Biological Approach THEORY/Concept of Attraction (Evolutionary)
Wedekind (1995)
Biological Approach THEORY/Concept of Attraction (Neurotransmitters)
Fischer (2003) CT: Strength
- Method Triangulation (fMRI, semi-structured interviews, and a Likert scale questionnaire) → They used both objective and subjective measures.
- Internal Validity (Control i.e. same time each image was presented)
Fischer (2003) CT: Weakness
- Low Mundane Realism
- Order Effects (repeated measures design - was the brain activation impacted by which image was shown first?)
- Likert Scale (subjective) → Also Low Construct Validity
Fisher (2003) Research Method
True (lab) Experiment
Repeated Measures
IV: Neutral Object vs Loved Person
DV: Dopamine levels and areas of the brain activated.