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Absolute Mobility
Where people in current generation are doing better than their parent’s generation (respect to income, decreasing)
Relative Mobility
How one’s position compares to their parent’s position in social structure
Social Reproduction Theory
Why there is a tendency for people to end up in similar economic positions as their parents
Cultural capital
General background, knowledge, and skills that passed from one generation to the next
Social Capital
The resources we can access and mobilize through our social networks
Attitudes, beliefs, and experiences of those inhabiting one’s social world (sense of whats comfortable/natural)
Concerted Cultivation: Upper middle class, daliy life organized, encouraged to ask questions; sense of entitlement
Natural growth parenting styles: ALlows lots of free time to structure on their own, not as much communication, deference to authority and other adults
Social class patterns in help-seeking behavior
Higher class seek more help than middle/lower class
Hidden curriculum
Unwritten rules and expectations that are conveyed in schools; what else do students learn
Correspondence principle
Schools set up to reproduce class position by preparing kids for different kinds of jobs
Seasonal comparison research
SES testing gaps increase during summer and decrease during school year. Black-white testing gaps increase during school year and less during summer
No child left behind
A federal law enacted in 2001 aimed at improving educational outcomes for all students. Major impact on public education, mandating testing in most grades each year
Perry School Project
A study focusing on early childhood education for disadvantaged children, demonstrating long-term positive effects on academic and social outcomes compared to short term
Project STARR
Small class kids more likely to go to college, difference across teachers for earning and performance in college
School choice policies
Idea was to give families freedom to choose and increase competition while breaking up public school monopoly to better academic outcomes
Charter schools
Public schools run by developers, bypass control of school board, local education bureaucracies. Mixed results and increase in segregation
Tax Subsidy for private schools, mixed effects
Selection Bias
Kids selected into charter schools tend to be higher SES and test higher, resulting in better selection of data (which schools are better)
Fundamental causes of disease
SES and how people come to be exposed to risk factors, drive access to resources
Proximate causes of disease
factors that directly affect health outcomes, like stress
Issues of focusing on proximate causes
Doesn’t address root causes of health disparities
Chronic exposure to social and economic disadvantages can lead to an accelerated health decline
Childbirth mortality and weathing
Mothers who dealt with disparities had more stressors which increased chances of childbirth mortality
The physical characteristics assigned to someone at birth
The identity and role someone connects to
Gender socialization
People are socialized into genders and gender behaviors, something that we do
Political sphere and gender inequality
Large underrepresentation of women in politics
Economic gender inequality
Large gap in pay between genders
Occupational sex segregation
Women’s jobs tend to be less lucrative due to devaluation of women’s work
Household division of labor
Positions men and women differently for work
Motherhood penalty
Mother’s less likely to get a job than women who don’t have kids despite similar experience
Legally prohibited discrimination exists when same employers pay women less for the same work
Social infrastructure
The physical places and organizations that shape the way people interact (Libraries, parks, schools)
Gender Gaps in Education
Decline in men going to college, women being incentivized to go to college
Red Shirt the Boys
the idea of holding boys back to allow them to mature and develop since they are slower at development than women