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a la vez / al mismo tiempo
Meaning "at the same time" in English, it is used to describe simultaneous actions or events.
a saber / es decir / específicamente
that is to say, namely
así pues / de esta manera / en consecuencia
therefore, thus, accordingly
asimismo / igualmente / también
meaning "likewise" or "also" in English, used to indicate agreement or addition.
asomar / aparecer / mostrarse
to show up or appear
carcajada / risa enérgica
a loud, hearty laugh.
comportamiento / forma de actuar
behavior or conduct of a person.
chiste / broma
a joke or humorous remark.
de hecho / en realidad / verdaderamente
actually; in fact; indeed
deprimente / triste / depresivo
causing feelings of sadness or gloom.
despejar / limpiar / aclarar
to clear up or make something clean/clear.
eficacia / efectividad / eficiencia
the ability to produce a desired result or effect.
empresa / compañía / negocio
an organization engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
entorno / ambiente / lo que rodea
the surrounding environment or setting.
envolver / cubrir / empaquetar
to wrap or cover something, often for protection or presentation.
herramienta / instrumento
a device or implement used to carry out a particular function or task.
hoy día / en estos tiempos / ahora
nowadays or these days, referring to the present time or current era.
lanzar / tirar / echar
to throw or toss something, often with force or intention.
promover / impulsar / iniciar
to promote, drive, or initiate an action, idea, or cause.
restar / disminuir / quitar
to subtract, reduce, or take away an amount.
acoger / recibir
to welcome or receive someone or something warmly.
afición / interés
a hobby or interest that one enjoys or is passionate about.
atraer / captar el interés de
to attract or capture someone's interest or attention.
azotar / devastar
to whip or devastate something, often used in the context of natural disasters or severe actions.
culpar / hacer responsable
to blame or hold someone responsible for a fault or wrongdoing.
ejercer / practicar
to exercise or practice a skill or profession.
to overshadow or darken something, often implying a loss of clarity or brightness.
to impose or apply a charge, tax, or duty.
magisterio / enseñanza
the profession of teaching or education, often referring to the role of a teacher.
quehacer / trabajo
a chore or task, often in the home
rebatir / refutar
to argue against or challenge something, typically by offering counterarguments.
regañar / reprender
to scold, usually in a harsh or irritated manner, often used for correcting behavior.
something that has been downgraded, dismissed, or placed in a lower position
sobresalir / distinguirse
to stand out, to excel, or to be more noticeable than others.