Codex Vigilanus
The codex was the first mention of arabic numerals in the West. It was introduced by Arabs into Spain. It was made by the Spanish monks
Who controlled Spain before the Moorish Muslim Invasion?
Christan Visigoths
Muslim Irrigation + Aqueducts
Irrigation became very advance and led to Spain being the center for Muslim life (in the arab world). Advances in agriculture created an oppourtunity for new produce to grow in Spain.
Spanish language
Spanish words took a lot of inspiration from Arabic
Samuel Hanagid
Became the prince/leader of the jews who had the same level of authority as the Exilarch in Babylonia. He managed a Talmud academy and wrote an intro to the Talmud + Hebrew Dictionary.
Judah Halevi
Jewish physician, poet, and philosopher who spread his love for Israel in his poems. He traveled to Israel at the end of his life bc it was his dream. An Arab murdered him.
Jewish School in 1180 in Muslim Spain
Jewish boys were taught the Torah but also taught Math and philosophy to blend in with Spain culture and to advance the Jewish religion. The Jews connected the more general subjects like poetry with their Torah and Mishna learning.
Who invaded Spain in 711?
Berber North African Moors under Arab leadership invaded Spain from Morocco
Five Pillars of Islam
Declaration of faith, prayer (5 times per day) , Charity, fasting (Ramadan- In honour of the Quran), and pilgrimage (Visiting Meca)
Founder of Islam, Took a lot of inspiration from Judaism for the religion, Forced to leave Meca and he went to Medina
charity; obligatory for all Muslims
5 daily prayers (Early morning, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and evening)
Pilgrimage to Mecca
holy war
Jizya tax
non Muslims had to pay it in exchange for protection and keeping their religion
Pact of Umar
treaty between the Muslims and the Jews (for their protection- Jews were seen as second class) Exp. No public display of religion except for Muslims
The community of all Muslims
Umar (634-644)
Abu's successor led conquests in Palestine, North Africa, Egypt, etc
Abu Bkr
succeeded Muhammad as the first caliph- brought the Arabs back to Islam
Supersessionism/Replacement theology
Replacing with an improvement (Christianity replaced Judaism. Islam replaces both Judaism and Christianity)