AP Psychology Unit 9: Developmental Psychology

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In formulating his theory of psychosocial development, Erikson would have suggested that authoritarian parents are likely to inhibit young children's

a. theory of mind

b. autonomy and initiative

c. assimilation and accommodation

d. conventional morality

e. habituation

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In formulating his theory of psychosocial development, Erikson would have suggested that authoritarian parents are likely to inhibit young children's

a. theory of mind

b. autonomy and initiative

c. assimilation and accommodation

d. conventional morality

e. habituation

b. autonomy and initiative

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Piaget is best known for his interest in the process of __________ development.

a. motor

b. social

c. cognitive

d. emotional

e. physical

c. cognitive

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Five-year-old Tammy mistakenly believes that her short, wide glass contains less soda than her brother's tall, narrow glass. Actually, both glasses contain the same amount of soda. This illuustrates that Tammy lacks the concept of

a. conservation

b. egocentrism

c. assimilation

d. object ppermanence

e. accomodation

a. conservation

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Chloe can clearly sense when her sister's teasing is intended to be friendly fun or a hostile put-down. This best illustrates illustrates that Chloe has developed a(n)

a. sense of object permanence

b. insecure attachment

c. concept of conservation

d. theory of mind

e. critical period

d. theory of mind

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Providing children with a safe haven in times of stress contributes most directly to

a. habituation

b. stranger anxiety

c. object permanence

d. secure attachment

e. egocentrism

d. secure attachment

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The McDougals use harsh discipline on their children and demand unquestioning obedience. Psychologists are likely to characterize the McDougals as __________ parents.

a. authoritarian

b. egocentric

c. permissive

d. aauthoritative

e. preconventional

a. authoritarian

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Jean Piaget is to cognitive development as Lawrence Kohlberg is to __________ development.

a. emotional

b. physical

c. moral

d. social

e. language

c. moral

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When surrounded by men, a woman may become mindful of her gender because ________ often forms around one's distinctiveness.

a. social identity

b. a secure attachment

c. egocentrism

d. object permanence

e. gender typing

a. social identity

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Homosexuality itself is not considered a mental disorder. However, gays and lesbians are at increased risk for which of the following?

a. anxiety disorder

b. sexual dysfunction

c. attempting suicide

d. gender identity disorder

e. substance dependence

c. attempting suicide

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Older people are NOT increasingly susceptible to

a. pneumonia

b. Parkinson's disease

c. common cold viruses

d. dementia

e. Alzheimer's disease

c. common cold viruses

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Cross-sectional research indicated that during early and middle adulthood, aging is associated with __________ levels of intelligence. Longitudinal research indicated that during this period of life, aging is associated with __________ levels of intelligence

a. increasing; decreasing

b. declining; stable

c. increasing; increasing

d. stable; declining

e. stable; stable

b. declining; stable

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Researchers who emphasize learning and experience tend to view development as

a. a ocntinuous process, while those who emphasize maturation often view development as a sequence of stages

b. a sequence of stages, while those who emphasize matureation often view development as a continuous process

c. a cognitive process, while those who emphasize maturation often view development as a social process

d. a social process, while those who emphasize maturation often view development as a cognitive process

d. an emotional process, while those who emphasize maturation often view development in discrete stages

a. a continuous process, while thsoe who emphasize maturation often view development as a sequence of stages

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The branch of psychology that systematically focuses on the physical, mental, and social changes that occur throughout the life cycle is called

a. clinical psychology

b. social psychology

c. personality psychology

d. developmental psychology

e. biological psychology

d. developmental psychology

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During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism begins as a(n)

a. embryo and finally develops into a zygote

b. zygote and finally develops into an embryo

c. embryo and finallyy develops into a fetus

d. zygote and finally develops into a fetus

e. fetus and finally develops into an embryo

d. zygote and finally develops into a fetus

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After about 10 days, a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall. What is the developing human called at this point in development?

