Criminal justice
Forensic Science
Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR)
Risk-Need-Responsivity Model
General Responsivity
Specific Responsivity
Criminal Justice Risk and Risk Assessment
Dynamic Risk
Criminogenic Needs
Big Four
Central Eight
Substance Abuse
Criminal Thinking
Antisocial Cognitions
Antisocial Personality Pattern
Antisocial Associates and Social Supports
Risk of Recidivism
Identifying Targets for Programming
RNR model
Risk-Need-Responsivity model for correctional programming
Evidence-based correctional initiatives
Correctional programs based on scientific research and empirical evidence
Static risk level
An individual's unchanging level of risk for criminal behavior
Dynamic risk factors
Factors that can change over time and influence an individual's likelihood to engage in criminal behavior
Correctional interventions
Programs or treatments aimed at reducing an individual's risk for criminal behavior
Risk-need connection
The relationship between an individual's risk level and their specific needs that contribute to criminal behavior
The alignment of service intensity with the offender's static risk level.
Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) Framework
A framework that focuses on individual-level factors that contribute to criminal behavior, with certain types of interventions more likely to reduce recidivism.
Static Risk Level
An offender's risk level that remains constant over time and is determined by factors such as prior criminal history.
Criminogenic Demands
Needs that are directly associated with recidivism and should be the primary focus of rehabilitation efforts.
General Responsivity
The use of evidence-based behavioral, social learning, and cognitive-behavioral treatment strategies in rehabilitation efforts.
Specific Responsivity
The tailoring of rehabilitation services to the individual needs and characteristics of each offender, including their strengths, motivations, preferences, personality, age, gender, ethnicity, and cultural identifications.
Human Services-Based Approach
A rehabilitative approach that emphasizes the need for a supportive and personalized approach to rehabilitation, as opposed to a punitive or retributive approach.
Empirical Research
Research that is based on observation, measurement, and experimentation and is used to support evidence-based practices in rehabilitation efforts.