Who led the US at the start of the Cold War?
Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)
Who was the leader in France?
Charles De Gaulie (1940-1958,1959-1969)
Who was the leader(s) in Great Britain?
Winston Churchill (1940-1945, 1951-1955)
Clement Attlee (1945-1951)
Who was the leader in the USSR?
Joseph Stalin (1955-1964)
Who worked with Stalin in the communist party?
Nikita Khrushchev (1955-1964)
Led the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War
Ruled with Stalin, serving as premier
Yalta Conference
Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill attend
Occupied lands divide in 4 zones
Most Asian countries - N & S Korea, Vietnam
Germany, East and West
What was Problem #1?
During Yalta Conference:
USSR: Germany has to pay
US: Germany only pays what they can
They also help in Pacific with Japan
What is Problem #2?
USSR: Poland gov friendly to USSR
USA: Poland should be free
Compromise: USSR sets up government in Poland, Poland would have a free election
Potsdam Conference (Problem #3)
USA forces USSR to not collect money
USA pushes free elections
What is Problem #4?
USSR wants Satellite nations
Eastern Europe must be communist
What is problem #5?
Long Telegram
Containment: Keep communism from spreading (CIA is made)
What is problem #6?
Winston’s Churchill speech: The Iron Curtain
Imaginary line dividing Easter Europe from West
What is Problem #7?
Truman Doctrine
Support free people’s resisting attack against communism
What is Problem #8?
NATO: Included W Europe & American against Russia
Warsaw Pact: Defense Treaty between Satellite Nations and Russia