a. zygote

b. fetus

c. embryo

d. teratogen

e. Y chromosome

c. embryo

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If research suggested that a pregnant mother's use of an artifical sweetener caused harm to the fetus, the artificial sweetner would be considered a(n)

a. FAS

b. form of DNA

c. depressant

d. teratogen

e. neurotransmitter

d. teratogen

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The symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome demonstrate that alcohol is a

a. teratogen

b. form of DNA

c. hallucinogen

d. neurotransmitter

e. placebo

a. teratogen

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When Joan touched her infant's cheek, he turned his head toward the side that was touched and opened his mouth. Joan was eliciting the

a. startle reaction

b. rooting reflex

c. grasping reflex

d. attachment reflex

e. attention reflex

b. rooting reflex

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Three-month-old Andrew was obviously startled by the first ring of the telephone, but with each subsequent ring he seemed to become less reactive. This best illustrates the process of

a. accommoodation

b. conservation

c. imprinting

d. habituation

e. attachment

d. habituation

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Research on the perceptual abilities of newborns indicates that they

a. see nothing for the first 12 years

b. see only differences in brightness

c. recognize the outlines of objects but none of the details

d. look more at a facelike image than at a bull's-eye pattern

e. have very good visual accuity

d. look more at a facelike image than at a bull's-eye pattern

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From ages 3 to 6, the brain's neural networks are sprouting most rapidly in the

a. frontal lobes

b. hypothalamus

c. cerebellum

d. brainstem

e. limbic system

a. frontal lobes

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Horace, the youngest child of a high school athletic director, was able to role over at 3 months, crawl at 6 months, and walk at 12 months. This ordered sequence of motor development was largely due

a. habituation

b. maturation

c. responsive parenting

d. imprinting

e. conditioning

b. maturation

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The relative lack of neural interconnections in the association areas at the time of birth is most likely to contribute to

a. infantile amnesia

b. habituation

c. insecure attachment

d. stranger anxiety

e. newborn reflexes

a. infantile amnesia

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According to Piaget, schemas are

a. fixed sequences of cognitive developmental stages

b. children's ways of coming to terms with their sexuality

c. people's conceptual frameworkds for understanding their experiences

d. problem-solving strategies that are typically not developed until the formal operational stage

e. moral ideas children use to understand right and wrong

c. people's conceptual frameworks for understanding their experiences

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The first time that 4-year-old Sarah saw her older brother play a flute, she thought it was simply a large whistle. Sarah's initial understanding of the flute best illustrates the process of

a. assimilation

b. egocentrism

c. conservation

d. accommodation

e. maturation

a. assimilation

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Alex now realizes that his stereotypical view of women as weak is not accurate and so revises his beliefs. He is demonstrating the process of

a. maturation

b. assimilation

c. imprinting

d. accommodation

e. conservation

d. accommodation

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Incorporating new information into existing theories is to __________ as modifying existing theories in light of new information is to ___________.

a. conservation; habituation

b. imprinting; maturation

c. object permanence; insecure attachment

d. sensorimotor stage; preoperational stage

e. assimilation; accomodation

e. assimilation; accomodation

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Piaget claimed that children understand the world primarily by observing the effect of their own actions on other people, objects, and events during the __________ stage.

a. concrete operational

b. sensorimotor

c. formal operational

d. preoperational

e. preconventional

b. sensorimotor

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According to Piaget, a child can represent things with words and images but cannot reason with logic during the __________ stage.

a. concrete operational

b. sensorimotor

c. formal operational

d. preoperational

e. postconventional

d. preoperational

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Although Mr. Tong was obviously busy reading an absorbing novel, his 5-year-old daughter kept interrupting him with comments and questions about the TV cartoons she was watching. Before Mr. Tong becomes irritated with his daughter for being inconsiderate, he should be alerted to Piaget's concept of

a. object permanence

b. habituation

c. conservation

d. egocentrism

e. accomodation

e. egocentrism

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According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about events first develops during the __________ stage.

a. sensorimotor

b. formal operational

c. concrete operational

d. preoperational

e. preconventional

c. concrete operational

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According to Piaget, people are first able to reason abstractly and think hypothetically during the __________ stage.

a. preoperational

b. postconventional

c. formal operational

d. concrete operational

e. sensorimotor

c. formal operational

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At about 8 months, children become increasingly likely to react to newcomers with tears and distress. This best illustrates

a. role confusion

b. insecure attachment

c. egocentrism

d. stranger anxiety

e. postconventional behavior

d. stranger anxiety

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Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disorder characterized by deficient social interaction and an impaired

a. capacity for stranger anxiety

b. sense of object permanence

c. theory of mind

d. concept of conservation

e. attachment

c. theory of mind

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The presence of a secure base and safe haven infants can use when distressed has the greatest effect on the devleopment of which of the following?

