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What does Marcel argue regarding the impact of technology on the self?
Marcel argues that technology diminishes the sense of self and disrupts human connection to the world.
How are society and technology co-constructed?
Society shapes technology through social needs, while technology influences society by transforming communication, work, and relationships.
Is technology ultimately a means to an end or an end in itself?
Technology can be both; it serves as a tool to accomplish tasks, but can also become a passion and interest for some.
How have recent technological developments changed human existence?
They have revolutionized communication, learning, and work, while raising ethical questions about their impact.
What role does technology play in Marx's perspective on society's structure?
Technology is a driving force behind economic development and can widen the gap between the rich and poor.
What is stewardship in relation to the environment?
Stewardship refers to the responsible management and protection of natural resources for the benefit of future generations.
What does deep ecology advocate?
Deep ecology argues for the intrinsic value of all living beings and supports the idea that human life is just one part of the ecosphere.
What is the Gaia Hypothesis?
The Gaia Hypothesis posits that Earth functions as a self-regulating system, emphasizing interconnectedness and balance.
What are the main criticisms of deep ecology?
Critics argue that deep ecology is misanthropic, may undervalue human existence, and could lead to extreme population control measures.
What is the main view of shallow ecology?
Shallow ecology views the environment primarily as a means for human flourishing, valuing it mostly for its utility to humans.
How does Peter Singer's view differ from typical shallow ecology?
Singer denounces speciesism, argues for the intrinsic value of animals, and seeks to preserve wilderness for human welfare.
What is Kant's position on the treatment of animals?
Kant believed animals should not be viewed merely as means to an end; they deserve to be treated as ends in themselves.
What perspective does utilitarianism take regarding animal suffering?
Utilitarianism, especially through Bentham's views, emphasizes that the ability to suffer is a significant consideration in ethics.
How does Natural Law view the treatment of animals?
Natural Law typically sees animals and plants as valuable primarily for their utility to humans.
What are some examples of business practices that intersect with environmental ethics?
Examples include corporate social responsibility, sustainability initiatives, and participation in environmental summits.