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Quantity Demanded (Qd)

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Quantity Demanded (Qd)

The amount of a good consumers are willing and able to buy at a specific price. Qd is a point on the curve.

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Demand/Demand Curve

The relationship between price and Qd of a certain good.

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Law of demand states that

As the price of a good increases, the demand of a good decreases

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Why is the demand curve downward sloping?

  1. Substitution effect - if good A’s price increases then good B’s demand will increase because good B is a substitute of good A. Thus the Qd of good A decreases.

  2. Income effect - as price rises, you are less able to afford that good —> Qd decreases (& vice versa)

  3. Law of diminishing marginal utility - as you consume more of one thing, the happiness you get decreases.

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  1. Tastes & Preferences

  2. Income

  3. Price of related goods

  4. No. of consumers

  5. Future expectations

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Tastes & Preferences

Example: an influencer states that wearing jeans is not in style anymore. Thus, the demand for jeans decreases as tastes & preferences have changed

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2 types of goods:

  1. Normal good: when income increases, demand for this good increases e.g. expensive yacht

  2. Inferior good: when income increases, demand for this good decreases e.g. cheap clothing

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Price of related goods


Pasta and rice are substitutes of each other. Pasta’s price increases thus rice’s demand increases as it is cheaper. Leading to a fall in demand for Pasta.


A desk and chair are complementary goods. These are goods that are usually bought together. If the price of a desk increases, it becomes more expensive to buy both a desk + chair. Thus, demand for chairs decrease.

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No. of consumers

If there are more consumers, there is more demand. If there are less consumers, there is less demand.

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Future expectations

If people expect the prices of a good to be expensive next month, demand for that good will increase for this month. Demand for that good next month will decrease.

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A change in price causes ______

a movement along the curve NOT a shift in the curve

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If demand decreases, then the demand curve _____

shifts to the left

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If demand increases, then the demand curve _______

shifts to the right

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