a. attachment

b. maturation

c. self-concept

d. critical period

e. temperament

a. attachment

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A critical period is a phase during which

a. children frequently disobey and resist their parents

b. children become able to think hypothetically and reason abstractly

c. parents frequently show impatience with a child's slowness in becoming toliet trained

d. certain events have a particularly strong impact on development

e. parents form important attachments with caregivers

d. certain evetns have a particularly strong impact on development

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Lambs raised in the barn where the cattle are kept tend to stay near the cattle when subsequently placed in open pasture. This best illustrates a process known as

a. assimilation

b. imprinting

c. conservation

d. accommodation

e. the rooting reflex

b. imprinting

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In a pleasant but unfamiliar setting, infants with a secure maternal attachment are most likely to

a. act as though their mothers are of little importance to them

b. use their mothers as a base from which to explore the new surroundings

c. cling to their mothers and ignore the new surroundings

d. show hostility when their mothers approach them after a brief absence

e. cry for their mothers but then reject their comfort when it is offered

b. use their mothers as a base from which to explore the new surroundings

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When placed in strange situations without their artificial mothers, the Harlows' infant monkeys demonstrated signs of

a. insecure attachment

b. egocentrism

c. basic trust

d. curiousity

e. accommodation

a. insecure attachment

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A mother who is slow in responding to her infant's cries of distress is most likely to encourage

a. habituation

b. conservation

c. insecure attachment

d. object permanence

e. egocentrism

c. insecure attachment

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Pat is normally very restless and fidgety, whereas Shelley is usually quiet and easygoing. The two children most clearly differ in

a. intelligence

b. gender schemas

c. temperament

d. physical health

e. introversion level

c. temperament

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Erik Erikson suggested that a sense of basic trust during infancy results from

a. habituation

b. object permanence

c. responsive parenting

d. inborn temperament

e. accommodation

c. responsive parenting

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Monkeys raised in total isolation have been observed to

a. imprint to the first moving object they observe

b. become very fearful or aggressive when brought into close contact with other monkeys their age

c. form a close attachment to the first monkey with whom they experience bodily contact

d. show complete apathy and indifference to the first monkeysss they encounter

e. develop a theory of ind by modeling human behavior

b. become very fearful or aggressive when brought into close contact with ohter monkeys their age

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Compared with others their own age, children who form a positive self-concept are more likely to be

a. obedient

b. egocentric

c. sociablee

d. habituated

e. imprinted

c. sociable

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At age 12, Sean is happy, self-reliant, and has a positive self-image. It is most likely that Sean's parentss are

a. permissive

b. conservative

c. authoritarian

d. authoritative

e. postconventional

d. authoritative

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Compared with authoritarian parents, authoritiative parents are more likely to be

a. more conservative

b. less educated

c. more responsive

d. less trusting

e. more intimate

c. more responsive

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Parents in Westernized cultures are more likely than parents in Asian Cultures to encourage children to value

a. nonconformity

b. gender roles

c. cultural traditions

d. norms

e. enduring friendships

a. nonconformity

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Male self-identity is to ________ as female self-identity is to ________.

a. individuality; roles

b. X chromosome; Y chromosome

c. gender typing; gender schemas

d. independence; interdependence

e. assimilation; accommodation

d. independence; interdependence

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When teased by his older sister, 9-year-old Waldo does not cry because he has learned that boys are not expected to. Waldo's behavior best illustrates the importance of

a. temperament

b. gender roles

c. testosterone

d. stereotypes

e. self-concept

b. gender roles

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Children's tendency to classify toys and songs as either masculine or feminine is most likely to facilitate the process of

a. maturation

b. individualism

c. gender typing

d. conservation

e. imprinting

c. gender typing

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Ten-year-old Migdalia insists on wearing very feminine-looking clothes because she wants to appear ladylike. This best illustrates the impact of

a. individualism

b. personal space

c. coollectivism

d. gender typing

e. maturation

d. gender typing

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Children tend to organize their worlds into male and female categories. This best illustrates their use of

a. the pruning process

b. theory of mind

c. gender schemas

d. the male answer syndrome

e. social identity

c. gender schemas

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Lacking any exposure to language before adolescence, a person will never master any language due to the ________ of unemployed neural connections.

a. habituation

b. maturation

c. pruning

d. temperament

e. imprinting

c. pruning

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In comparison to parental influence, peer influence is

a. more likely to affect a child's educational success

b. less likely to affect whether a teen smokes

c. more likely to affect a child's English language accent

d. less likely to influence whether a preschooler will reject a certain food

e. more likely to determine adult attachments

c. more likely too affeect a child's English language accent

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The term puberty refers to the period of

a. formal operations and the development of conventional morality

b. late adolescence when self-identity is formed

c. rapid physical development and the onset oof reproductive capability

d. sexual attraction too the opposite-sex parent

e. attachment to parents that ends the beginning of adolescence

c. rapid phsycial development and the onset of reproductive capability

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During adolescence, maturation of the ________ lags behind maturation of the ________.

