when it comes to physical appearance and athletic abilities

  • Women have higher self esteem when it comes to ethics and personal morality

  • Black Americans have higher self esteem than white Americans

Self-Discrepancy Theory

  • Self-Discrepancy Theory: Our self-esteem is defined by the match or mismatch between how we see ourselves and how we want to see ourselves

  • Self-Guides: Personal standards

  • Our self-discrepancies may set into motion a self-perpetuating process

The Self-Awareness ā€œTrapā€

  • Self-Awareness Theory: Most people are not usually self-focused, but certain situations predictably force us to turn inward and become the objects of our own attention

    • We enter into a state of heightened self-awareness that leads us to compare our behavior to some high standard

    • The more self-focused people are, the more likely they are to find themselves in a bad mood

    • Coping:

      • Shape Up: Behaving in ways that help reduce our self-discrepancies

      • Ship Out: Withdrawing from self-awareness

    • Private Self-Consciousness: The tendency to introspect about our inner thoughts and feelings

      • You listen to an inner voice and try to reduce discrepancies relative to your own standards

    • Public Self-Consciousness: The tendency to focus on our outer public image

      • You try to match your behavior to socially accepted norms

    • Thinking about God triggers a state of self-focus

  • Self-Regulation: The processes by which we seek to control or alter our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and urges in order to live an acceptable social life

    • Conflicts between our desires and the need for self-control are constant

    • Self-control is a limited inner resource that can temporarily be depleted by usage

      • All self-control efforts draw from a single common reservoir

      • Exercising self-control is like flexing a muscle

    • We can control ourselves only so much before self-regulation fatigue sets in

    • Psychological factors can counteract self-regulation fatigue

Ironic Mental Processes

  • Choking: Paradoxical type of failure caused by trying too hard and thinking too much

  • Ironic Processes: At times, the harder you try to inhibit a thought, feeling, or behavior, the less likely you are to succeed

  • Better-Than-Average Effect: People in general believe they are better, more honorable, more capable, and more compassionate

  • Self-Enhancement Biases: People think highly of themselves most of the time

  • People are more likely to see themselves as better than average when it comes to personal traits that are important

  • Implicit Egotism: An unconscious and subtle expression of self-esteem

    • People are quicker to associate ā€œselfā€ words with positive traits than with negative traits

    • The positive associations people form with the sight and sound of their own name may draw them toward other people, places, and entities that share this most personal aspect of ā€œselfā€

      • Links result from a statistical fluke

      • Name effect may result from an ethnic bias

  • Self-Serving Beliefs

    • Inflationary distortions most pronounced with those whoā€™ve done poorly

    • As memories fade, the potential for self-enhancing recollections of test scores is increased

    • People tend to take credit for success and distance themselves from failure

    • Most of us are unrealistically optimistic about the future (optimistic bias)

    • People harbor illusions of control, overestimating the extent to which they can influence personal outcomes

  • Self-Handicapping: Actions people take to handicap their own performance in order to build an excuse for anticipated failure

    • People make excuses for past performances and come up with excuses in anticipation of future performances

    • Procrastination: A purposive delay in starting or completing a task that is due at a particular time

    • Helps to provide an excuse for possible failure

    • Some people use self-handicapping as a defense more than others do and in different ways

      • Men self-handicap by taking drugs or neglecting to practice

      • Women self-handicap by reporting stress and physical symptoms

    • Setting goals too high

    • Sandbagging: People play down their own ability, lower expectations, and publicly predict that theyā€™ll fail

  • Bask in Reflected Glory: showing off connections to successful others

    • Your self-esteem is influenced by individuals and groups with whom you identity

  • Downward Social Comparisons: Comparing self with others who are less successful, less happy, or less fortunate

    • We make temporal comparisons between our past and present selves

Are Positive Illusions Adaptive?

  • Positive illusions of self promote happiness, the desire to care for others, and the ability to engage in productive work

  • By deceiving ourselves in ways that create positive illusions, we are able to display greater confidence in public than we may feel, making us more successful in our social relations

  • Positive illusions can give rise to chronic patterns of self-defeating behavior

Culture and Self-Esteem

  • East Asians are quick to associate the self with positive traits, but are more likely to associate the self with contradictory negative traits as well

  • People from Individualist and Collectivist cultures are similarly motivated to think highly of themselves

    • Cultures influence how we seek to fulfill that need


  • Self-Presentation: The process by which we try to shape what other people think of us and what we think of ourselves

    • Most people are acutely concerned about the image they present to others

    • Spotlight Effect: A tendency to believe that the social spotlight shines more brightly on them than it really does

    • Strategic Self-Presentation: Our efforts to shape othersā€™ impressions in specific ways in order to gain influence, power, sympathy, or approval

      • Ingratiation: Acts that are motivated by the desire to get along with others and be liked

      • Self-Promotion: Acts that are motivated by a desire to get ahead and gain respect for oneā€™s competence

    • Self-Verification: The desire to have others perceive us as we truly perceive ourselves

    • Self-Monitoring: The tendency to regulate oneā€™s own behavior to meet the demands of social situations
