Cover core contents from - L11 : leukorrhea, STD, HIV infection - L23 : infectious disease in pregnancy
What are 5 components of vaginal secretion?
Vulvar secretion
Exfoliated cells from cervix & vagina
Transudate from vagina
Endometrial / oviduct fluid
Cervical mucous
Which hormone is responsible for glycogen formation in the vagina?
What are 4 principal outcome of STD therapy?
Microbiological eradication
Alleviate symptoms
Sequelae prevention
Transmission prevention
What are Amsel’s criteria for bacterial vaginosis?
Thin white gray homogenous discharge
Positive Whiff test
pH >4.5
Clue cell >20% of epithelial cells
What is the gold standard for the diagnosis of BV?
Gram stain
What is the gold standard for the diagnosis of trichomoniasis?
Culture, NAAT
Antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis
Metronidazole 500 mg oral 2 × 7
Antibiotics for trichomoniasis in affected patient
Metronidazole 500 mg oral 2 × 7
Antibiotics for trichomoniasis in sexual partner
Metronidazole 2 g oral single dose
Which disease causing abnormal vaginal discharge requires follow-up?
Trichomonas vaginalis (3 months)
After treatment, patients with trichomonas vaginalis should be retested at ___ months
3 months
Which disease causing abnormal vaginal discharge increases the risk of HIV infection?
Trichomonas vaginalis
Which disease causing abnormal vaginal discharge increases the risk of post-cesarean endometritis?
Bacterial vaginosis
Which disease causing abnormal vaginal discharge increases the risk of abnormal cervical cytology?
Bacterial vaginosis
BV and trichomoniasis can cause which complications during pregnancy?
Preterm labor
Chorioamnionitis (BV)
Antibiotics for vaginal candidiasis
Clotrimazole 100 mg suppository 1 × 7
Fluconazole 150 mg oral single dose
Antipruritics: CPM, hydroxyzine
Antibiotics for vaginal candidiasis in pregnancy
Clotrimazole 100 mg suppository 1 × 7
Cervicitis usually presents with which symptoms?
Purulent exudate (WBC >10/HPF)
Cervix that easily bleeds
Leukorrhea is a sensitive indicator for ___?
Cervical inflammation (cervicitis)
Patients with leukorrhea should be tested for which infection?
HIV and syphilis
Antibiotics for gonococcal infection in affected patient
Ceftriaxone 500 mg IM single dose + Azithromycin 1 g oral single dose
Antibiotics for gonococcal infection in sexual partner
Cefixime 400 mg oral single dose + Azithromycin 1 g oral single dose
Which pathogen causes genital ulcers that involve a superficial skin layer?
Which pathogen causes genital ulcers that involve a deep skin layer with undermined edge?
Which pathogen causes genital ulcers that involve a deep skin layer with smooth indurated edge?
Which pathogen causes genital ulcers that involve dysuria?
What is the diagnostic test for chancroid?
Culture for H.ducreyi
What is the diagnostic test for HSV genital ulcer?
What are criteria for probable diagnosis of chancroid?
Painful genital ulcers
Regional lymphadenopathy
Negative for syphilis
Negative for HSV
Antibiotics for chancroid
Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM single dose /
Azithromycin 1 g oral single dose
Antibiotics for primary syphilis
Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 MU IM single dose
Non-treponemal test detects antibody to ___?
Cardiolipin-cholesterol-lecithin antigen
Non-treponemal test usually report as ___
Antibody titer
Treponemal test usually report as ___
Reactive / non-reactive
What are possible causes for false negative non-treponemal test?
Prozone phenomenon
Early infection
Late latent infection
What are HIV treatment goal for Thailand in 2573?
No new congenital HIV
New cases <1,000 / year
Access to ARV & no stigmatization
Recommended HAART regimen
TDF / TAF + Emtricitabine / Lamivudine + Dolutegravir
What is the management for pregnant woman receiving dolutegravir?
