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cold winters
Rocky soil
Short growing season
coastal harbors
fertile soil
Deep harbor in NY
abundant natural resource
Hot (sub-tropical)
Longest growing season/good soil
religious freedom
profit off of trade
Religious freedom
for profit/ Proprietorships
royal charters
For profit
royal charters
Maritime-shipping & exports
Trade centers
small family farms
Food: wheat, corn
cattle, pigs
agriculture (plantation society)- cash crops for export (Tobacco, Rice, Indigo)
Slavery/slave labor
little to no manufacturing
Mass/ Plymouth had Theocracies (Puritan)
Town Halls
Mayflower compact
Fundamental orders of Connecticut
Pennsylvania and Delaware: Representative governments
New York & New Jersey: Controlled by England
Gentry/ Landed Aristocracy held power
VA- First representatives- House of Burgesses
Most colonies answered to the King
No religious freedom in Mass. Bay/Plymouth
Rhode Island has religious freedom
Most- evangelical/congregational Christians
Maryland= Catholic, Toleration Act
Religious freedom except VA (Anglican)
Education was for upper class, men
Educational center
Harvard (Boston, MASS)
Brown (RI)
Yale (Conn.)
Education was for upper class
King's College-NY
Queen’s College-NY
Princeton College-NJ
Education was for upper class, men
Less higher learning institutions
College of William and Mary (VA)
Small family plots
community land
land for the church
Smaller, nearby farms
As immigrants came land became more scarce and Native land was taken
Aristocratic gentry owned most of land for large plantations
some small farmers/back country land, pushed boundaries with Native land
More families
less slaves (less black population)
Mostly English
More densely populated/urban centers
Very diverse, forcing toleration in the Middle Colonies.
English, German, Scots-Irish, Dutch
Large amount of slaves (higher % black population)
Less families/women than in north
Bradford- Plymouth, Mayflower Compact
John Winthrop, Massachusetts Bay (“City Upon A Hill”)
Pequot War
Metacom's War
Navigation Acts
“Dominion of New England”
Great Awakening/ Revivalism
George Whitfield
Jonathan Edwards “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
Banishment of R. Williams and A. Hutchinson= foundation of Rhode Island/Connecticut (T. Hooker)
Salem Witch Trials
Navigation Acts
Immigration influx (German, Scots-Irish)
William Penn, Pennsylvania
Establishment of Jamestown, first colony
Indian War of 1622 (VA)
Lord Baltimore settles catholics in Maryland
Bacon’s Rebellion (VA)
Navigation Acts
Stono Rebellion (SC)
Maryland Act of Toleration