900-1400 AD
The Great Schism (1054): Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic split, 2 larges denominations of Churches created, conflicts: unleavened bread (Catholics), wording of Nicene, Clerics remaining celibate (Catholic), struggle for political power (Pope v Patriarch), Long standing excommunication decrees lifted between Pope Paul VI & Patriarch Athenagoras in 1965
St. Bernard Clairvaux (1090-1153): Joined dying monastery age 20 (revived cause brothers, uncles, & friends joined w/ him), over years became arbiter between people in Church, advised Pope, settled schism in favor of Roman Pontiff over antipope, Holy See encouraged him preach 2nd Crusade, felt guilty afterwards
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274): Greatest Scholastic Philosopher, regarded model teacher of those studying priesthood, fell ill on way to Council of Lyon & died