Latin America = ?
An area that included Mexico, the Caribbean Islands, Central America, and South America.
Before the independence of the Latin American countries was well established, Spain sought the support of other European powers in reconquering its former colonies. Which two countries opposed Spain’s plan?
Great Britain.
The United States.
The Monroe Doctrine = ?
A document issued by President James Monroe that warned European powers not to interfere in the countries of the Western Hemisphere.
What were the two major parts of the Monroe Doctrine? What did they say?
The American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assured and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.
We should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.
When Great Britain was in conflict with Venezuela over the boundaries of British Guiana, the U.S. urged the dispute be submitted to what?
Arbitration, or settlement by a third party that is agreeable to both sides.
The Cubans’ struggle for freedom attracted much ______ from the United States.
^ Sympathy
American politicians began clamoring for war with _____, joined by businesspeople who had invested in Cuba.
^ Spain
President William McKinley ordered a battleship to Havana. What was the name of this battleship?
The Maine.
An explosion ripped through the Maine while it was still anchored in Havana harbor, and did what?
Sunk the ship.
Killed 260 American sailors.
After the incident with the Maine, many Americans speculated that it was Spain who was responsible for the disaster. So, what did Congress do?
Declared war on Spain.
In the late 1800s, the U.S. made many significant territorial gains. List as many as you can.
It purchased Alaska from Russia.
It annexed Hawaii.
It gained territories from Spain (the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico).
It purchased the Virgin Islands from Denmark.
When the United States needed the ability to move its fleet quickly between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, what seemed to be the solution?
A canal across the Isthmus of Panama, a narrow neck of land that linked Central America and South America.
The Frenchman Ferdinand de Lesseps, who had built the Suez Canal, did what?
Tried and failed to build a canal in Panama.
President Theodore Roosevelt received the backing of Congress to acquire the Panama canal ______ and _________.
^ Rights
^ Property
When Columbia refused to give the U.S. land to build the canal, the U.S. did what?
American agents encouraged the people of Panama to revolt against the government of Columbia.
The ________ __ __________ quickly signed a treaty granting the U.S. land to build the Panama Canal.
^ Republic of Panama
The construction of the canal lasted __ years and more than __ thousand workers to complete.
^ 10
^ 40,000
The Roosevelt Corollary = ?
An extension of the Monroe Doctrine that stated the U.S. would actively force Latin American countries to honor their foreign debts.
The U.S. saw its intervention in Latin America as ________; meanwhile, Latin Americans saw it as a ________ ____ __ __________.
^ Goodwill
^ Revamped Form Of Imperialism
La Reforma = ?
After the Mexican War, Mexico entered an era of change.
President Benito Juárez = ?
Reduced the power of the military, separated church and state, improved the lives of impoverished farmers.
When Mexico could not pay its foreign debts, ______ troops occupied Mexico City.
^ French
Austrian Archduke Maximilian = ?
The French-supported emperor of Mexico.
The French withdrew their troops from Mexico City after what?
The U.S. started to apply pressure.
After Juárez returned to power, he ordered his forces to do what?
Oust and execute Maximilian.
General Porfirio Díaz = ?
Strengthened the army and limited individual freedoms.
Advanced Mexico’s economy.
While the rich prospered under Díaz’s rule, the poor remained what?
Without money and unhappy.
Soldaderas = ?
Women soldiers.
Francisco Madero = ?
A liberal reformer whose supporters overthrew Díaz.
Victoriano Huerta = ?
One of Madero’s trusted generals.
Assassinated Madero.
Was toppled from power by Mexican revolts and U.S. intervention.
Three revolutionary leaders competed for power. Who were they?
Emiliano Zapata → One of the Losers
Francisco “Pancho” Villa → One of the Losers
Venustiano Carranza → The Victor
In retaliation of losing the presidential race, ____ crossed the border into New Mexico and killed 18 Americans.
^ Villa
General Álvaro Obregón = ?
Came to power after Carranza’s assassination.
Improved relations between Mexico and the U.S.
Left office in 1924.
Returned to office in 1928 and was subsequently assassinated.