People of AP Euro Ch 12-22

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  • credited as the “father of the renaissance”

    • rediscovered classical texts and popularized them

    • demonstrated appreciation of classical world

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Lorenzo Valla

  • began modern historical-analysis

    • proved the Donation of Constantine was false because of its Latin

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Desidirus Erasmus

  • northern renaissance

    • cleared up errors in the Old Testament

    • wrote criticisms of the Church and what could improve

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Niccolo Machiavelli

  • diplomat

  • “The Prince”

    • introduces the idea of “realpolitik” and “the ends justify the means”

    • this idea will be practiced by later leaders

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Ferdinand & Isabella

  • Spanish new monarchs

  • beginning of centralized power w/ Reconquista and Inquisition

    • control over religion - “convert or leave”

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Henry VIII

  • starter of English Reformation

    • broke away from Catholic Church b/c Pope couldn’t annul his marriage

  • also centralized power w/ Supremacy Act of 1534

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Martin Luther

  • accredited w/ starting the Reformation

    • 95 theses nailed to Wittenburg Church in 1517

    • motivated to reform because of the sale of indulgences in the Church

  • translated Bible to vernacular

  • challenged by traditional Catholic authority for heresy

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John Calvin

  • established Genevan Consistory in Switzerland

    • established a theocracy: the government was essentially regulated/ran by religious authorities

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Elizabeth I

  • Moderate Protestantism

    • Church of England/Anglican Church established

    • Book of Common Prayer

    • Outward conformity - go to Church, but believe what you want

  • Brough religious stability

  • a good example of:

    • religious toleration

    • a woman in power during this period

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Henry IV

  • wins War of the Three Henries as a Protestant

  • converts to Catholicism to satisfy French population which was mostly Catholic

  • but passes Edict of Nantes to allow some toleration of Protestants

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Charles V

  • Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain

  • outlawed Luther and his followers

  • would then go on to fight wars to stop Protestantism

    • ex. Schmalkaldic Wars

  • ultimately failed

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Philip II

  • Son of Charles V, rules Spain

  • goal of reuniting Europe under Catholicism

    • ex. Spanish Armada sent to England, defeated

  • ultimately fails

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Prince Henry the Navigator

  • Portuguese

  • established navigation schools to encourage navigation

    • an example of monarchical support of exploration

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Ferdinand Magellan

  • Portuguese

  • he died early, but his crew completed the first full circumnavigation of the Earth

    • essentially, they sailed across the entire globe

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Christopher Columbus

  • Spanish

  • 4 voyages start in 1492

  • thought he could go westward to reach Asia

  • landed on Caribbean Islands instead

    • first contact w/ New World

  • settlements in Hispaniola

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Cardinal Richelieu

  • beginnings of absolutism

  • implemented policies to centralize power:

    • restricting Protestant rights

    • use of intendants

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Louis XIV

  • greatest/model absolutist

    • Palace of Versailles: project power while also keeping nobles busy

    • Edict of Fontainebleau: revoked Edict of Nantes to control religion

    • taxation. . .

  • however, costly wars led to:

    • decline of respect

    • bankruptcy/poor economy of France at his death

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Oliver Cromwell

  • rule after execution of Charles I

    • example of a non-monarch government; steps towards constitutionalism

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Mary & William

  • sign English Bill of Rights

    • have shared sovereignty w/ parliament

  • example of a great power moving towards constitutionalism

    • inspires other nations

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Peter the Great

  • westernization of Russian nobles

  • built capital of St. Petersburg

  • regulated religious affairs

  • taxed nobles but allowed serfdom

    • example of absolutism in the east

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  • ancient Greek philosopher

  • incorrect views on:

    • geocentric view of earth

    • believed there were only 4 elements

  • an example of a challenged authority

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  • ancient Greek physician

  • incorrect views on:

    • 4 substances/humors

  • exampled of challenged authority

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Nicolaus Copernicus

  • suggested heliocentric view of universe

    • was declared heresy in 1616 by Church

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Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler

  • Brahe observed orbits

  • Kepler interpreted

    • confirmed elliptical orbits

    • discovered orbit time is relative to distance from the sun

  • an example of observation to learn in this era

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Galileo Galilei

  • 1st European to observe w/ a telescope

  • observed moon to confirm universe is made of material substance

    • disproved Aristotle

  • punished for heresy

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Isaac Newton

  • invented Calculus

  • Principia published 1687

    • evidence of universal gravity

    • leads to modern physics

    • challenged Aristotle’s views on motion

  • scientific method - ideas from both Bacon and Descartes

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Andreas Vesalius

  • experimentation

    • dissected humans

    • anatomical drawings

  • example of challenging Galen

    • Galen dissected animals and had incorrect views

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William Harvey

  • observations and dissections on living humans

  • disproves Galen’s theory that there were 2 types of blood in the body and circulation started in the liver