Risk of neural tube defect ↑
Folic acid 4 mg
Ultrasound screening
Which ARV drug should not be used with ergots?
Lopinavir / ritonavir (CYP inhibitor)
Which ARV drug, if taken with ergots, decreases their serum concentration?
Efavirenz (CYP inducer)
What is the drug regimen for pregnant woman GA >32 weeks with HIV VL >1,000?
Emtricitabine / Lamivudine
Goal: ใช้ยา 4 ตัวเพื่อลดระดับไวรัสให้เร็วที่สุด
What is the delivery method for pregnant woman with HIV VL >1,000?
Zidovudine 600 mg
Elective C/S before labor at GA 38 weeks
Avoid ARM & invasive monitoring
Avoid LPV/r + ergots
What is the delivery method for pregnant woman with HIV VL 50-1,000?
Zidovudine 600 mg
Can try vaginal delivery
What is the delivery method for pregnant woman with HIV VL <50?
Zidovudine is optional
Can try vaginal delivery
Pregnant woman receiving ART before GA 20 weeks should be tested for HIV VL at GA ___
GA 32 weeks
Pregnant woman receiving ART after GA 20 weeks for >12 weeks should be tested for HIV VL at GA ___
GA 34-36 weeks
Pregnant woman receiving ART after GA 20 weeks for <12 weeks should be tested for HIV VL at GA ___
GA 36 weeks
What is the formula for daily PrEP?
TDF/FTC x 1 daily for at least 7 days
What is the formula for on-demand PrEP?
TDF/FTC x2 2-24 hrs before SI
x1 daily until 2 days after last SI
What is the formula for PEP?
TDF/FTC + DTG within 72 hours after SI for 28 days
When is the risk of HIV vertical transmission highest?
36 weeks labor
During labor
What are risk factors of HIV vertical transmission?
Prolong ROM
Placental disruption
Vaginal delivery
Invasive fetal monitoring
Which antiretroviral drug should be given to a newborn with high risk of contracting HIV?
Zidovudine syrup 4 mg/kg q 12 hours x 4 weeks
Lamivudine syrup 2 mg/kg q 12 hours x 4 weeks
Nevirapine syrup 4 mg/kg q 24 hours x 4 weeks
Which antiretroviral drug should be given to a newborn with standard risk of contracting HIV?
Zidovudine 4 mg/kg q 12 hours x 4 weeks
Newborns with high risk of contracting HIV should receive HIV PCR at ___ months
1, 2, 4 months
Newborns with standard risk of contracting HIV should receive HIV PCR at ___ months
1, 2-4 months
Window period of hepatitis B infection is a state when ___ (2) are both negative
HBsAg and Anti-HBs
What is the risk factor of HBV vertical transmission?
Absence of post-exposure prophylaxis
What is the prophylaxis to HBV infection in infants born to mothers with HBsAg+?
HBIG within 12 hours
HBV vaccine at 0, 1, 6 months
Which factors are associated with failure of HBV immunoprophylaxis?
HBeAg +
High viral load (>200,000 units / >1,000,000 copy/ml)
When is the timing for maternal HBV antiviral therapy to be initiated?
Early 3rd trimester
→ Lamivudine, Tenofovir
Which laboratory test should be done in mother with HBsAg+?
HBeAg & ALT at GA 18-20 weeks
HBeAg+ → TDF at 26-30 weeks
ALT ↑ → Med
What is the management for women with HBsAg+ and HBeAg+?
Start TDF at GA 26-30 weeks
What is the postpartum management for women with HBsAg+ and HBeAg+?
Stop TDF at 4 weeks
ALT at 6 weeks
Which vaccines administered during pregnancy have maternal benefit?
Tetanus toxoid
Hepatitis A & B
Which vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy?
Influenza (live-attenuated)
When should influenza and tetanus vaccine be administered during pregnancy?
Influenza (inactivated) x1 during 2nd / 3rd trimester
Tdap x1 : 20-32 weeks