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repression of opposition, concessions and expanding rights in constitutions, getting support from the church
NB was very wary of Jacobins due to events of the terror
had to repress royalists who were calling for the return of a constitutional monarchy- hoped that NB would plae the comte de provence or Louis phillipes d’orleans on the throne
following the coup of brmaire which took down the directory under the pretences of creating a better form of government so he would wamt to consolidate that
liberals/ moderate republicans were concerned about Napoleon becoming a dictator
how did napoleon consolidate power in the constitution of year VIII (december 24th 1799)
he made himself the first consul of the executive
he could appoint members of the senate
dm no longer attached
had complete contol over foreign policy
plebiscites were rigged
why was the constituion of year 8 actually democratic
plebiscite legitimised it
universal male suffrage for men over 21
policy of ralliement
how did the constitution of year X consolidate power (1802)
how did the constitution of year 12 consolidte his power
what religious reconilement did napoleon do/ how did he use religion to his advantage
eliminate threat of peasants wo relied on religion and the church
established concordat with the church in july 1801