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  • suggested chemical imbalances caused sickness, not 4 humors

  • contributions to modern medicine

  • challenges Galen

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Margaret Cavendish

  • participated in scientific debates

  • published works criticizing some empiricist views

  • example of female participation during Scientific Revolution

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Rene Descartes

  • father of modern rationalism

    • deductive reasoningw

  • Cartesian-dualism: separation of mind and body

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John Locke

  • Two Treatises of Government 1690

  • introduces natural rights of life, liberty, and property

  • introduces social contract

  • inspires the American Revolution

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Adam Smith

  • Wealth of Nations 1776

    • most influential Enlightenment book

  • introduces:

    • capitalism

    • laissez-faire

    • “invisible hand” - supply and demand of the market

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Denis Diderot

  • accredited w/ editing the Encyclopedia

  • had to flee France to publish, sought refuge in Russia

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Mary Wollstonecraft

  • originator of modern feminism

  • A Vindication of the Rights of Women

    • advocated for female equality

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  • French

  • The Social Contract

    • Popular Sovereignty: power of the government comes from consent of the people

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  • French

  • anti-clerical/secular; advocate for toleration

  • influenced by Britain’s constitutional monarchy

    • introduces “Enlightened Absolutism/Despotism”

  • wrote a multitude of writings criticizing traditional institutions of authority as well as nobles

    • would get him exiled from France

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Frederick II the Great

  • Prussian

  • application of enlightenment ideas to government

    • ex. judicial reform, slight freedom of speech

  • often had discussions w/ Voltaire to stretch thinking

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Catherine the Great

  • Russian

  • allowed Diderot to finish Encyclopedia in Russia

  • government reform:

    • elimination of torture

    • decrease of capital punishment

    • religious toleration

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Maria Theresa

  • Austrian

  • treated provinces equally

  • taxed both nobles and clergy

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Joseph II

  • Austrian

  • attempted to abolish serfdom

  • religious toleration

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Marie Antoinette

  • symbol of what is wrong with the French monarchy

  • overspending for lavish lifestyle

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Louis XVI

  • king at time of French Revolution

  • indecisive and weak ruler

  • doesn’t improved economic conditions

  • further loss of respect for French monarchy

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National Assembly

  • established and disbanded in 1789

  • provisional government to write a new constitution

  • response to domination of clergy and nobles in Estates-General

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Maximillian Robespierre

  • leader of Committee of Public Safety during French Reign of Terror

  • bloody dictatorship

    • arrested/executed thousands

    • end in 1794 after the people execute him

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  • fully came to power w/ 1799 coup d’etat

  • policies:

    • censorship

    • control of church w/ a concordat/treaty

    • his ego would be his downfall

  • passed Napoleonic Code

    • standardized laws to replace medieval and revolutionary laws

    • remnants of this legislature would remain

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Klemens von Metternich

  • traditional conservative in reaction to Napoleon

  • hosted the Congress of Vienna

    • largely responsible for Balance of Power thinking in this era

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Louis-Napoleone (Napoleon III)

  • elected French president, conservative at first

    • practiced Realpolitik

    • shifted to democratic law - expansion of franchise (voting rights)

  • French stability for ~20 years

    • reconstruction of Paris

    • expansion of education to women

  • unsuccessful domestic policies

    • interference in Mexico (attempt to establish Austrian emperor as ruler) backfired

  • defeated in Franco-Prussian war

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Otto von Bismarck

  • credited w/ uniting Germany + increasing power

  • practiced realpolitik

    • “blood and iron” - military strength

    • passed social welfare legislation

  • diplomacy to avoid 2-front wards

  • was Chancellor while Wilhelm I was Kaiser

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Queen Victoria I

  • improvements for English working class

  • national confidence in Britain’s power

  • reorganization of English culture (ex. what’s socially acceptable)

  • long reign - example of successful ruling woman

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Karl Marx

  • wrote The Communist Manifesto w/ Friedrich Engels

    • introduction of communism - appealing to working class but….

    • ideas were utopian; presented but no plans on how to actually implement communism

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Louis Pasteur

  • hypothesized the Germ Theory in 1800s

  • invention of pasteurization to kill bacteria

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Joseph Lister

  • improvements in health in the 1800s

  • sterilization of office, wounds, hospitals

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Marie Curie

  • advancements in chemistry in the 1800s

    • discovery of radiation w/ her husband

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Charles Darwin

  • Theory of evolution

  • ideas of natural selection and evolution would be applied to social problems

    • creates “social darwinism” and acts as justification for new imperialism

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