a. brainstem; pituitary

b. pituitary; brainstem

c. limbic system; frontal lobe

d. frontal lobe; limbic system

e. medulla; cerebellum

d. frontal lobe; limbic system

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The ability to think logically about hypothetical situations is indicative of the __________ stage of development.

a. conventional

b. preconventional

c. preoperational

d. formal operational

e. postconventional

d. formal operational

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Which theory would most likely suggest that children often take turns passing and shooting a basketball beccause they want to avoid having others angry at them, whereas adolescents often do so because they want to play the game the way its supposed to bbe played?

a. Erikson's psychosocial development theory

b. Piaget's cognitive development theory

c. Harlows' attachment theory

d. Kohlberg's moral development theory

e. Lorenz's imprinting theory

d. Kohlberg's moral development theory

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Preconventional morality is to postconventional morality as __________ is to __________.

a. caring relationship; ethical principles

b. self-interest; social approval

c. social approval; self-interest

d. self-interest; ethical principles

e. rule-breaking; rule-following

d. self-interest; ethical principles

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Avoiding physical punishment is to __________ morality as respecting the laws of society is to __________ morality.

a. conventional; postconventional

b. preconventional; postconventional

c. postconventional; conventional

d. conventional; preconventional

e. preconventional; conventional

e. preconventional; conventional

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Today's character education programs teach children to experience

a. habituation

b. object permanence

c. empathy

d. maturation

e. temperament

c. empathy

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Piaget is to cognitive development as Erikson is to __________ development.

a. moral

b. physical

c. emotional

d. psychosocial

e. attachment

d. psychosocial

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Branden is so apathetic about his occupational future that within two years of his high school graduation he had already been fired by four different employers. According to Erikson, Branden best illustrates

a. crystallized intelligence

b. preconventional morality

c. role confusion

d. egocentrism

e. fluid intelligence

c. role confusion

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the first ejaculation is to adolescent boy as __________ is to an adolescent girl.

a. intimacy

b. puberty

c. the first kiss

d. menarche

e. secure attachment

d. menarche

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A baby girl receives a(n)

a. Y chromosome from her father

b. Y chromosome from her mother

c, Y chromosome from her father and mother

d. X chromosome from her father and mother

e. partial components of both the Y and X chromosomes

d. X chromosomes from her father and mother

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Judy's doctor notes that she is no longer able to become pregnant. It is most likelyy that Judy is experiencing

a. menarche

b. dementia

c. menopause

d. autism

e. a critical period

c. menopause

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Research on people aged 65 and over has shown that

a. most older people increasingly fearful of death as they age

b. most older people experience a noticeable loss of visual sensitivity

c. most victims of Alzheimer's disease can reverse the disorder by becoming physically active

d. about 25% of those over 65 reside in health care institutions such as nursing homes

e. older adults experience a marked decline in sexual activity

b. most older people experience a noticeable loss of visual sensitivity

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When adults of varying ages were tested for their memory of recently learned list of 24 words, the older adults demonstrated

a. no decline in either encoding or recognition

b. a decline in recognition but not recall

c. a decline in recall but not in recognition

d. a decline in both recognition and recall

e. no decline in either recall or encoding

c. a decline in recall but not recognition

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Erik Erikkson maintained that the two basic aspects of life that dominate adulthood are

a. identity and independence

b. intimacy and identity

c. intimacy and generativity

d. independence and generativity

e. autonomy and trust

c. intimacy and generativity

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Kathryn and Rafael's third and last child is leaving home for college next year. Their empty nest is likely to be a(n) ________ place.

a. depressed

b. happy

c. anxious

d. boring

e. stressful

b. happy

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An integrated understanding of successful aging in terms of appropriate nutrition, family support, and an optimistic outlook is most clearly provided by

a. a cross-sectional study

b. social intuitionist theory

c. a biopsychosocial approach

d. Piaget's cognitive development theory

e. Harlow's attachment theory

c. a biopsychosocial approach

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Abner, a 70-year-old retired teacher, feels that his life has not been of any real value or significance. According to Erikson, Abner has failed to achieve a sense of

a. basic trust

b. intimacy

c. autonomy

d. integrity

e. competence

d. integrity

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