Introduction to Economics

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All choices are organized in what is called an ________

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All choices are organized in what is called an ________


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What is an economy?

The organized way that a country provides for the wants and needs of its people

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Why does an economy exist?

Because choices exist, an economy acts to organize choices

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What is economics?

The study of people producing and exchanging scarce resources to get the goods and services that they want and need

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What are goods?

Physical products that can be purchased; a product that can be touched

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What are services?

Work that one person performs for another for payment; a product that can not be touched

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What is scarcity?

Not enough resources to satisfy everyone needs and wants

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What are factors of production?

The resources necessary to produce products

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What are resources?

The basic elements used to produce goods and services

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What are the 4 types of resources?

Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship

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Define Land

Unaltered gifts of nature; minerals, timber, fresh air, etc.

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Define Labor

Physical and mental abilities and efforts people use to create goods and services

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Define Capital

Resources made and used by people to produce and distribute goods and services

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Define Entrepreneurship

The combination of vision, skill, ingenuity, and willingness to take risks that is needed to create and run a new business

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What are the 3 main fundamental economic questions?

What to produce, how to produce it, for whole to produce for

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Because people can not have everything they want, they must make ______________


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What is a trade-off?

The alternative given up when an economic choice is made

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What is the model called that economists use to clarify trade-off’s?

Production possibility curve (PPC)

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What do PPC’s do?

This is a diagram that represents the various combinations of goods or services an economy can produce when all productive resources are fully employed

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What is opportunity cost?

The value of the next best alternative, or what you give up by choosing one alternative over another.

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Every trade-off has costs and benefits but a trade-off is not necessarily an all or nothing choice. This is called ____________


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What is marginality?

The additional cost or benefits of a decision

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What is marginal cost?

The cost of using one or more unit of a good or service.

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What is marginal benefit?

The benefit or satisfaction of using one more unit of a good or service

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What is a traditional economy?

A system in which the basic economic questions is answered by traditions and customs

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What is command economy?

A system in which the basic economic questions is answered by the government

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What type of countries are command economies found in?

Dictatorships and communist countries

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The philosophy of ____ ____ greatly shaped the command economy

Karl Marx

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What is a market economy?

A system in which the basic economic questions is answered by the free market

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Define Market

Anywhere a voluntary exchange takes place

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Define Voluntary Exchange

The action without obligation of trading resources in a market for good or service

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The philosophies of ____ ___ greatly shaped the market economy

Adam Smith

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Define Mixed Economy

Economic system that has elements of the above 3 types of economies

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What is Circular Flow?

A diagram that maps the way a market economy operates

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What does circular flow represent?

The high degree of interdependence in our economy.

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What flows in one direction (counter clockwise) while goods, services, and factors of production flow in the other direction?

Money; goods, services, and factors of production

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